Concerning your point that:

"The media would be fully invested in this story as a recurring narrative if the two groups named in the indictment had been on the right instead of black nationalist movements,"

let me just say again that there is no such thing as "the media." There is the main stream media and there is conservative media, and both are as biased as hell. This story will be covered on MSNBC the day after Fox News airs the January 6th hearings.

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Sad, but so TRUE! God help us!

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Once again... the Left accuses Conservatives, et. al of something they are, in fact, engaging in themselves to try and distract folks from who is really doing what.

I would ask, "Is there no end to their hypocrisy?", but we all know the answer already.

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Just common sense that people with the same ideologic bent sort of flock together and support each other... Thus the general nonsense surrounding the Russians helping Donald Trump instead of Hillary (who was very congenial to them as SoS, well, minus sending the big RED reset button!)

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And the Left will now explain how this is (D)ifferent. Please keep writing this and saying this on your national podium Erick. Please. This issue was the straw that broke the camel's back for me concerning discussions with people on the Left.

You cannot point out the violence leading up to the election of 2020 as a bad thing because it was, "Fiery but mostly peaceful." You cannot tell the Left the media doesn't cover these things because they can "provide you links that show they did." You cannot say Antifa and Black Lives Matter are violent extremists with anti-America ideologies on their websites because, "White supremacy is the most significant threat to America."

You cannot have these conversations with these people because they rely on the propaganda masters masquerading as media in America today.

Their judgment is damaged beyond being able to rely upon it. I cannot have these conversations with them because we never stay on topic. We always devolve into them explaining why the hard evidence I have is in fact false.

Worst of all, they either refuse to see or cannot see, I don't know which, the hypocrisy of their positions. For that example I give you the school district out west admitting they are going to fire people on the basis of the color of their skin in the name of not discriminating against people based on the color of their skin. What? Seriously? And they will do mental gymnastics that would make a burlesque star blush to explain to you how it is NOT hypocritical. No. You can't have a logical discussion with people like that. At least I cannot.

God Bless, Erick. Please keep doing and saying what you are doing and saying. It makes me feel good to hear what I am thinking most of the time come across the airwaves. Thank you.

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I read that Pre WW2, the Japanese funded black groups in this country as a fifth column and for support of their expansionist policies. We know of the Bund supporting the Nazis and the Fascists probably had their supporters. Planting discontent is war by other means.

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Thank you for this enlightenment.

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During 2020 it became apparent that the protests had funds and extensive organization. And we let them run gang-busters to the dinner table. Their funding should be scrutinized and audited for a return on investment (aka benefit) that should be taxed to the tittle of the law. Let’s end free rides by pseudo non-profits. With 87000 new employees, the IRS can dig out new revenue by a targeting this kind of activity.

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This is not new. The Fourth Comintern Congress (1922) made this a focus. A good overview is here: Heideman, Paul (30 April 2018). "Socialism and Black Oppression". Jacobin.

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