The American Media Continues to Beclown Itself
A prominent NBC News reporter says the phrase "Wuhan virus" is racist.

This is not isolated. This is actually happening more and more regularly. As the Chinese Communist Party has begun spreading propaganda that the Wuhan coronavirus was actually spread by Americans, the American Secretary of State and others have begun referring to the virus again as the “Wuhan virus.”
As you can see from this montage, calling it the “Wuhan virus” was actually really common across the board as the virus began to spread. Reporters, anchors, and Democrats all called it that.

In fact, here is a tweet from CNN from January that called it that.

But suddenly, according to David Gura, a reporter for NBC News, to call it what everyone has been calling it for some time is now “racist.”
The interesting question is this: why was it not racist to call it the Wuhan virus until the Secretary of State started referring to it as that to push back against Chinese propaganda?
It is worth noting that David Gura is not a nobody. He is an anchor and reporter for a national news network with a long pedigree in mainstream journalism. For him to do this so publicly suggests there are a lot of others in the press who think this.
And again, they were all fine with the “Wuhan virus” until Mike Pompeo used the phrase to push back against communist propaganda.
Americans need to pull the scrim from their eyes and realize that both China and Russia are masters at propaganda and are not our friends. We should expect our leaders to push back against any effort to fracture our country and divide us. The Secretary of State is right. Carry on, Mr Pompeo.