Welcome! 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
SHOCK: 4 in 10 Dems Want Biden to Step Aside in 2024 - Monmouth
BREAKING: Migrants set mattresses afire at Mexico center where 39 died - AP
MUST READ: The Moral Case Against Equity Language - The Atlantic
$$$: Tired of Getting Screwed by Banks, People Yank their Cash Out, Forcing Banks to Pay Higher Interest Rates - Wolf Street
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Clip of the day:

Nashville School Shooting
A 28-year-old woman who identifies as a man killed three students and three adults at a church-affiliated elementary school outside of Nashville yesterday morning. The pastor’s nine-year-old daughter was one of the victims.
The shooter arrived on the scene at 10:13 AM with three guns, gaining access to the school by shooting through a side door. Security cam footage released by police shows the shooter entering the building and walking the halls with two long guns and a pistol. Two officers arrived on the scene within minutes killing the perpetrator at 10:27 AM.
The shooter sent a friend a chilling suicide note minutes before entering the school claiming she “planned to die today” adding “You’ll probably hear about me on the news after I die.” The note was sent through Instagram direct message and was immediately reported to the police. Maps of the school and a manifesto were discovered on the body.
Media reaction: Multiple mainstream media outlets wrote lengthy articles on the event yet refused to discuss if the attack was targeted toward Christians. Some blamed conservatives for the attack. Here’s what the police said:


Rotting American Values
Yesterday we covered The Wall Street Journal poll that showed drastically fewer Americans value patriotism, religion, having children, and community involvement than did 25 years ago. Today, Axios adds more context to the poll.
Bill McInturff, the pollster on earlier editions of this survey, told The Journal that the combined toll of political division, COVID and the lowest economic confidence in decades appear to be having "a startling effect on our core values."
The bottom line: The poll quantifies a generational and political divide that shows a rot at the very soul of our nation.

Dems Sound Alarm Over Working Class
The longest-serving female Democrat in American history is telling everyone who will listen that Democrats have a major problem with working-class voters and has the charts to prove it.
The problem: The richest congressional districts vote Democrat while the poorest ones vote Republican according to new data. Here’s what she said:
"You could question yourself and say, well, the blue districts are the wealthiest districts, so it shows that the Democrats are doing better to lift people's incomes," said Kaptur. "The other way you could look at it is: how is it possible that Republicans are representing the majority of people who struggle? How is that possible?"
Congresswoman Kaptur who is in the minority of Democrats serving a poorer district claims one of her chief struggles is ensuring her staff speaks in a way that her constituents will understand. Kaptur claims she has given the data to multiple senior Democrats who are shocked at the numbers.
The rest of the news:
Sen. Rand Paul staffer stabbed multiple times in DC, suspect arrested - ABC
Social media's new pay-for-play rules - Axios
BlackRock warns that investors are making a mistake by betting on the Fed to cut rates - CNBC
Wearable Brain Devices Will Challenge Our Mental Privacy - Scientific American
Sam Bankman-Fried Charged in Chinese Bribery Scheme - Free Beacon
A Tale of Two Housing Markets: Prices Fall in the West While the East Booms - WSJ (paywall)
Kim Jong Un Threatens Nuclear Use Anytime as US Carrier Arrives - Bloomberg (paywall)
Tweets that caught my eye: