Concerning your point that:

"The media would be fully invested in this story as a recurring narrative if the two groups named in the indictment had been on the right instead of black nationalist movements,"

let me just say again that there is no such thing as "the media." There is the main stream media and there is conservative media, and both are as biased as hell. This story will be covered on MSNBC the day after Fox News airs the January 6th hearings.

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Sad, but so TRUE! God help us!

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Once again... the Left accuses Conservatives, et. al of something they are, in fact, engaging in themselves to try and distract folks from who is really doing what.

I would ask, "Is there no end to their hypocrisy?", but we all know the answer already.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

In one of my comments below, I accuse conservatives of going to jail, in droves. That isn't happening on the left, even after Trump and McConnell spent four years packing the courts with conservatives.

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"Droves" is bit of an overstatement. But when the DOJ is biased against conservatives, judges can't preside at a trial that never takes place.

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The DOJ was not biased against conservatives during the Trump years and even then, it was Trump-appointed U.S. attorneys sending Trump people to jail.

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Then why so few (if any) "mostly peaceful" protesters being charged? Why no charges against Hillary?

The DOJ/FBI/Mueller investigated Trump as part of the Russia collusion hoax, and found evidence of crimes unrelated to the investigation (i.e. tax evasion) and referred them for prosecution. Unlike many of the current liberal DAs, the Trump-appointed attorneys actually prosecuted crimes, instead of ignoring them.

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I can't speak to any issue concerning the number of protesters charged in 2020, but I can to that concerning Clinton by simply referring you to what (Republican) James Comey said in announcing that no charges would be brought.

And my point concerning the striking number of those in Trump world who have faced prosecution has nothing to do with the particular reason, just the sheer number. Your reference to Trump appointed attorneys who actually prosecute crimes sort of makes my point. The fact that they prosecuted not one single person associated with the previous administration highlights the unusual level of criminality that characterizes Trump world.

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The parts where Comey listed numerous violations of the law by Clinton, but then sai "No reasonable prosecutor would prosecute the case"?

Kinda makes my point about favoring Dems/Leftists.

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It highlights the unusual level of bias in the Justice Dept and a general aversion to doing anything that would put "the nation's first black president" in a bad light

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Just common sense that people with the same ideologic bent sort of flock together and support each other... Thus the general nonsense surrounding the Russians helping Donald Trump instead of Hillary (who was very congenial to them as SoS, well, minus sending the big RED reset button!)

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And the Left will now explain how this is (D)ifferent. Please keep writing this and saying this on your national podium Erick. Please. This issue was the straw that broke the camel's back for me concerning discussions with people on the Left.

You cannot point out the violence leading up to the election of 2020 as a bad thing because it was, "Fiery but mostly peaceful." You cannot tell the Left the media doesn't cover these things because they can "provide you links that show they did." You cannot say Antifa and Black Lives Matter are violent extremists with anti-America ideologies on their websites because, "White supremacy is the most significant threat to America."

You cannot have these conversations with these people because they rely on the propaganda masters masquerading as media in America today.

Their judgment is damaged beyond being able to rely upon it. I cannot have these conversations with them because we never stay on topic. We always devolve into them explaining why the hard evidence I have is in fact false.

Worst of all, they either refuse to see or cannot see, I don't know which, the hypocrisy of their positions. For that example I give you the school district out west admitting they are going to fire people on the basis of the color of their skin in the name of not discriminating against people based on the color of their skin. What? Seriously? And they will do mental gymnastics that would make a burlesque star blush to explain to you how it is NOT hypocritical. No. You can't have a logical discussion with people like that. At least I cannot.

God Bless, Erick. Please keep doing and saying what you are doing and saying. It makes me feel good to hear what I am thinking most of the time come across the airwaves. Thank you.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

It IS different. First of all, an indictment constitutes nothing more than an allegation. (Perhaps you are familiar with one lawyer's widely shared observation that any decent prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich.) Here, the allegation is that some Russian funded black organizations to "publish pro-Russian propaganda, as well as other information designed to cause dissention in the United States and to promote secessionist ideologies." Assuming for the sake of argument that the allegation is true, there is nothing illegal about doing any of that. The only person breaking the law would be the Russian.

What is different is that nobody from these (allegedly funded) leftist groups have thereby broken any laws. While some may have during the protests following the death of George Floyd (which, by the way, I hereby condemn), it was for stuff like the destruction of property . Meanwhile, it seems like people in Trump world are going to jail every other day, and for stuff far more serious.

(1) Several pled guilty or were convicted in connection with the Mueller probe, including Trump's personal lawyer and his National Security Adviser. (2) Had Trump not pardoned him, his campaign manager (Bannon) would be in jail right now for swindling the faithful (that is, you people) on the pretext of building "the wall." (3) Hundreds of Trump's mere supporters are already in jail, or on their way there, for what they did on January 6th (which constituted way more than the mere destruction of property). (4) The Trump Organization's chief financial officer just pled guilty today! (5) Trump lawyers like Giuliani (also possibly on his way to jail) have been disbarred or subject to judicial discipline. And then of course there is (6) Trump himself, who has not even denied being in possession of documents once classified "Top Secret" AFTER he left office. (Why?) I could probably go on, but you get the point.

Compare this with the fact that after a full eight years in office, not one person connected with Obama has gone to jail. I mean, think about it. For any who still support the rule of law, look around you! You are standing shoulder to shoulder with a whole bunch of people who clearly do not.

[So "This issue was the straw that broke the camel's back for [you] concerning discussions with people on the Left?" Good, because if the other night was any indication (it having also broken the same camel's back, if memory serves - poor camel), doing so with you is pointless for any purpose other than your endless listing of the grievances that you poor, put-upon conservatives have. For example, were I to say that discriminating on the basis of race is wrong, whether done to or by black people, you would simply move on to some other grievance that must be addressed before you will ever even consider whatever point I might care to make. So do spare me your whining.]

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"There is nothing illegal about doing any of that" except the Left attempted to impeach a president for it. Yeah, other than that there' s nothing (D)ifferent. "Nobody has broken any laws" Did you actually look into what the Black Hammer and the other groups are accused of? They most certainly broke laws.

"People in the Trump world are going to jail." So we now indite people for what people around them go to jail for? Okay, so let's indite Bill Clinton et al for Epstein (yes, I'm aware there are allegations Trump is in that club.)

Mueller Probe: You can't pull this up and have it both ways. Mueller probe fully stated there WAS NO RUSSIA COLLUSION so I expect you now to acknowledge Trump was wrongfully accused of this and call for Adam Schiff's resignation for claiming he had rock-solid evidence it happened. I'll hold my breath.

The Wall: it wasn't a swindle. It was impeded by your people (since we're imputing things here) who hate the idea of securing our border. Why is that I wonder?

Jan 6th: LOL "hundreds" No. Not hundreds. The people that have evidence against what they did are going to jail as they should, which is not what is happening with your people who broke the law on that day but I'm sure that's (D)ifferent too and you're okay with that as well.

Once classified Top Secret: Since we're dismissing things without evidence and making wild accusations, Trump probably declassified those things so there's no there there other than the Dems trying DESPERATELY to make the mid-terms about Trump instead of Biden's abysmal record.

You still don't get it. You just prove my point. You refuse, REFUSE to understand that the actions of your people and yourself as well as the propaganda arm of the DNC is the problem here, not me. YOU have to fix it. You do. Not me. How do I know this? Because if I could fix it I already would have done so. Ah, but what's the point. You don't see the problem and you won't. Right up to the point where the world flips on its head and you are left wondering how you got there? Spare you my whining? MY WHINING? wow, okay. Remember, you responded to my post. If you consider my words "whining" then don't post your responses that require clarification. Your hypocrisy is tiresome.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

Since you chose to respond after all, perhaps you could further enlighten me on one of your points. You say that "Trump probably declassified those things so there's no there there . . . ." The there that I think is there, is this:

Let us assume that Trump did declassify them before removing those documents from the White House. He already knows what's in them. For what legitimate reason would Trump need possession of the actual documents that were classified "Top Secret," right up until he declassified them in order to take them?

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I don't know. Here's the problem with your implication: you don't know either. You cannot hound someone without reason. You especially cannot weaponize branches of the US government to hound someone who is your political opponent and don't give me the "GOP does it too" BS because in this case we know that's not true. How? There never was a single raid on the Clinton residence for any reason and we know for a fact she violated the law if nothing else with the private sever she never should have had that was compromised by foreign intelligence AND had classified data on it that was not declassified.

In Trump's case, no we don't know what is or isn't in those documents. We also do not know what their classification status is. What we do know is that the democrat party and Your People, since you like using that term, have persecuted the man and are terrified he will run again in 2024. This is nothing more than Orange Man Bad, partisan weaponization of branches of the US government against a political opponent. Purusing this in light of the fact that Clinton was ignored if nothing else will re-elect Donald Trump in 2024. He was going away. I was looking at DeSantis or Cruz. Now, Trump 2024 and you have whoever is behind authorizing Merrick Garland to go after Trump. Oh, and there are rumors now of a paper trail leading back to the White House. Let's see where that goes.

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I read that Pre WW2, the Japanese funded black groups in this country as a fifth column and for support of their expansionist policies. We know of the Bund supporting the Nazis and the Fascists probably had their supporters. Planting discontent is war by other means.

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Not only am I black, I am very familiar with the history of black people in this country. The notion of black groups being funded by the Japanese during WW2 is just about the most absurd thing I have ever heard.

Wherever you read that, don't read it anymore because it is simply making stuff up.

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It was before the war. There was a group called The Black Dragon Society who might have been involved.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

Carmine, I stand corrected. If Wikipedia sources are to be believed, this Black Dragon Society even established relationships with high ranking members of the Nation of Islam.

If one has a bit more of an open mind, one can learn something new everyday.

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Rounding up anyone of Japanese heritage was another sin on our democracy. They didn’t round up the Italian or German families unless they were politically active before the war. Racism was part of it but there was a fear of fifth columnists in their communities. Eons ago I listened to an interview of an author who just published a book on the reasons for the camps. There were valid reasons.

They looked at the black population as potential Allies in a future war that they knew would come.

Getting into the minute details of history is enlightening and also very disturbing. We can and should do better in our relationships with others.

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Thank you for this enlightenment.

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During 2020 it became apparent that the protests had funds and extensive organization. And we let them run gang-busters to the dinner table. Their funding should be scrutinized and audited for a return on investment (aka benefit) that should be taxed to the tittle of the law. Let’s end free rides by pseudo non-profits. With 87000 new employees, the IRS can dig out new revenue by a targeting this kind of activity.

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This is not new. The Fourth Comintern Congress (1922) made this a focus. A good overview is here: Heideman, Paul (30 April 2018). "Socialism and Black Oppression". Jacobin.

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