I’m doing a live stream broadcast at 9pm ET with Al Mohler and Andrew Walker of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Allie Beth Stuckey, and Hunter Baker.
We’ll be talking about the election and its impact on evangelical Christians. The show starts on YouTube at 9pm ET.
Communication around abortion needs to be done in using the Socratic method. Start at the end asking if it should be legal to terminate a born child and find the exact moment it is ok to terminate a baby. Is it 6 weeks or 7 weeks? Then ask what the difference is between those 2? Using the Bible for unbelievers isn’t effective. We have to convince the culture they can’t determine when a life begins, so all life must be protected. Failure to do so will end badly for America. Division could become so severe, it could lead to political violence on both sides of the aisle.
I got out after the shiny head guy got on and basically said I don't have a clue what happened. He can be an average guy on "experts say" on Von Haessliers show.