I am sure that by now you have seen the whistle-blower accusation regarding the debate. I tend to believe there is something to it. Many pundits commented that "she was well prepared". A little too prepared it seemed to me. Although her answers were generally vague, she seemed to know exactly how to respond vaguely without any hesitation.

I agree with your letter to Donald regarding his debate performance. I am not so sure about the decline in enthusiasm. I had not really not noticed a decline. I keep that in mind and see it I agree in the future.

How did the entire debate get done with no mention of the fentanyl crisis? How did Donald miss the opportunity to nail Harris with the number of deaths associated with it and link to the open border? That is most telling.

How about the number of American service personal injured by the attacks on them by the Houthis? We have the most powerful military in the world and cannot deter a few ramshackle terrorists from attacking our soldiers? Today I read that recruitment is down 41,000 this year. Whose fault is that?

There is an article out today about the fact that a major problem in Springfield now is illegals killing ang injuring its citizens with automobiles. Many are driving without licenses. There is a report that furthermore they are not being prosecuted for these crimes! Why not talk about that instead of pets?

And who is Kamala running against? Sounds at times as if she is running against Biden. She wants to fix the problems Biden caused, or was it Biden Harris that caused the problems with out economy and military, world? As you know Eric, I could go on. Whoever is preparing Trump for the debates is doing a poor job.

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Someone mentioned Reagan vs Mondale. Mondale clearly won the first debate, then Reagan came back and decisively beat him in the second debate. I would like to see Trump take the opportunity to debate again, especially since Harris seems to be cackling with glee that she did so well against him in a 3-against-1 contest. Only don’t use ABC,NBC, or CBS this time.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

Kommie Ella got driven from the 2020 Drat primary for using black prisoners as personal servants and hiding exculpatory evidence. Why doesn’t Trump hit her with the comments from the Drat leftists in their own words?!

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They won’t stop at Trump.

Desantis hannity even you Erick will be in their legal crosshairs. If they feel they can lock up one political opponent what’s stopping them from doing so again.

It won’t with DJT. The DOJ will be unleashed on everyone and everything that stands in a dems way.

Every Republican or opposition that runs against the leftist will be jailed.

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We're getting peppered with Kamala ads everywhere. Will someone please wake the Trump campaign?

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Great advice, Erick! Hey, aren't you the guy who uninvited T-Rump from Red State because he's not a conservative?! Isn't he actually a textbook example of a narcissist? Is there a snowball's chance in heck that he'll listen to you? I think the think to do is call his daughter, and make this case to her. He listens to her and her husband. I think it's ironic that Trump, whom liberals label a sexist and a bigot, listens only to a woman and a Jew. If you can persuade her that he'll go to jail if Kommie Ella wins the presidency, maybe she can guide him around all the traps in the next debate. I mean it's worth a try. In your extensive group of contacts, you must know someone who can put you in touch with her. Good luck!

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Thank you, Erick. Just hope he is listening.

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Not likely that Trump will listen to Erick, but maybe his daughter or son-in-law will get the message. He listens to them.

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Super idea…a rally in Springfield and visit other towns in the same plight as well…invite GOP Senate and House candidates to join him. Challenge Kamala: WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO AMERICA’s TOWNS AND CITIES?

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I'm trying to process this posting. You want Trump to win this election. Go back and listen to your advice. Why did you have to give this advice? Why doesn't he understand what he needs to do? Why is he inviting Laura Loomer, a 9/11 denier to a 9/11 memorial event? Why can't he outwit someone he thinks is dumb? What does that say about him?

Here's another great trait. You pay millions to professional campaign people like Chris LaCivita to help you get elected, then right before a very important debate take the advice of a loon like Laura Loomer instead of Mr. LaCivita? Yea, let's elect THIS guy.

Why did he continually take the bait from Kamala Harris, time after time after time? Maybe he has a personality disorder that prevents him for rationally assessing a situation because his narcissistic ego won't allow it? Hey, that's a good attribute for the President of the United States. Yea, let's elect THIS guy.

Where is the endorsement of all the people who worked for him in his first administration? I read somewhere that 18 of them refuse to endorse him. Some number of them say he's a menace. Yea, let's elect THIS guy.

Ok, I'm done. I think you get the point. He's unqualified.

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Another to add to your list:

Trump, on camera, says that he lost the 2020 election and explains why he initially thought that he had won,. Then he writes that the election was stolen.

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Well Theirn, I don't fully agree with all you stated, but I am thoroughly frustrated with Trump's inability to deflect attacks which he could easily deflect. I keep imagining I could have answered better than him, which is frustrating as I'm a regular guy. His ego seems to be a real stumbling block. Frankly, he owes it to us to punch it with all he has. I agree with another writer on this thread that said that Nikki Haley would have been a slam dunk, as well as an honorable first woman president. Maybe she can start outwardly stumping for him. Anyway, I plan on supporting Trump to the end, because Kamala Harris would be an avoidable disaster.

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If Kamala can "play" Trump, what will world leaders do?

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He’s already been there, done that.

