I certainly hope you are right about a 2022 backlash against the Democrat party.

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The intolerance of the Left is in full view once again.

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People are walking away from their jobs because of vaccine mandates, and the Great American Leftmedia has said almost nothing about it. Only now, with entire hospital departments either closing or sharply reducing services, and restaurants not opening because of staff shortages, are they deciding to cover the story. Even police officers have had quite enough: https://www.bostonherald.com/2021/09/24/dozens-of-massachusetts-troopers-line-up-to-quit-over-covid-vaccine-mandate/

It’s shameful that the bias is so bad that anything challenging the narrative is suppressed, or at least would be shameful, if the media was capable of shame anymore.

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There has to be a way to punch the ‘fair and balanced’ truth through (not a Fox plug). Thinking on it a long time, but nothing yet. Need people smarter than me to coalesce some ideas. Perhaps lame, but how ‘bout a national show where the best progressive is pitted against the best conservative for a ‘smack-down’? If people will tune in for ‘The Masked Singer’ then something like this could work…maybe? Have to get above the noise.

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The comments on that Twitter thread illustrate just how easily people are duped.

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For those interested in balanced media coverage, check out Dan Abrams Live new show on News Nation. For those interested in hearing what you want to hear, continue to watch and listen to what you are today, whichever side of mainstream media dial you choose (and yes, as a centrist i avoid them all......

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Great article.....thank you!

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There is an app now called "Smart News"...they're running ads on television. The first line of the ad is a white male saying smugly "I was only watching news I agreed with". If you can "agree" or "disagree" with what you are watching, it is not "news", it's just an opinion about the news. Why don't people understand this anymore?

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That ad is like fingernails down a chalkboard to me. And it’s running at almost every single commercial break.

…I wonder🧐…why?….

(not wondering at all.)

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I hope there will be good candidates for the Republicans in the up comming elections. There are many low information voters out there. These are folks that only get news from main stream media. They should not be shunned ,but if you come across them, talk to them not at them. Give them good information so they can make good decisions. Republicans need a consitent message that shows true conservative values.

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Actually, Tom, I fear it will not matter. At least in California for sure.

Gavin Newsom has just codified that all statewide California elections, going forward, will be predominantly by mail-in ballots.

Republicans will never win another statewide election again in California.

Mark my words.

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It pains me to see what has happened to CA. Some parts of the state have stunning beauty. CA has been on a slow decline for a long time. When the citizens of CA see other states, especially the ones near, becoming more prosporus, as CA still declines, then maybe they will make a change.

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Good candidates will be hard to find. Between Trump worship and the assault on liberty by the msm, what intelligent person would want to run?

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