Another Orbit
I write this missive at 10:22 am, even though you won’t get it for a bit longer. Effective immediately, I have completed another orbit around the sun and begin the next one.
This is not to guilt you into wishing me a happy birthday. Today feels like yesterday and I guess after 45 of these they aren’t really that significant anymore.
As I do every year, I ask you to do one thing. Contribute to the Salvation Army, the non-profit I have chosen to support this year. You can donate here. Given the situation in the country, the lives out of place, and the property destroyed, now is the time to step and give to an organization helping all in every community.
Also, I am sending this to the subscribed and the not-subscribed. If you are not a subscriber, please consider subscribing for just $7.00 a month.
If you are a subscriber, please consider gifting a subscription to someone else.
I’m closing comments so no one feels compelled to offer birthday wishes. I’d much prefer you help the Salvation Army or a local non-profit in your community. Washington is not going to fix what ails us. But you and I can by committing to seek the welfare of the cities and towns in which we live.
All the best,