A lot of supposedly well meaning people spent a great deal of time for four years telling us it was Trump. If only we had someone competent, kind, and capable, things would be better. Biden became their answer.
Today, Afghanistan is botched, “sources say” Joe Biden is going to hold grudges, and the people who told us it was just Trump are now telling us not to believe our lying eyes — actually everything in Afghanistan went exceedingly well.
The people who assured us they were honest brokers turned out to be the partisan hacks we always suspected. Biden bungled Afghanistan and they refuse to admit it, cannot acknowledge it, and want to perform for scraps from Biden’s table.
Arne Duncan, Obama’s Secretary of Education, is comparing people who refuse vaccines to the Taliban. The Taliban is gunning people down in the street, rounding up girls, and searching houses for privately held weapons. But sure.
On the Republican side, people have decided they’d rather take a medicine produced for horses and for people with parasites than trust a vaccine that is showing real world success — better success than ivermectin. Concurrently, the left is assailing anyone who even suggests ivermectin is showing success, though it is, because they want everyone to take the vaccine. The scholars and public health officials have given up even considering existing medicines for treatment of a global pandemic and would prefer to stage hospital walkouts and insults to bully people into a vaccine they do not want. Instead of trying everything, both sides want the other to just drop dead.
The whole world has lost its mind.
At Amherst, despite a fully vaccinated student population, they are limiting mobility, access to dining facilities, and more to stop a virus no one on campus has. In Australia, they’re rounding people up and killing dogs over COVID instead of pushing the vaccine.
They all scream “follow the science” and ignore the science. The CDC, which has lost everyone’s trust, is now focused on inclusive language so girls who think they are boys don’t get their feelings hurt. The CDC also now wants to expand its studies into gun control just as the Taliban begins door-to-door searches for guns in Kabul.
Meanwhile, the American State Department is telling people no one who wanted to leave Afghanistan has been left behind while the American media is interviewing people left behind.
We are governed by Crazytown. We have handed society over to the insane to rule the roost. The worst of us control the rest of us and more and more they’re revealing they are who we always thought they were.
It is not only crazy, but it is unsustainable. Something bad is going to come soon and we will not be prepared for it. The virus should have been our wake-up call, but we kept yelling at each other. God is going to get our attention soon and it is going to force sanity or cull the insane. It is predictable, unfortunate, and avoidable. But Crazytown is gonna stay crazy as long as it can.
It seems what you are saying Erick, biblically, God had to teach His children, the Isralites, by punishing them when they don't do as He said. What I call going "Old Testament" on them. I agree. And I think God is about to go "Old Testament" on the USA! To instruct and humble us.
Who are the puppet masters behind Biden? If there wasn’t an agenda then he would have been retired long ago.