When I first moved to the area in 2011, one of the first characteristics about you which drew me to your show and commentary was your willingness to admit to error. It's too bad public personas have not realized that humility is not a weakness. But then again, meekness is not recognized today as either a concept or a strength.

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I always appreciate your well thought out and reasoned responses. We are human and we all make mistakes. But "mistakes" such as sending Corona virus patients to nursing homes and forcing those facilities to accept them when they didn't have the training or infrastructure is unforgivable. Why NY continues this practice and hasn't used the trained National Guard members to do there what was done in GA and elsewhere is beyond me.

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Great followup Erick. Your mistake is forgotten.

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Excellent analysis Erick. Facts must win.

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They will believe China data more than GA or FL of course. Then what do you do.

Your one passage could have read.....

As nursing homes in New York were forced to accept infected patients, Florida had largely sealed off their elder care facilities.

But Cuomo is the best and a great Governor.

As New York residents continued to fill hospitals, Florida hospital capacity was declining.

But Cuomo is the best and a great Governor.

As Andrew Cuomo continued to receive unlimited praise and fawning press coverage, DeSantis and Florida’s residents were savaged as morons.


Cuomo is the best and a great Governor.

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I don't think anybody predicted the rapid spread of the Corona virus in the US that hit the fans in the first two weeks of March. For example, on February 29, the US had 68 confirmed Corona cases and by March 14 it had 2771 confirmed cases. Trump critics can cite his comments indicating the Corona virus was under control, but until March, all the known US cases were isolated in specialized containment areas. Both Nancy Pelosi (on February 24) and Bill de Blasio (in early March) clearly downplayed the seriousness of the Corona virus. But the truth was, nobody knew the NYC area would explode with Corona cases in the next couple of weeks (168,177 confirmed cases by March 30). That is why when Trump issued the EU travel ban on March 11, the EU loudly protested, until the next week when it closed the borders to its own Schengen zone.

Personally, I think FL did screw up by allowing Spring Break, as even ir it can't be proven, it probably helped distribute the Corona virus when the college students returned home. But it is also clear that Cuomo (and the Democratic governors who followed his path) made a major screw-up by allowing known Corona cases to be sent into vulnerable nursing homes. But the real question isn't what mistakes were made in the past. The real question is whether we can agree to focus on common sense steps to minimize new Corona outbreaks (like social distancing and to some extent mask wearing) and if we can agree to end draconian restrictions that have little benefit in areas with low concentrations of the Corona virus.

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