I was hoping for a setting to adjudicate Jan 6th and Nov 3rd

Revolver.news has interesting article about CEO Leader of Oath Keepers. Was Jan.6th planned with FBI working within group.

Please look into the unindicted



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This might be the most disingenuous post ever...str8 out of the fox news playbook. Whataboutism to the fullest. Wow!

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Re Jan 6th: I have a few unanswered questions which, IMO, need to be answered, as were they answered, the "need" for The Democrats' Grand Inquisition with Comrade Pelosi in the role of the Grand Inquisitor would disappear: 1) Why can't we, the people see the thousands of feet of surveillance video of inside the Capitol which exist, so that we can see exactly what happened? 2) There are abundant reports that the Capitol Police had ample warning that there might be an attempt to occupy the Capitol building days before the event. Why were they not heeded? 3) Similarly, why were National Guard personnel already in D.C sent to stand guard over everything EXCEPT the Capitol building? 4) Given 2) and 3), why was no public warning given that the authorities knew what was afoot, in an attempt - one which I believe would have been successful - to dissuade the casual curiosity seeker from joining the hard core dummies in entering the building? And finally, 5) Who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt? If we need to know the name of every police officer who used deadly force last summer, it only seems reasonable that Ms. Babbitt's killer should be subject to the same level of publicity.

We all know what the Grand Inquisition's goal is, namely to follow James Carville's advice and try to hang January 6th around the necks of every person who refuses to be made to care. And we know when the Inquisition's "reports" will be made; an interim one in early fall 2022, and a final one in early fall 2024, "coincidentally" timed to be released just before the midterm and general elections respectively. We also know that the actions of Comrade Pelosi, who has absolute veto power over who sits on the Inquisition, reveal that appointing Never Trumper Liz Cheney to it represents a sufficient nod to "bipartisanship", prove that the fix is in, and that the left sees a continuation and expansion of the existing "January 6th insurrection" narrative is all which is needed to cement its control over the American polity for all time.

We're all best served establishing our counternarrative based on the questions I have listed above as a starting point., and letting it take us where the actual truth, not the left's fantasies, does.

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I live in an “upscale” apartment in Sandy Springs. My rent is more than your house payment. Last August, rioters (protestors) moved in with no intention to pay rent but to protest. I came down with shingles due to stress over grifters and squatters in my “upscale” complex threatening to burn the place down. I forgot my point due to the varicella virus invading my brain.

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'Free itself again from left-wing group think and actually be a fair and impartial press." This is a joke, right? The MSM is the heart of far left group think. It is the seducer not the seducee. Can a heart free itself from the rest of the body? The MSM will NEVER reform and become "fair and impartial" It is both naive and defeating to hope that this is a possibility. It will never happen.

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AT&T just sold CNN to Discovery, probably the most middle American network around. Couldn't the management be pressured to make some changes by the people that like Fixer Upper or Pioneer Woman?

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Have you seen the science content Discovery, and its satellite channels broadcast? It's full of "climate change this, and man caused ecological disaster that" speak. The answer to your question, Wayne, is NO.

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Have you considered having some of your many friends in the media come on and discuss their perspectives, especially those on the hard left (I know, they ALL seem to be on the hard left)? It would seem they should be called to account for their biases and confronted directly for their double-standards.

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I’m convinced that mainstream media needs to be destroyed. Leadership of these companies need to be held in contempt and fined for misleading Americans.

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So true. Yet most libs will stay say, "yes, but this...THIS was the US Capital...".

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John….. “o” no!!

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I supported and voted for Trump because I knew that the Democrats want to destroy the U.S. and rebuild it as a socialist utopia where wealth is redistributed for the cause of "equity". They want open borders so that local municipalities are overburdened and are forced to turn control over to the U.S. government. They are determined to eliminate the 2nd amendment and severely restrict the 1st amendment. They want to force schools to allow men to compete in woman's sports teams. They want to use our hard earned money/tax dollars to fund abortion/murdering of children on demand worldwide. The list goes on and on. These goals are already being implemented and pushed by the Biden Administration. (Thank you very much suburban, evangelical, Republican, and independent Biden voters!!! I hope you are happy that you no longer have to endure mean tweets!!!). That being said....I was very disappointed that after the loss, Trump did not concede and started this ill advised "stop the steal" nonsense. This led to the Capitol riot that the Democrats and press are using to denigrate all Conservatives. I strongly condemn the illegal entry, destruction, assault etc. that happened that day and support full accountability of their actions. But, to exaggerate this riot and say it is worse than 9/11 (where over 3000 people died) and the Civil War (where over 500,000 Americans died) is completely stupid and moronic. Also, claiming that you are traumatized by an idiot with make-up and horns on his head is ridiculous and does not "pass the laugh test".

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You know the one thing that could have prevented the claim that the vote was stolen was for everyone to have stood back and let certain out of the ordinary election activity been investigated. The very second they started screaming to the Heavens that this was "the most fair election process in history", when we all saw the chaos, there was no way a large portion of the country was going to believe it wasn't stolen.

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Read Saul Alinsky and you'll know why the left's protestations were predictable, in both volume of protest as well as their content.

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Erick, they don't care. This isn't about somehow pointing out their obvious bias, believing they'll recant and become centrists. This is about a race to determine which media outlet will become Soviet Russia's Pravda for the U.S. Right now they're all in a tie for first place. Going further left might mean they become the government's 'official' voice. It is no longer about fair. They don't care about fair, they care about the extinction of the republic and are shameless in that narrative.

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You forgot the Kavanaugh hearings...when "protesters" invaded the Senate confirmation hearings and the Capitol police recommended that Senators and their staff use the tunnels to avoid being attacked.

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Even IF the press could turn itself around and start reporting the news instead of what only the right is doing, it would take a LOT of time for me to believe in them again. Not sure I ever could.

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As WaPo says in their motto "Democracy Dies in Darkness"...

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How do we get BACK an "honest" press when it has drifted SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH? It is frustrating watching this (once) great country deteriorate over time like a river rock loses its edges from years of water flowing over it.

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And worse yet, the Administrative State, which possesses the kind of long term power which transcends mere elected Administrations, and which has been thoroughly occupied by the Marxist radicals, is happy to shape the narrative so as to benefit their ideological allies among the ranks of those merely elected by the people, who contrary to most people's belief, don't wield enough power to successfully oppose it - something Donald Trump, much to his chagrin, discovered.

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