Good stuff, sir!

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Thanks, Erick, for your divinely-inspired respite. During this time of year, I have found that listening to Handel's Messiah is very satisfying, and far more edifying than anything the jolly guy might have in his bag.

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Thanks for the informative, well-balanced article. For those of us who take seriously the regulative principle in worship as set forth in the Westminster Confession of Faith and those like it (the 1689 Baptist Confession), all this is important. We do not celebrate in worship what God has not commanded, but we must and do teach what the Scriptures teach, so a hearty "Amen" to your statement: The more significant point is not when Christ’s birthday actually is, but that Christ himself exists.

"The Word was made flesh"; "...unto you is born this day...a Savior Who is Christ the Lord" (John 1:14; Luke 2:11).

Thanks again for writing and publishing this.

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And because of the sacrifice of Jesus, believers are at peace with God and live in a state of grace. Romans 5:1

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You posted this explanation years ago on "Creators.com"...and I saved it in favorites. I wanted to share it with a friend this year, and that page no longer exists, so...thank you for posting it again!

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When did Mary and Joseph have to pay their tax? I agree with December 25th. as the Birthday of Jesus, for what that helps with. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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Thank you. Needed the reminder today

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Thanks for the history lesson.

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Thank You and Merry Christmas

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Amen and Amen! God Bless America (founded by Christians with Judeo-Christian values).

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Thank you!

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