We now know more about the Colorado shooter.
His lawyers say he is non-binary and identifies with they/them pronouns.
His father was a porn star.
His mother was an arsonist.
But Ben Collins and MSNBC want you to know conservatives are to blame for this.
Get ready for them to memory hole the whole thing now that the fact pattern doesn’t fit the narratives.
Truth is, conservatives have long argued that the breakdown of the two-parent household and the corruption of traditional morals in a hedonistic society was going to cause all sorts of problems. We’ve been mocked pilloried, and blamed for the bad things happening.
Then, like with Jane’s Revenge, the Kavanaugh assassin, the mass assassination attempt on Republicans, the Wisconsin murderer who drove into a parade to kill people, etc. the media is rapidly going to memory hole this because of the inconvenient facts.
Take a listen.
Every time one of these events occurs, we on the right find ourselves praying that it wasn't a Trump supporter or evangelical Christian, or even a mildly conservative person (and it has to be a white male, preferably young and telegenically insane) who supports, say, the Heritage Foundation. We then sigh collectively as it once again proves to be one of their crazies. We have to be right 100% of the time; they only have to be right once, as that one incident will suffice as an example "right-wing terrorism" for a long, long time.
I, respectfully, disagree.
I’m the youngest of four children raised in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s by a single school teacher in Tucker.
My father was not allowed to see us.
His sister, a social worker, and our Methodist minister took my mother to Decatur to file for divorce in 1959.
Not one of us ever went to jail, or even thought about doing anything that might result in that, all went to college, raised 11 children between us that also, never went to jail, robbed anyone, shot anyone.
I believe what has changed is the way society views divorce, single parenthood, and generally allow people to not be responsible for their actions.
I also believe corporate America has aided in the breakdown of families. My husband traveled much of our 45 year marriage.
Like my mother, I was a “mean” parent who kept tabs on my kids, their friends and got involved at school, church and their activities.
It’s too easy, now, to let Big Brother to raise our children.