John Fetterman is not deaf. Progressives want you to believe he has exposed himself as hard of hearing. But that is not true. The situation is far more serious. John Fetterman has lost the ability to cognitively process the sounds he hears in a way that makes sense. This is an effect of the damage to his brain by a stroke. He admits in the interview he hears what people are saying and sometimes cannot process it. This is his own admission.

If Fetterman sees words in print, he possesses the ability to process them in his head. But hearing the same words does not always lead to him comprehending. It is all because of the areas of his brain damaged by a stroke we now know was far more severe than his campaign let on.

You can see it for yourself in the video above. Fetterman gave his first in person interview to NBC News. His campaign insisted he be allowed a closed-captioning service to read what the reporter sitting next to him was saying.

Again, this is not because he cannot hear. It is because he cognitively cannot process the words. This means he still has damage to portions of his brain from his stroke. It means if he goes to the Senate, he might be unable to understand what is going on cognitively.

Instead of recognizing he has a problem, progressives are railing against the NBC News reporter. Blue checkmark progressives on Twitter are savaging the reporter and the network for the interview. They claim the reporter mischaracterized the interview or overstated a situation.

As you can see for yourself from the video, the reporter accurately noted Fetterman could not process some words, and even some small talk was difficult. The reporter notes Fetterman’s campaign requested the closed captioning system. Fetterman himself admits he needs it. Progressives hope you don’t see the video so they can lie about it.

Progressive reporters have rushed to Fetterman’s defense, claiming they interviewed him and it was all fine. But this is the first in-person interview Fetterman has done. In those others, he undoubtedly had a closed-captioning system in place. That the supposed journalists did not know this is actually a damning indictment of them and their knowledge of the situation. The Associated Press even generated a story about it. Note the AP and other journalists are attacking the reporter and circling wagons around Fetterman. Also note that the journalists cited by the AP are both partisan progressives, but the Associated Press does not disclose that.

To pile on NBC for not just exposing that but revealing Fetterman continues to refuse to release his medical records despite this new revelation is just partisan hackery.

The bottom line is striking. John Fetterman lacks the cognitive processing abilities to translate words he is capable of hearing six months after a major stroke. His recovery is hopeful. But it also strongly indicates he has lied about the severity of his stroke and is probably now also lying about his prognosis.

The left would rather scream and attack the reporter than acknowledge the basic truth. This is not a matter of deafness. This is a matter of brain function, not hearing.

And Now a Moment for the Right-o-Sphere

There are people who, because of their platform size and audience, will inspire others on social media to perform for head pats, attention, and praise.

Some of the post-Christian right social media influencers, podcasters, etc. are condemning a jury verdict of upwards of $1 billion against huckster Alex Jones. It is performative sucking up.

A few of them claim Jones angered “the regime,” a turn of a phrase used by Rush Limbaugh against the Obama Administration and now embraced by those doing bad impressions of Rush and Tucker Carlson to suggest serious, censorious motives in the treatment of Jones.

The reality is that Alex Jones is an awful human being who will one day be judged by God, and we should pray he repents before he gets there.

Alex Jones lied about the deaths of children who were murdered in their school. He spread innuendo about their parents. He suggested it was all a false flag and hid behind the schtick of “just asking questions.” He fled into bankruptcy court to avoid having to pay damages for what he did and then, in bankruptcy court, appears to have redirected funds to himself until a judge intervened.

The parents had to bury their dead children then suffered harassment, hate, doubts, and conspiracist fearmongering. They sued Jones and won.

Nicole Hockley, whose 6-year-old son Dylan was killed, testified that she keeps knives and a baseball bat by her bed because she fears being attacked, and has taken out a large insurance policy in the event she is killed, she said.

“I got sent pictures of dead kids, because I was told that as a crisis actor, I didn’t really know what a dead kid looked like, so this is what it should look like,” she said.

Mark Barden, who lost his son Daniel, said Jones’ followers verbally attacked him and even chased him while screaming that he was a liar. He also testified that his son’s grave was vandalized. 

“This is so sacrosanct and hallowed a place for my family and to hear that people were desecrating it and urinating on it and threatening to dig it up, I don’t know how to articulate to you what that feels like,” Barden told the jury. “But that’s where we are.”

The father at the center of most of Jones’ vitriol said he felt he had “failed” his daughter Emilie. 

“I felt like I couldn’t protect Emilie’s name, or her memory anymore,” Robbie Parker said while sobbing. 

This case was not about free speech. It was about using one’s free speech to slander dead children and their parents. That has consequences.

If you defend and make excuses for Alex Jones on this, you are on the side of lies and liars who take our right of free speech and abuse it for evil purposes, and you might be on the verge of becoming or have already become the very evil you claim to hate.