I agree that living our values in our community and clearly presenting Jesus to those around us is much more effective than putting time and energy into national politics. Whether the Jesus gets you campaign is silly or a waste of money, reminds me of street corner evangelists. I always thought this was a poor way to witness, ineffective and off putting. And I’d say so repeatedly. Til I met some amazing Christians who had committed their lives to Christ through those street corner evangelists. So I try not to pontificate so much on what’s the right way or the wrong way or the best way or the waste of money way. If you’re consistent with the message of the Gospel then I just shut up let let you do your way that just maybe is the way God called you to. One thing though, that quote in the comments here from Herman Cain “save the savable”, God alone knows who savable, l’ll reach out to whoever the Holy Spirit prompts me. At least on a good day! I’m not sure I looked very savable in my past.

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Yes! Thank you again for sanity!

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Conservatives, and especially Christian ones, will have to form a parallel social, economic and cultural structure to provide an intelligently organized counterculture based on those things which are true and beautiful. The writings of Rod Dreher, specifically his books "The Benedict Option" and "Live Not By Lies" explain how this would work in the real world. In the second book, Dreher offers the example of the Christian communities which kept faith and hope alive in the Communist states of Eastern Europe during the Cold War. There are alternatives to the toxic social media landscape in Parler, MeWe and Rumble. We'll need to organize other, more politically oriented structures as we gather strength.

All of this will require that we Christians set aside the sterile debates over the relative virtues of various Christian denominations and focus together on what is really important; namely that the Christian worldview must not be lost to the world under the assaults of the secular and Marxist ones. And the most important thing is to preserve the values and beliefs of this nation's Founders, for they and they alone can assure the preservation of American, and for that matter, all Western society. And we must set aside all our misgivings about mixing Church and State at the level of electoral politics and be willing to vote our faith first, last and always. And Rick Williamson, you are on to something; the various leftist organizations (unions, the Democrat Party, et al) contain within their memberships many people who are dissatisfied with their affiliations, and who are seeking an alternative to the ever-increasing amorality (if not immorality) and nihilism inherent in the 21st Century left.

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The local, roots-up approach was the main force that led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Local government races, along with House and Senate races that can thwart "Woke" policies are much more important - and effective - than leaders national religious organizations that seek to speak for vast numbers of Christians that may not reflect the feeling of the majority of the group - much like Randi Weingarten surely doesn't speak for the majority of AFT teachers. But she makes all her members look bad.

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Well stated. In most instances, deeds/actions do in fact speak louder - and much more convincingly - than words.

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Christians and Republicans should read the book Nudge and adopt Libertarian Paternalism as their ideological foundation. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0263276421999447

And I completely agree with the end to pushing theocratic authoritarianism as a response to the postmodernist “woke” authoritarianism. Frankly they are both evil in intent and outcomes. I have often wondered why Republicans are not helped more by a Christian effort to help more in outreach in our troubled communities. Our billionaires are spending money on things like fake meat because of their “religious” belief that they will help prevent climate change and this benefits the human condition (and no doubt their bank account too). Why don’t we see more spending on schools, health, treatment, adoption, housing, etc.? We let the Democrats tax and spend us to smithereens without any social improvements. It gets them votes creating a larger miserable underclass. Christians should be working to lift more of theses people up at the community level… and changing minds about politics in the process.

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Christ is rarely communicated via a media campaign. Christ is communicated through a single life, living amongst a lost people, seeking their peace with the knowledge he or she cannot fail in the process. Ads are targeting consumers. Christianity is about a Savior who has come seeking his sheep. He died doing it. He lives ready to come back for them.

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There is something about that campaign that feels disingenuous.

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Erick, I thought you would enjoy this article. Even though you have "corrected" your reference to the Methodist church in Oklahoma, this is precisely what us Biblical traditionalists are fighting against in the evermore progressive United Methodist Church.


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Ann, the UMC I attended failed to meet the super majority to disaffiliate.

It's a great day to be in the GMC! 🙂

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Jay, our local admin council agreed to allow the church body to have the formal vote, but the Bishop of the North Georgia Conference pulled the rug out from under us on December 28th. Two days before she was moved to another state, she disallowed any further voting on disaffiliation. Said we could wait until General Conference in 2024 and see what was decided at that time. Along with many other members, we no longer attend nor contribute financially. We are visiting other churches in our area that managed to escape before the edict.

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Well done, Brother! Maybe as Christians we should be more concerned about changing and shaping lives instead of influencing and mandating policies. One life at a time, leads to maybe two lives, that leads to four lives.

Again, on the mark! Mossy Creek is waiting on you!

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So well said. Sometimes it’s so frustrating to look at where we are as a nation, but change will only happen if it starts at the local level. As Christian’s we need to go to local churches and get involved in our local communities.

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I agree with much of what you said. I have been calling for 30 years for believers to come to grips with the changes in our society by living their values unashamedly before the world. That has become harder and more necessary than ever, if we hope to see change. The actions you referenced will do more to bring people to Christ and have deeper impact than any election we could win or legislation we could pass. I truly think the Christian Church made a serious mistake with the pursuit of the “moral majority.” Though I respect Jerry Falwell & others, I believe our efforts would have /will best be invested in sharing Jesus, as well as discipling believers. As Herman Cain use to say, “Save the ‘savable!’”

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Well said. Jesus didn't save anyone in the temple; but He did in the streets, towns, and hillsides.

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As it's often said, "All politics are local," I believe that for the most part all Christian evangelism is local. The changing of the world must be done in our home and in our community first, and then that influence will continue to spread beyond. The focus should be on how we can be Neighbor to those around us, not how we can make the government do it for us. I'm glad to be a part of a local congregation doing just that even though we're part of a denomination dealing with some very difficult times. Our focus is on making ourselves into the hands and feet of Jesus and taking care of our community.

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Love your show! Native Atlantan and listen to you. I am Jewish. Respect your views and Christian beliefs though sometimes I wish you would you would use the term JudeoChristian values instead of just Christian. Because I actually share a lot of your values. Our kids went to a private school….believe in conservatives funding private schools to help poor kids get a better education….do not believe in indoctrinated, etc. and when I listen to you, it helps me decide for myself my thoughts and I know you’re not trying to convert me to Christianity, etc. just sayin my thoughts. Thanks Eric. Keep the recipes comin!

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Well said. We Christians need to focus on our communities and our families. Its difficult to do so in most major cities and why we chose to build a home in rural NW Georgia.

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