Well, the buck stops somewhere... Yes, politics is everywhere with no apparent boundaries. However, I pretty much adhere to this definition of politics. Politics ( poli- tics) - many blood sucking parasites.

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Right on the money, Erick!!!

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I totally agree with Michelle, Mitchell, R Kelly and Linda Gray. The Biden administration has no guts to stand up to our foreign enemies and is bringing this country dangerously close to war in the Middle East.

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The bellicose tone of the majority of these comments rings pretty hollow in the context of Republicans' failure to help Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression.

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I don't think (For the most part) the reticence is about helping Ukraine or not. Its about it being a never ending bottomless pit . We do not have an endless supply of resources.

I will grant you that there is some in a kind of Pat Buchanan crowd who opposed everything, and those that require people be the polar opposite of their foe.

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But the military assistance being sought by Ukraine is rather modest when compared against the amounts provided to Israel over the years (decades, actually). Indeed, given the longstanding intractable nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it would seem much more deserving of the description, "never ending bottomless pit."

History suggests that an aggressor such as Putin, if successful with one invasion, just keeps on going. Given the apparent necessity that his aggression be checked, I would much rather fund a war than fight one.

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I have a question is Ukraine a staunch of an ally as Israel ? I’m all for helping Ukraine but not with cash. Can you honestly say that the billions that we have already paid to Ukraine has gone to their war effort. You want to hurt Russia sanction their oil companies and ramp up our oil production.

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Before answering your question, I looked up the definition of the word, "staunch." To the extent that it means "very loyal and committed in attitude," I would acknowledge that Israel may fit that description better than Ukraine. But now, let me ask you this: Which of the two has done more FOR US?

Not that it is their fault, due to the adverse effect that their participation might have caused, but when our allies lined up with us after 9/11, those allies did not include Israel. I support Israel and its right to exist, but I nevertheless recognize that the tangible benefits of our alliance only run in one direction.

Turning now to Ukraine, not only is it my strong sense that Vladimir Putin is not our friend, Israel's adversaries pose only a modest threat to the American homeland when compared to the thousands of nuclear weapons that Putin has pointed at us every day. In fighting (i.e., weakening) Russia, Ukraine provides a benefit to us that is tangible and real.

Before answering your question regarding Ukrainian use of our funding, I would just observe that if it is premised on the notion that their politicians are simply putting it in their own pockets, you must be getting your news from a certain outlet that had to pay nearly a billion dollars in damages for lying to you. (I admit that having not personally seen any such assertions from them, this shot at Fox News is somewhat gratuitous. A more likely source is social media, which is reportedly rife with Russian disinformation. Anyway, my understanding is that all such reports have been debunked.) That said, there were profiteers who siphoned off funds meant for our war of independence, so I don't doubt that this is also the case with Ukraine. However, this did not include the real leaders of the American Revolution for one very simple reason: Had they lost, they would have hanged. Similarly, I don't think Ukraine's leaders can look forward to faring very well in Vladimir Putin's Ukraine (and given Putin's demonstrated willingness to assassinate his opponents anywhere in the world, I wouldn't like my chances outside of it either).

Finally as concerns economic sanctions, speaking from the standpoint of a pretty old dude at this point, I can't say that I recall even a single instance in which sanctions have actually accomplished their purpose. If history tells us anything, it is that an aggressor who gets away with invading one neighbor almost always goes after another. Eventually, somebody has to stand up to them and if the last century is any indication, that somebody has tended to be us. I view Ukraine as fighting the Russians so that maybe we don't have to, and I would much rather fund a war than fight it.

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So when Putin walked into Crimea and took it from Ukraine and no one paid any attention maybe someone should have.

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So it would seem.

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I’m not against providing the assistance. I’m more against the milquetoast bureaucrats hand wringing as to what would not cause escalation yet promising indefinite expenditures. Had the right tools been given early on, we’d likely be in a different place.

Also, like the strategic petroleum reserve, the current administration has no desire to refill what has been expended.

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I think I concur about our strategy being perhaps a bit too timid. When the Russian offensive first stalled, that might have been a really good time to go "all in," even to the point of putting NATO troops in Kiev and daring Putin to fire on them. I am of the view that a lot of times, if an adversary is actually willing to kill you now, he's going to be just as willing to kill you later; so you may as well stand up now.

