As President Trump warns of a recession, I'm thinking about the promise to lower grocery cost and energy. I remember the last recession and who got RICHER? Nearly every single family home that was on the market was snatched up by big investors. Individuals can't compete to buy a house when cash offers are made. The American dream just gets farther to reach of owning your own home. When are interest rates going to get down to the 3.5% level? When is my grocery bill going to go back to at least $200 a cart from now $400? When are we going to get $1.50 gallon gas? The answer NEVER.

Those seniors surviving on a fixed income, the law makers don't realize that all the tax breaks do not apply to them. Then we are hit with the reality of a paltry 2.5% COLA increase when the real increase in cost of living is 18%. You all wait until you get your homeowners insurance policy. Mine has doubled in the last two years. The future is so bright isn't it?

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This is what the Democrat know... people will take, take, take... until the system is about to collapse... and when someone tries to fix the system to prevent it from collapsing, people cry "but I deserve all I have and want more, and you are taking it from me!" and then they get the collapse they deserve.

Unless a real leader steps in to save the people from the charlatans and themselves.

How about people like Erick, instead of adding to the Democrat criticism of everything immediate, consider the bigger picture and explain that to your readers?

Frankly, most of the people demanding change don't have much in their 401k. They have had to raid it to pay for rent, groceries and insurance. They know that fixing those problems in 2 months was never on the table. But that does not stop the media chattering class from making anti-Trump propaganda about it.

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Wow….glad you figured this out!

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Seems, as usual, republicans and conservatives do not have the will to weather the storm to get to the other side. At the first sign of trouble, they turn back and let the down hill slide continue with the failed policies of the past.

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Apart from tariffs, weren't parts of the economy fixing to do something bad months ago? No matter who won, this administration would be holding the bag.

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The grim of reality of insane economic policy via tariffs is inescapable.

The notion of simply talking up the Democratic Party's obsession wihwt transgenderism, anti-Semitism, BLM etc. is not going salvage the Republicans owning a economic policy that simply impoverishes the world.

More useful if you were to actual admit that Trump is an economic illiterate and a total falure in respect of Ukraine, where he cannot undertstand the peace in the form of appeasement is no enduring peace.

Just admit the obvious. He is an unhinged disaster.

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Sorry still way better than Biden/H besides Insanity is doing same thing decades after decades and all this was already on last legs before Trump elected. Americans need a wake up call on spending, priorities, and self sufficiency it will be better on other side, not perfect but better.

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Talking points went out, I see. I noticed the Democrats were beating the recession drum and tariff drum just like you, Erick. As always, change is resisted in favor of security. Do you not think that Trump and team has a strategy? It's been two freaking months and it's already gloom and doom. Can we not sit still and wait to see what happens instead of running around like Chicken Little saying the sky is falling? We desperately need Rush Limbaugh right now and his unfailing optimism to counter all you sad sacks. Trump is attempting to change the way we're doing things in regards to trade, in the regards to so many other things. Change takes courage. Now, I'll be the first to say I don't like how my investments are taking a beating right now, especially when I'm on the cusp of retiring, but I'm willing to give it a chance before I get all weak-kneed and start wringing my hands. I'm willing to wait and see because I LOVE the draining of the swamp. I understand that there will be pain before it's morning in America again, and if there is no morning, then I'm trusting my God because no matter what you want to say - God, by saving Trump's life in Butler, PA, put him where he is today. Whether it's for good or bad, it's God's plan, and I'm ok with that.

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Trade barriers having bad economic consequences is not Erick and the Democrats. It's Adam Smith and "The Wealth of Nations."

And no, I do not think Trump has a strategy beyond that which is already apparent. Having advocated outdated mercantilist economic policies even before he first became President, tariffs ARE his strategy.

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Just keep praying psalm 109 over all the Dems in office the voters and the dem media it’s a great prayer and it works keep praying it everyday 🙏

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We could not only tank the stock market but increase consumer prices by going with tariffs. We could also increase the unemployment rate with job cuts not just to the federal workforce, but in any private companies having government contracts that are also being cut. The money they don't spend will help depress consumer demand. Meanwhile, we could disrupt operations at any companies that heavily employ illegal immigrants when their workers stop showing up (for fear of being detained). Then as an extra added bonus, due to higher labor costs, we can pay higher prices for whatever it is that those companies produce. Facing a $37 trillion national debt, let's get ready for a tax cut.

And here's another idea: Let's do all this right away . . . and at the same time!

I mean, what could go wrong?

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Yup, slow never gets anything done in the govt. Pain before gain as they say

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Glad to see that you weren't fooled by Trump's "from Day One" promises to improve the economy.

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The ghoulish Marxist media will never have been as ghoulish as it's about to become this time.

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I hate losing money short term but we’ll be in far worse shape as a nation if we don’t close the deficit and get our budget under control. There was always going to be a backlash but the GOP can get ahead by not only doing what you suggest but pointing out that home sales have been grinding to a halt for years, auto repos have been increasing for years and credit card debt and interest has been climbing for years. Reagan inherited something very similar and a little short term pain led to 20-25 years of growth. Until the banks of course got too greedy…

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President Reagan didn’t inherit the deficit or spending these clowns have spent. The government has not audited since 1946. A short time fix won’t cut it.

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Yeah but…….. being the geezer that I am, my retirement that I’m currently using plus the prices of every day living……….

I sort of understand what Trump is doing and I’m really in his camp so far. So I guess I will just tough it out and make do. God willing and the creek don’t rise America will be great again for our children and grandchildren. Thank you Mr. Erickson

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Also living on retirement going out as Biden tanked I’m still counting on Trump to fix it. Short term pain, long term gain. I’m in better shape to deal w issues now than 4 years later or govt bankruptcy hits.

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The market has been in correction territory for months. A bit of pull back on growth may lower interest rates before 7T in tressury comes due in 6 months. That helps the economy long term.

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