Thank you, Erick. Things like this are why I have a subscription to the NYT but not the AJC. I may not agree with the bent of the Times. But I mostly see reasonable, but left-leaning, journalism.

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I did the same. I dropped my sub to AJC as it reported more opinion than news and I needed news, not opinion in the news.

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Why are you pointing fingers at the AJC staffers? Who owns the paper? If they wanted a class act, there would be one.

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The paper is owned by the same conglomerate that owns WSB, Cox.

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Not true. We used to be. Not anymore.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

I stand corrected. Darn Wikipedia! Or my comprehension upon skimming them.

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The Atlanta Journal Constipation has failed the people of Georgia for many years. I don't think they could lose enough readers to make them wise up. Report the news and leave the opinions on the opinion pages. Nope...not gonna happen!

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Been alienated from the AJC for over 20 years. Crap rag.

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Stacey lost in part because many in her own party saw her as using this governor's race as a stepping-stone for the next one. The ads that resonated with me, the ones that lead me to feel this way, were 1) the ad featuring Stacey on the VIEW, and 2) the one featuring her saying Georgia was the "worst" place to live. Like him or not Kemp represents the majority of Georgians. I encouraged him to take the expansion of Medicare off the table with some of the surplus instead of returning a few hundred dollars to me, but he didn't take my advice. In the end it didn't matter. He needs to now step up one more time and help Walker over the finish line.

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And in addition to "leaning left" my daily reading of the print edition of the AJC shows a lack of proof readers on staff.

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So true Eric

Besides, Imho, Abrams just wanted GA for a stepping stone, nothing more…

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I totally agree Erick. I was a subscriber and always felt Galloway's columns leaned left. Was hoping things would get better with his replacement. I immediately could tell Murphy was going to be less balanced. I didn't know she was a Democrat operative. Now I know her background. I wanted to support our local newspaper but finally gave up hoping they might change if enough readers left. Probably not gonna happen. Thanks for everything you do Erick!

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IMO, the advent of 24-hour news channels like CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News created a monster that's blurred the lines between reporting and opinion. Simply repeating the same newscast every 30 minutes doesn't make for good TV, so these stations have to fill the gap - a 23-hour gap, mind you - with talking heads like Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Sean Hannity, et.al., whose opinion pieces are based on the day's newsworthy events. It seems most people can't differentiate between that and objective reporting anymore, including journalists.

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This reminds me of that TV show my 600 pound life. The family, AJC, keeps bringing food to the morbidly obese person, the candidates. Everybody knows what the problem is but nobody’s going to address it. And for the rest of us, conservative Republicans, we can’t seem to stop watching it.  

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Amen. Now onward to Walker's victory.

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I started reading the newspaper with the comics, then the news and editorial comics, then the news and editorials, then I moved to a coupon clipper on Sundays when the paper moved full circle to a comic (not so funny pages editorial rag). Now I don’t even want it for the coupons. There’s too much information easily available with all of our devices to keep this trash alive.

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Thanks for pointing these out. I was also shocked that DC had the scoop on the Columbia Towers issue.

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I haven’t read a thing the AJC has published for years. They’re no longer worth the effort.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

Boortz referred to the AJC as the 'fish wrapper'. I would kill for the AJC to be 'that objective' today verses just two decades ago.

I've watched their advertising attempts to claim they are balanced. Gave them a shot a year ago - nope... We do not have objective local written news and what is becoming more and more concerning is that I am detecting that in the local TV news as well - some more than most - but you can see it in the reporting.

Almost all of my political research is done nationally, using Erick as the voice of reason, who will be honest about what is going on with the GOP. Sometimes I believe he gets it wrong - but it's done honestly and without spin.

It really is too bad. In a time where so much is accessible, it is shameful that one side works so hard to squelch the facts, when it doesn't benefit their ideology and the goals within in it.

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