How Then Shall We Cry Wolf?
When the wolf finally comes, they'll blame the President for not securing the border.

When the President moved our embassy to Jerusalem, the American media and Democrats insisted it would destabilize the Middle East and spark a war.
It did not.
When the President withdrew from the Iran agreement, the media insisted Iran would rush to a nuclear weapon, never mind that it was continuing the work while under the agreement.
Iran still has no nuclear weapons.
When the President ordered Solemani killed, the media and Democrats said he would start World War III.
We are not in World War III.
When the Republicans passed tax cuts, the media and Democrats said people would die as a result. When they repealed net neutrality, they made the same claims and the claim that the internet would slow down. No one died and the average internet speed in the United States keeps going up.
Now the media and Democrats claim that President Trump is going to get us all killed with a coronavirus for what exactly? For trying to avoid sparking panic over the markets and runs on banks and grocery stores. Had Barack Obama gone on television and told everyone the markets looked fine and not to worry, the media would have praised his leadership. Donald Trump doing that sparked a media panic.
When the coronavirus first started spreading, the media’s overwhelming concern was not the virus, but anti-Asian bigotry. Now the media’s concern is President Trump in charge. Brian Stelter on CNN’s website penned an “analysis,” which is more of a screed against the President for attacking the media. Stelter claims the President does us all a disservice in getting information on the coronavirus by discrediting the media.
I think I have documented above that the media discredited itself. Consider Stelter himself. A few months ago, he had on a man who claimed the President is responsible for more people dying than Hitler. Stelter’s own television show packaged the clip and put it out on social media. Only after people were outraged by the claim did he pull an “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear him,” excuse — an excuse that rings unbelievable hollow considering his production team pushed the clip out on social media.
Democrats and even some reporters are claiming the President cut funding to the CDC and National Institutes of Health. But the Associated Press refutes the claims noting that the President proposed cuts and they have not been enacted.
Now the partisan response from the press and Democrats is that President Trump disbanded the Obama era partisan team in charge of pandemics. Yes, that team oversaw the Ebola situation — a situation that no longer exists. It is not remarkable that the media would echo a Democrat talking point that President Trump is going to get us all killed because he failed to keep a precious Obama era policy.
In fact, this is an echo of healthcare reform, tax cuts, the Paris Accord, the Iran Deal, and net neutrality — any reversal of Obama era policies is a death sentence.
The real issue here and one President Trump should capitalize on is that the Democratic rhetoric is all about destroying or taking over the private sector American pharmaceutical industry. Ironically, Democrats who hate what President Trump is doing want the federal government to take over the industry that will ultimately save us from the virus.
Back when President Obama began repatriating American victims of Ebola, a lot of people on the right lost their minds and started blowing him up. American media outlets savaged any Republican who dared criticize Barack Obama. The Republicans were spreading fear and sparking panic.
At the end of January, New York Times columnist Farhad Manjoo wrote,
What worries me more than the new disease is that fear of a vague and terrifying new illness might spiral into panic, and that it might be used to justify unnecessarily severe limits on movement and on civil liberties, especially of racial and religious minorities around the world.
I also worry that the online world may give rise to dangerous skepticism, and that in the event of an actual pandemic a large number of people may delay treatment or refuse vaccines because they don’t believe the science or are suspicious of the government.
He went on to note that President Trump had “offered a measured response to the virus.”
Four days later, other progressive partisans blasted President Trump for overreacting by ordering a suspension of air service to and from China. Today, progressive partisans are still more concerned about anti-Asian fear and xenophobia and blame the President for that.
Now, Manjoo is back with this
I still think mass panic is a grave threat, but now that the number of Covid-19 deaths has risen to thousands and the illness has appeared on several continents, I’m starting to get straightforwardly scared of the virus and its potential lethality, too. Am I panicking? Not really, not yet. But after watching the stock market plummet on Monday and governments struggling to get hold of the contagion, I’ve begun to smell doom. This weekend, idly, I found myself looking for N95 masks online, and my wife and I began reining in family vacation plans for the summer. It’s all a swift reversal from the insistent, don’t-worry tone of my last column.…
I’ll lay my cards on the table: To me, Sanders is looking increasingly electable, the virus looks like it could reshape much of daily life at least in the short term, and the Trump administration’s response to it is bound to be bumbling and perhaps extremely scary.
At the same time, New York Times columnist Gail Collins is calling a virus most likely accidentally released from a Chinese laboratory and spread globally through Chinese communist incompetence a “Trumpvirus.”
These people are broken. But they are the ones who offer up the news, shape the opinion of those who create the news narratives, and transmit information. These are the people who claimed Trump would start World War III and spark a Middle East crisis by moving an embassy and kill us all by ending various Obama Era policies.
These are the people Brian Stelter of CNN says the President is undermining. It actually seems like they are undermining themselves. They are undermining our trust in the news. They will weaponize a Chinese virus to use it against the President, not in biological warfare, but in political warfare.
The American media spent a month mostly ignoring the coronavirus lest they upset China with their coverage. Two weeks ago, they told us the worst was over, which sparked a market rally. Today, they are covering it wall to wall because they finally have a Trump angle and hope, like with Comey, Russia, Mueller, Ukraine, and Impeachment that this will finally be the silver bullet to take out President Trump.
They will keep crying wolf and if a wolf finally comes, they’ll blame Donald Trump for failing to secure the border from wolves.
On a side note…
The media is blasting the President for making Vice President Pence the point man on the coronavirus. Again carrying water for the Democrats, reporters claim Mike Pence is “anti-science” and are ridiculing his religious faith. The Washington Post actually accused Pence of making an HIV epidemic of around 70 cases worse in Indiana because he enacted a law that caused a Planned Parenthood clinic to close and, horror of horrors, didn’t think giving addicts needles to continue their addiction was a wise policy.
Personally, I think anyone who thinks boys can become girls and girls can become boys should shut the hell up when it comes to calling anyone “anti-science.” And why are they so worked up about all of this anyway? We’re all going to die in ten years anyway from global warming…errrr…climate change.
One of your best pieces. One can consider Trump boorish and lacking intellectual curiosity, even find him contemptible. But the administration he leads generally gets things right. More right, in fact, than any Democrat I've seen speak in public. And we are extremely fortunate to have Mike Pence as VP.