However, I don't agree that our expenditures in support of Ukraine will be "indefinite," Vlad's resources being much more limited than ours. Indeed, you might recall that confronting the Soviets with the prospect of having to match Reagan's defense spending was a big factor in ending the Cold War. Were we to show equal resolve with respect to the war in Ukraine, Putin might just reconsider.

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It amazes me that Left Wing Senators and the President have the Gall to interfere into Israel’s decisions on a war that affects the Jews of Israel.

Next we will hear Joe remise about Poppy Corn. He doesn’t have a snow ball’s chance in Hades of winning re-election.

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Our support for Israel means that its decisions potentially affect us too.

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Of course they do and I am sure they took that into consideration when they made their decision.

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Maybe so, but when Israel's decisions also affect us, our input (through our President) is not "interference." Indeed, conferring with one another on issues such as this is what allies do. And as for Israel taking our interests into account in making its decisions, I'm not so sure about that as to simply assume it to be the case.

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Joe Biden has never been on the right side of a foreign policy ever We were told that up front in 2020 yet people are expecting something to change not gonna happen folks We are stuck with this disaster till January of next year. If you want more of the same vote for him again in November or stay home and not vote then whine because he got reelected

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With Biden’s track record during his administration regarding war (anything, really) the way to go is do the opposite of whatever he says. It’s laughable that he would instruct any nation, especially Israel, on next steps. The media is a captured entity and is useless to freedom loving people. It’s a very real arm of the left and intelligence agencies.

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Picking up a chant from the left: Hey hey ho ho Old man Joe has got to go.

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I watch, read, and its a really sad testament when the actions behind the scenes of the supposed wizards of smart were playing on all sides, and truly screwing the United States above all in the long term. Friend or foe, who in their right mind would trust the fickle, hand-wringing, self-important academics doing this stuff?

Yes, there may be an administration here and there who have good sense and do the right things. They turn the lights on and send the genius cockroaches scurrying off into the shadows and corners. However, they do not rid us of them. They lurk in the shadows, undermine, sneer, scoff, and leak while predicting doom and failure.

Then the worst things happens. Their predictions, policies and actions are all proven false. You'd think there would be some introspection. Then some learning and adjustment. But no, there is only ire, a doubling down on stupidity, and then when their favored opinions come back into vogue, countless hold my beer moments as they are empowered to play checkers while our enemies are five moves ahead on their chess board.

If only there was a common sense test that could be given and throw them all out upon failure, but even if possible, the cowards in charge would not do it.

So now the Biden administration will do w/ Iran what they have been doing w/ the Houthi's attempt to interdict rather than remove the capability of an enemy to attack. I truly believe Israel knows this and will tell the US nothing of their retaliatory measures to demonstrate to Iran that when you F around, you will find out what the consequences are. The wizards of Biden and Obama will be listening to pass on whatever they learn to our enemies in the name of equity on the battlefield.

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"National Review"'s Jim Geraghty said it best:

"...What we have is a U.S. president and an administration who are more or less begging the rest of the world to just calm down and be quiet between now and November. Winning a second term on “Bidenomics” is going to be a hard sell, and banging the drum on abortion and Trump can only take Biden so far."

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Not true, Rich. Biden is also begging Republicans in Congress to help arm Ukraine as it resists Russian aggression, so far to no avail.

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It seems that Erick and most of the commentators are most interested in bashing Biden, in particular, but also the Dems and "lefties" than looking for a solution to this current round of violent attacks among two of the most powerful - in terms of inflicting violent harm - nations in the sub-region: Israel and Iran, in a geo-political framework w/o regard to domestic US politics.

How would a GOP president approach this complex situation? Would they give highest regard to America's Evangelical Christians and zionist-tending Jews in these micro-events in the Middle East which could quickly ratchet up into a series of events which would enflame the whole region (think Sarajevo in 1914)? Or would they engage the two other major regional powers: Egypt and Saudi Arabia to find a temporary but relatively peaceful period for another round of discussions on the region's most intractable situation: the claims of two different self-identifying peoples on the same land: called Palestine by some and Israel by others.

