"But Joe Biden still keeps the border open."

You mean Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Republicans in Congress still keep the border open. Regardless of whether Biden could simply take executive action, let's not forget that Trump stopped Republicans in Congress from doing their part.

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That's no surprise. Those terrorist will be committing acts very soon. July or August and onward. Thank Joe Biden and all who did not vote for DT. Big derecho wind of chaos and change coming very soon. Selah

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I find it rich that Mike Morrell, along with 50 of his intel buddies, helped perpetuate the "hallmark of a Russian disinformation campaign" hoax about the Hunter Biden laptop in October 2020. Morrell is now worried about the open border he helped perpetuate by corruptly supporting Joe Biden. Along with the other 50 useful idiots who signed the Hunter Biden laptop letter, Morrell has jettisoned all his credibility and integrity.

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And to think by cutting and running out of Afghanistan we left enough arms and ammunition to train the people to come here and kill us. Let Go Brandon

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

There's an old saying in Emergency Management circles that, "You never know when the day before is the day before." We didn’t know that (other than on the calendar) 9/10 was 'the day before' 9/11 until it was.

Gen Jack Keane, has said, "The further we get from 9/11, the closer we get to 9/10."

Whatever 'IT' is going be that happens, it'll make 9/11 look tiny by comparison.

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And the blame will be past on to someone else.

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I have been surprised that there weren’t any attacks on stores after Black Friday. Except for online stores, that would crash local economies.

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So, while we all sit around and exchange nervous and angry semantics and platitudes, those responsible for ascertaining the absolute integrity of our border and national security, those who swore an oath to protect and defend, are still doing whatever they want and loving our impotence against them. The handful of congresspersons who actually try to uphold their Responsibility for holding Administrative oath-takers responsible are all vilified by MSM. The Constitution-minded SC Justices are the completely unjustified focus of investigations for corruption. And the intentional dissolution of The Constitutional Republic of The United States of America continues, virtually unchecked. God, help us, please...

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MSNBC if something happens MSNBC

will probably claim

It was a 80 year old Southern


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And isn’t this treason?

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The festering evil started with President Biden being elected and he has embraced evil deeds nationwide ever since. When you embrace everything you do that is against God we will reap what the Wicked have sown.They will use it to eliminate guns from law abiding citizens.

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That which is "festering in the shadows" is the longrange policy of Barack Obama and his compatriots: The destruction of a mostly-peaceful nation and of its successful middle class. Wreck it, then "build back better".

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The ones caught like cockroaches. It’s not the ones you see it’s the hundreds you don’t. How many are secretly in hiding and waiting to strike.

Are we going to make it to November?

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Agree. We really have to wait until Jan 20. This is because if JoJo looses he will institute “scorched earth” policies to try to make it difficult for Trump to undo his insanity.

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Terrible - one can only hope those responsible face the consequences of their decisions. Until it happens nothing will change.

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Joe Biden is knowingly putting the country a risk for the sake of a political ideology that see's borders as a form of racism. For the good of the country the Joe Biden administration along with the media that support him need to be brought down. They do not have the best interest of America at heart. They hate America and see it as something that must be punished.

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They hate the America based on freedom, liberty, right to life, pursuit of happiness, private property, capitalism, patriotism, blind and equal justice, strong national defense, defined borders, managed immigration and freedom to worship. Their idea of what America should be is today’s California coastal areas- super rich / super poor, debt, homelessness, illegal aliens everywhere, drugs everywhere and criminals can run free, homelessness, litter and public pooping is the cherry on top. They also want full sexual freedom (including pedos) and for all normals to not only accept it, but to celebrate it. Anything beyond celebrating and you will be destroyed. That is Joe’s and the American lefts idea of an American utopia.

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If WWII was underway after Pearl Harbor, our so-called “leader” would be allowing uniformed Nazi and Japanese soldiers into our Country.

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Once again, citizens must suffer for poor decisions made by politicians

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When these political decisions are deliberate steps taken to fulfill an agenda, "poor" is an inadequate term. "Evil" and "vengeful" might be more appropriate.

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We also have citizens making very poor decisions when they vote or we would not be where we are now.

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I see citizens post on social media Joe is a decent, moral and honest man. He only wants what is best for America. I think WTH are you smoking? Joe is not a good man. Hate Trump, fine he has plenty of faults too. However, our problem is AWFULs wanting daddy government to take care of them, abort at will and all other govt dependents join in.

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