There is a gospel song as follows:

"Hold the fort, for I am coming," Jesus signals still.

Wave the answer back to heaven, "By Thy grace we will."

The above lyrics are a bit corny, but they may give some encouragement. What the world hates even more than our presentation of God as Creator is the truth that God is Judge. There's lots about God's judgment in the Psalms. May we rest in Christ! He has taken the judgment for sin which we deserve, and by doing so He has freed us to serve God with our whole hearts.

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May the Lord be thanked for words like these. You have shown in your overall "ministry" that this is not your "hobbly horse" (as old folks use to say), not something you are going to go to seed on, but it is a matter that must not be ignored for the sake of the Gospel and the glory of God. Thanks for this article.

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This post is really good. It generates a lot of thoughts that I'd like to write about, but I'm afraid it would come off as babel and disconnected from the single point of the narrow doorway.....

The doorway of passage to heaven is narrow, so that only a single person goes through at a time. Jesus describes it as difficult because we are so easily influenced by our circumstances, society, leaders, friends, our own vanity (what people think of us), and a million intrusions of advertising in the current world, to make us think a certain thing instead of a certain way. As individuals and Christians, everything we do should be focused on the teachings of the narrow doorway. Our church groups may go astray to be accepted by the masses or for other reasons, but that's religion, not Biblical Christianity. Christianity must be viewed as an individual relationship with GOD. Jesus is GOD. The doorway is unlocked by 10 simple yet difficult rules to live by, delivered by GOD's own hand, and the principles of your individual relationship to GOD. All of that being considered that we are humans, sinful by nature, and GOD Forgives all who ask through faith. True faith is required, GOD forgives, Jesus saves, try to truly do your best with the 10 rules.

The doorway is narrow, consider your path in everything you do.

Erick, you are really inspirational, at times!!

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This line of thinking is way harsh, man! Gender is proven and established to be a continuum and is neither an either/or deal or a “sin” which is pretty obviously why we have so many human variations. I think it’s very arrogant to presume to call people sinners and quoting the Old Testament like you’re God himself.

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I presume this is sarcasm.

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Max, I'm going to assume that you are a lot like me. That would mean you have a tee shirt that reads "Sarcasm - Just One More Service I Offer". But, sometimes it's hard to hear the sarcasm in printed words. I hope I'm right.

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Brave post. I recall a hymn from my youth, "Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross...."

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Thank you! Great read and only cements what I believe and what many others believe about the sexual disease infiltrating our world. Keep up the good work!

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Very very nicely said. Hebrew is a wonderfully colorful language--and I have to admit, I deeply admire your (ready for this) chutzpah in placing actual Hebrew in your post! What an inciteful comment.

Years ago while interviewing with a Search committe, I was asked what I believed was the greatest enemy against the church at that time (20 years ago). I told them it was what then was labeled as the homosexual agenda. I had no idea it would come to this.

You have something that every Bible-believing, evangelical pastor craves (though many do not label it as such): influence. Good, bad, indifferent, you have been granted this for this time by the Lord. This is one of the many reasons you remain in my thoughts and prayers.

You have always been a challenginging and thinking encouragement. Keep it up brother!

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Amen Erick- thank you for shining a light on this and encouraging Christians to take a stand

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Amen. And the sooner we get back to our roots as a Christian Nation the better off all will be!

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Absolutely right Erick. Nobody can be made to believe the Bible. But a Bible believer should never deny what the Scripture clearly teaches. The progressive left spews propaganda about homosexual and transgender behavior being perfectly acceptable to God, trying to use the force of the law to make everybody accept this false doctrine, Although a Bible believer cannot control what non-believers do/believe and what laws an increasing anti-Biblical society support, a Bible believer should always unashamedly stand for Biblical truth. Jesus is "the way and the truth and the life" (John 14:6) and not just part of it, as he is the "word of God made flesh" (John 1:14) and the "exact representation of his being" (Hebrews 1:3).

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Amen! This is the most important issue of our era. Thank you for clarifying the Truth.

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