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Thanks. I agree with that post about Nikki too. I voted for her in the primary. I even sent her money. Se la vie.

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Would the Dems and their allies really continue the trials and sentence Trump to jail if Trump is soundly defeated?

Let's think this through. I'm not going to discuss the merits of his criminal cases in and of themselves.

The base wants it badly, on principle. They haven't come this far to come away empty-handed. But party bases never get everything or even half of what they want.

If the Dems want to prosecute this to the end, there's a risk that Trump could get acquitted on appeal, especially on the NY and DC cases, less so on the federal classified-docs and GA cases. That would give the GOP a Paul Bunyan ax to grind for the next half-century. The GOP symbol is an elephant because "elephants never forget".

I think actuarial science catches up with Trump before the GA case ever sees the inside of a Fulton County courtroom ever again. And GA's RICO law has never been "pressure tested" in an appeal.

I think the federal case is now permanently tainted by Hur's comments about Biden. A savvy federal prosecutor could see that one through, but it won't be as cut-and-dried as it appeared initially.

Are the Dems confident enough that these cases won't blow up in their faces?

What the Dems need is an offramp that leaves the stink, the taint on Trump without a chance for him to clear his name.

Harris could offer Trump a deal (at least on the federal/District charges) where he gets a pardon on condition that he never hold a position of public trust ever again. So could the NY governor (not sure who has that responsibility in NY).

Then there's the optics of putting an octogenarian in jail.

I'm not voting for the guy. But the Dems should realize there be dragons.

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Dear President Trump:

You should shift to recommend that people vote for Kamala if they welcome more or less. Brand her as "Kamala the More or Less" candidate:

More males competing in female athletics and hanging in female locker rooms.

More mainstream absurd gender ideology.

More young children encouraged to take hormone blockers and to have mutilating gender surgery.

More woke.

More inflation caused by the cult war on organic energy.

More Wall Street and corporate control of the economy.

More homelessness.

More crime.

More foreign wars.

Less peace for the world.

Less prosperity for all but the upper class.

More destruction of the meritocracy to be replaced with DEI.

More depressed females.

More unemployed males.

Less marriages and fewer children.

More illegals.

More economic devastation to the center of the country.

More China.

More fake news.

More government abuse of power.

More activist judges.

More regulations.

More and higher taxes.

More corporate consolidation.

More conceding US sovereignty to other countries.

More opioid addiction and death.

More inflation.

More terrible public schools except for the rich liberal communities.

Less freedom of speech.

Less freedom to own firearms to defend yourself.

That is really all you need to do. We know all about you, your ideas and your commitments. Just stick to helping the nation really get to know Harris.

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First, I agree with you Erick that the debate was far from fatal. As for Trump saying no to another debate, I agree. He did CNN where the moderators were fair. He did ABC where the moderators should be fired. Trump would do Fox. Harris won’t because she’d be exposed. Trump has gone into the lion’s den twice. Harris will never go into that den. That alone should disqualify her. But I get a very strong sense that we may well learn that ABC rigged the debate behind the scenes. When Mark Penn calls for an investigation, you have to know something’s up. When Richard Blumenthal say the American people will be shocked and appalled by the report that will be issued regarding the Trump assassination attempt, you know something is up. Two prominent Democrats know something. And I believe that something could finish Harris for good. Ponder that for a bit.

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I had the same thought as I watch what is happening in Venezuela. Socialists will jail their opponents if they can. And while I would not be happy to see Trump go to jail, my greater concern is what will happen to the nation when they see a former President jailed for some penny ante crime?

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God bless you Mr. Erickson. I surely do hope that Trump is listening. 🙏

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If Trump is listening, will he respond appropriately? My guess is "No," sadly.

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A Message for Trumpers: If the candidate you are supporting must win the presidency to keep from going to jail, you might have nominated the wrong candidate.

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I am not a Trumper but a message to you Harris cultists. If your candidate is a Marxist communist that is extremely stupid, you might have nominated the wrong candidate.

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They didn’t nominate her. The party of “democracy” overthrew the sitting president and installed Kamala-so whatever criticism they have of Trump being nominated can get shit on, they didn’t even nominate this woman. lol

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Is it too late to replace Trump with someone who can win?

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I think the sad reality is any of the other serious Republican candidates (i.e. not Vivek Ramaswamy) would have been perpetually and decisively ahead against Biden and the Harris swap out would have meant nothing. Republicans would be heading for a historic Presidential, Senate, and House win. If you are a Trump humper STFU you are as bull headed as Trump but I just don't see you trying to let Harris win.

Actual conservatives are trying to win and have a lame and lame duck boat anchor tied to our leg along with all the other scrap trash he brings along.

2028 will be even more difficult as Republicans primary JD Vance and try and explain why a Republican should be elected if it's not JD Vance.

Just as Harris was a bad candidate 6 months ago, Trump was always a bad candidate too.

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I can only imagine Nikki Haley going head-to-head against Kamala. I think it would have been the biggest blowout since Reagan vs. Mondale.

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