Taxing endowments above a certain threshold is a measure the GOP should tout and pass.

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Exactly correct and logical!

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Extremely wise words and very well written! I deeply hope and pray this will be heard. Yet I do not pray that those being led away by the likes of Greene & Boebert. I’ll pray that your wisdom is God’s will. THAT will be accomplished.

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You are right on as well as Erick. Excellent comment.


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There was talk before about putting Trump in as Speaker. He is supposed to be the deal maker so he should start getting things done. Also there is a law giving the politicians immunity from arrest as travel to Congress or are there when Congress is in session.

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I really dislike these people

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"Democrats... always hold the line. They are more collectivist than individualist. They are more effective. " Seems that way to me.

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The same description fits every fascist group in recent history.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene can go get stuffed!

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Please don’t take offense ladies, but you can’t govern on feelings and and emotions you have to deal in facts. I think that a lot of people have a hard time with that reality and Erick you laid it out as fact. We as conservatives don’t control the government we have the house that’s it and we also have managed to run off members and cut down the little majority we had that’s fact. Getting pissed at the leadership after all of this is emotion. We don’t need anymore antics from the prom queens and blowhards we have to stay together and win what we can win till November. We will then see if the country is ready to make a change

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I like cancelling student loans and taxing endowments. Talk about making the wealthy pay, there’s where the money is, and it is not serving the interests of the American public, but those of the so-called elite. So far as Congress is concerned, hooray for you, pointing out the sorry slate of Republican candidates last term. Isn’t there a leadership crisis? Where are our Republican patriots? Ms Greene has sucked up the air in the room, and appears as nothing more than hormones gone amok. Her emotionally swinging cess pool is only surpassed by her supreme stupidity.

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Ok , I lied. I don’t even recognize the Republican Party anymore. All I hear from them is bla bla bla. Wait until we take back the majority and then it is bla bla bla. They aren’t even democrat light anymore it just all one party. I wish there were 400 Chip Roy’s.

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You took the words right out of my mouth, Linda. With VERY few exceptions - and Chip Roy is exemplary - Republicans are all about playing ball, expanding power, and serving the self. History bears witness to this. As you said, it doesn't matter if Republicans control the House, Senate, and Presidency, there's always some vapid reason why they can't keep their campaign commitments.

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Biggest problem is that instead of focusing on the real problem of the massive anti Israel terrorists taking over campuses across the country we are talking about this.

The news media is now calling them anti-war protests instead of what they are.

As for Johnson, now is not the time but he does need to go.

Additionally you say that Dems have been blocked by Johnson. Hogwash.

They are getting everything they wanted.

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Well, and EE has to expect this, his objection to ousting Johnson who is dumbfoundingly destroying the Republican brand such as it, making marginal voters indifferent to voting Republican, comes from someone willing to help guarantee everything we got with Biden through Hillary in his position opposing Trump, the appostate.

Back then in that situation one could presume not voting for the Republican candidate WOULD result in a Democrat in the presidency. To say pressuring Johnson to do the right thing and resign, as hurtful as he has been and incapable of explaining himself honestly because there is no compelling logic to his REPEATED violations of promises made, will result in Hakeem Jeffries holding the gavel is not a presumable scenario and is calumny toward sincere conservatives who warned Johnson upon awarding him his ascension, don't screw with us.

Johnson/Schumer have guaranteed a rush on the border for lack of commitment now and paid for invitations to hostile immigrants. Johnson has aggravated concerns about the deep state and that voting for Republicans will not change the aura (who thinks they will honor restrictions) as the new "rules" are still vague, allow subterfuge and others had the same "intelligence" briefings as Johnson and heard nothing compelling to hide suspension of the Bill of Rights.

Johnson has gone back on a key committment to members to actually allow them time to read bills and not promote omnibus bills. He joined, indeed led the bum' rush requiring more fiscal pain for Republicans (and posterity) than current Democrats. He gave Schumer what he wanted.

Johnson gave the Cheney wing what they wanted on war spending for Ukraine rather than insisting on an honest vote on it with debate over expectations.

None of his actions needed to be done politically rather they collapsed confidence in Republican leadership. Consider Thomas Massie's take on the matter (I hope EE will interview him, not characterize him). Johnson went against the majority of Republicans and the array therein was conservative.

His was no profile in courage, rather, it was a profile in pathetic capitulation. Doing the right thing now would be him recognizing the hurt he has put on Republicans coming into the election and thus allowing an attempt on the message that Republicans are sincere about the border, deep state and big-government, spending and deficits, and reform in congressional voting processes -- that they will discipline themselves. Johnson has invited that Trump will position himself as running against the Republican Party in the general rather than a team effort that will inure more toward a brand sweep.

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To MTG (and others), when you are a hammer (aka blunt instrument), everything looks like a nail. Sun Tsu said "Tactics without strategy - you lose the war; strategy without tactics - you win the war it just takes longer". MTG will eventually look back on her time in Congress as a lost opportunity to truly serve the Nation as an effective leader ......... for now, that day has not come.

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What do you know about “Sappers?”

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Was one for a number of years ...... an honor to serve.

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I was a 12B Combat Engineer at FT Bragg, in C, 27th EN BN (Combat) (Airborne) from 1985-‘88. I am also a 1986 graduate of the Sapper Leader Course.

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Great unit and congrats on the SLC ! Ever know Carl Strock, Bob Flowers and Peter Madsen --- they would have been Maj/ LTC about then.

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If I remember correctly, COL Flowers was the brigade commander, at some point.

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Yes ---- he commanded about 20 engineer battalions during Desert Storm ! He retired as a three star (well deserved) serving as the Chief of Engineers.

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Sorry Erick. Nice try. Everyone knows the Democrats are already running the House. What he has supposedly “blocked” is not the sign of a good leader. The excuse of a one seat majority didn’t stop Pelosi from getting just about everything she wanted. And still, why didn’t Johnson go public with the Jordan committee’s 300 page report prior to the circus trial starting in NY. You know as well as anyone the importance of optics in an information battle. Could it be about vested interests and $$? I’d put mine on it. Johnson needs to go!

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We need to primary all these republicans Clowns. Clowns like MTG and Matt Gaetz belong in a circus and not in Congress.

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Never doubt the Republicans ability to demonstrate the Democrats do not have a lock on stupid. Members of the insane wing of Republican party are showing why people are leaving the party and becoming independent.

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