A number of months ago, a Politico reporter distinguished Christians and Christian nationalists by claiming the latter believed their rights exclusively come from God. As Heidi Przybyla doubled down on the statements, she was roundly mocked for failing to see that according to this definition, the founders of this country were the original Christian nationalists.
Heidi Przybyla has a long history of espousing progressive ideology under the guise of objective journalism. Her most recent pieces range from celebrating attacks on Lenard Leo and conservatives on the Surpeme Court to dismissing attacks on the embattled progressive advocacy group Arabella Advisors.
For all of the talk on the left of how conservatives use dark money, everything pales in comparison to Arabella Advisors. The group provides a suite of services to other progressive nonprofits and allows donors to remain anonymous. It is widely speculated that Arabella funds many of the anti-Israel and anti-police protests seen on a regular basis.
By orders of magnitude, the group is larger than any current organization on the right and reporters like Heidi Przybyla willfully provide them cover while attacking their conservative counterparts. Shame on Politico for allowing this to happen under the guise of journalism. But there’s more. Watch:
The real question here is “Why?” Modern journalists are trained to be activists, and they should be acting on beliefs that transcend money, at least initially. Is the explanation that they are seduced by the cash to use the money to payoff student loans and then get blinded to the extremes that they then write about? Post modernism at work, it seems, because folks like Soros seem to lack charm and charisma.
I’ve grown numb to the stupidity of the leftists.