The Erickson rule of norms is defined as anything that Democrats do to preserve power while they are out of office which is then fiercely defended by the American media.
This is important to understand because Democrats are hyperbolically claiming that Trump has launched a coup against the administrative state by rooting out waste and abuse. Instead of evaluating the merits of his actions, the media has parroted the Democratic talking points by… you guessed it, claiming that Trump is upending norms.
The norm that Trump is upending is the longstanding practice of wasting American tax dollars on patently absurd causes. If Democrats wish to reestablish funding for transgender surgeries in the Congo, they should try winning the vote of a plurality of Americans in all seven swing states… just like Donald Trump. Watch:
The amount of waste and overspending by this agency as listed in their Greenbook which I looked up today, is simply breathtaking. $59 million dollar transfer to Jordan, $16 million to Lebanon and $29 million to some country in the South Pacific whose name I never heard before. The are 34 thousand pages of monies these people have sent out of the country. You can't invent these things. I would encourage everyone to look this up.
Here's the bottom line. When there are no more hungry children in the United States, when every soldier and veteran are taken care of and not left homeless, when prices come down to where people can afford to eat, then we can take care of the rest of the world.
This agencies spending is so out of control, it simply boggles the imagination. Show whoever is in charge the door and help them through it with a swift kick in the butt.
How about the homeless people in North Carolina? Do they have to cross dress to get aid?