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You mean NOW after Biden and his appeasement to terrorist caused ALL of the nonsense. "Don't" The United States has a clown in office....THE WORST....50 years of doing absolutely nothing for America or the American people....I am not the biggest Trump fan...I wanted DeSantis BUT there is NO DOUBT....the events of today and the past 3 years is because these leaders have known BIDEN for YEARS! This is the perfect time for these countries to act out...Biden is an embarrassment and has shamed this country starting with Afghanistan...Biden should have been REMOVED from office with that disaster...Biden bashing???? Really? It's not about him...it's about his lack of leadership skills...too worried about Trump Trannies and pronouns!

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Love it.

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I saw the narrative coming when CNN's headline was, "Iran isolated after multiple countries held defend Israel", and "Iran attacks Israel with limited damage."

Joe Biden has experience with tit-for-tat that escalates to a full war because the enemy is emboldened. He has been a fool all his like and now he's a doddering old fool with dementia.

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This is why I say. Who cares what Trump says or even does that may be bullish outlandish or whatever.

Whatever that is. It’s not going to cause the end of the world.

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Iran was so impressed with Biden's, "Be careful" and "Don't" they continued, through their proxies, to attack ships in the Straits of Hormuz," launched more missiles at U.S. assets, and managed to kill three of our service men and women.

So what does our brave commander and chief do? He calls up their allies and tells them, "Hey, listen, we'll be by Tuesday afternoon around 2:00 PM to retaliate" and then blows up some meaningless sheds that have been emptied of munitions by the Houthis. They were long gone by then and were too busy laughing their heads off in Tehran.

For Joe Biden to sit behind the Resolute Desk is a joke. He's only resolute when it comes to handing out money in the hope people will vote for him.

When someone kills Americans and attacks American property the response should not be, "We intend to degrade their ability to do that again." You flatten them.

As President, Biden took an oath to defend his country and its people and he has failed abysmally.

I'm sad to say this, but his actions have been that of a timid old man that no one takes seriously.

To make matters worse, he recently gave Iran 10 billion dollars with a wink that it go for humanitarian aid. Are you kidding me? This was after calling them the chief sponsor of terrorism in the world multiple times!

The quicker we get rid of this man the better off we will all be.

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Iran and our enemies know he was saying "don't (retaliate)" to Israel.

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Mossad to every operative in Iran: "You have a go."

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If only that would really happen.

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Just for perspective, imagine Guatemala launching a similar attack on Texas. Can you imagine the hellfire that would be unleashed by the U.S. military on Guatemala? Yet our president is urging--no, demanding--that Israel must not repond to that 'unsuccessful' attack by Iran. Now imagine that Iran has completed it's overt intention to develop nuclear weapons with which to destroy Israel. IMHO, Israel's 'defensive' response to Iran's attack should be a swift hard deliberate attack on Iran's nuclear weapon related targets. Forthwith.

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Retaliation against Guatemala would not entail the danger that the entire region gets dragged into a war that could escalate in some extremely dangerous ways. Remember, Austrian retaliation (for an assassination) escalated into something called World War I.

The Israelis hit Iranian operatives and now Iran has hit back, with little actual effect. Because of the danger that things in this most volatile region might spiral out of control, dragging us into a war alongside Israel, it would be a good thing if things went no further.

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Disagree. The analogy w/Guatemala only illustrates the point from Israel's point of view. To carry the analogy to your counterpoint...Even if there WAS a chance of an escalation, there is no way the U.S. wouldn't respond with prejudice if it endured even a tenth of the persistent and egregious attacks that Israel has had to suck up. The consequences of a nuclear armed Iran whose openly declared intent and objective is the elimination of Israel is a real threat that will have to be dealt with sooner or later. Better now preemptively than in response to a nuclear attack. Re: "dragging us into a war," That's exactly what Iran is doing because of the U.S.'s current "Neville Chamberlain" foreign policy. Besides, Allies aren't 'dragged' into action; they back their allies because that's what they mutually pledged to do.

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One of the things we learned in Iraq is that taking military action can be much less problematic than what is to be done afterwards. Nevertheless, I find your argument ("Better now preemptively than in response to a nuclear attack") persuasive, leaving me unsure whether I really have that big a problem with Israel taking this occasion to retard Iran's nuclear ambitions.

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Great point. The Cuban Missile Crisis put us on the brink of a potential nuclear war with Russia, yet we stood firm because we wouldn't even tolerate the THREAT of missiles in our back yard.

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