According to the Fraser Institute, a Canadian think tank, “By 2022, all ten Canadian provinces ranked in the bottom ten positions for earnings per person. The four Atlantic Provinces remain in the bottom four positions; Manitoba (5th lowest) and Quebec (7th lowest) also had relatively low ranks. British Columbia improved from 5th lowest in 2010 to 9th lowest in 2022. Alberta remains the highest-earning Canadian jurisdiction, but as of 2022 was surpassed by all US states—in 2010, only 12 US states reported earnings higher than Alberta.”
Bringing Canada into the United States would create not just a giant welfare state of people poorer than those of Mississippi but would also bring in a bunch of people who’d vote to the left, generally, of the current Democratic Party.
Per capita GDP in the United States is about $30,000.00 higher than that of Canada even as Alberta’s provincial GDP exceeds that of Mississippi. Median income in every single Canadian province is less than that of every single one of the United States.
I take Donald Trump seriously, not literally, at the idea of merging the United States and Canada. He’d like a bigger union, but not a bunch of snowbird welfare queens who wind up pilfering the pockets of MAGA for poutine subsidies.
A far preferable idea is a British Colonies free trade zone led by the United States with the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand involved.
Canadians have little desire to join our union. If they did so, it’d be by province, not as a whole, and only Alberta is sufficiently like-minded enough to fit in. Quebec might as well be part of France.
Greenland, however, is the perfect land to bring into the United States as a territory like Guam, Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands. Make it a tax-free zone to spur investment and build the place up. Add additional American military installations and, with Joe Biden having blocked much of the American Artic from oil exploration, open a new front for significant oil exploration in the Artic. It would also take more Arctic territory away from Russian and Chinese expansionist goals.
However, the problem with buying Greenland is that we are functionally broke.
The incoming President of the United States has some novel ideas about American expansion. We need a concrete tax and spending reform plan from Washington that helps us balance our budget and pay down our debt. We could start with Congressman Chip Roy’s straightforward idea of just going back to the pre-COVID budget numbers of 2019. That one simple step would head us in the right direction to be able to afford to buy Greenland.
This talk about annexing Canada, buying Greenland, and renaming the Gulf of Mexico seems to me to be a silly diversion to draw attention away from the more critical issues our county is facing. And it is just part of Trump's bluster (and arrogance). I don't take it seriously.
What Mr. Erickson said at the end of his post is what Congress needs to face realistically. We are functionally broke - and it is Republicans who are to blame here. Fixing this will need to happen incrementally.
I maybe wrong but I believe some of Trump’s ideas are just a way of poking the bear. I think that he is just seeing how much of a rise he can get out of the left and its media.
Maybe he just wants to bring Panama and Canada to the table to have discussions about what they are charging our ships and border security. Just a thought.
Your thoughts on Greenland are excellent.