5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

I think Erick misunderstands what Harris really needed to accomplish. Let's face it. Nothing she could have said would have satisfied the Fox News audience on the issues they care most about, immigration in particular. What she needs to do, not just on Fox but generally, is to show that she has the strength - and courage - that is necessary to be Commander in Chief. If she did that, she did well.

She at least had the courage to be interviewed on Fox. Trump, on the other hand, won't even appear on 60 Minutes, much less face off again against Harris on the debate stage. I agree with Erick that on the substantive issues, Harris just did OK. Were Trump to ever show his face on MSNBC, however, any one of their hosts would take him apart . . . and he knows it.

I have called Trump a great many names pertaining to his sexual assaults, efforts to swindle people with whom he did business, 34 felony convictions and being the only President in our entire proud history who failed to peacefully surrender power. I can now add to that list, COWARD.

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A lot of jabberwocky nonsensical puffery in this post. I would and do take Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley's opinions way over your posting.

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Erick-Woods Erickson, I was kind of surprise gladly by the questions that Bret Baier asked in last night's interview.

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" Kamala Harris is simply not capable of giving a rational, coherent answer for why her positions have changed since 2020."

To be clear, she has said her core values/principles have not changed, yet the words coming out of her mouth contradict words that have come out of her mouth over the last 4 years, including her attempt at nomination in 2019.

IMO, this is sociopathic behavior - an inability to distinguish lies from truth, right from wrong. She actually believes what she says that minute, even if it is the opposite of what she said 5 years ago when she truly believed her 2019 statement. Yes, politicians change their positions all the time (it's what they do), Ms. Harris seems to believe her new position...with the caveat in my mind that she's clear her core values remain constant, leading to she currently speaks whatever it takes to win and switch back, or she lied back then and we see the "true" Kamala now.

Without the Holy Spirit transforming her heart (the latter), the former is my expectation.

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I'm not a tribalist. I'm a realist. The reality is, Kamala had some good moments, but generally she was smug, evasive, defensive, and a bit too angry. "Phony" also comes to mind . . .

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Last night could have consisted of "Let me be clear...I'm not Orange Man Bad...I'm not going to answer your question, Brett."

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The question/answer I was hoping for is: "What is the message the Biden Harris Admin has telegraphed across the world to generate 20 MM or so people scrambling to get here?" Biden Harris Admin must have spread a message similar to, "No worries, we'll take care of all your needs."

Obviously, President Trump telegraphed something like "Do Not Try to Come to the US illegally; you'll have no support, you'll be turned away."

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Seriously, did y'all not here her say, "that's what I will do as the next Vice President?" serious Freudian slip

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Exactly! And, she did NOT do it as the current Vice President. "Let's be clear." As if she could ever be clear. She came on there the do nothing be bad mouth Trump and not really answer questions.

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Yep, glad I caught your comment before I posted my own. She knows and Freud caught her ;-)

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Given her answers, you'd think Trump has been in power the last four years. And it's odd to see her not answer questions from recent, direct quotes from her own mouth on certain positions.

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I just read some comments that show that the ONE WORLD GOV. has started their real takeover of the USA. It will be in the news a lot in the next several days.

Thank you Erick for getting all of these out and I am sure you will hear about this very soon, if not already.


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The take away on Harris from the body of interviews, speeches and presentations she has given is that she might be the most inauthentic candidate we have ever experienced. Given an interview by CNN or MSNBC she would have been a giggling school girl. But of course she put on the serious act on Fox News. I think her primary problem is that she has painted herself in a corner of being completely untrustworthy. She just says whatever she thinks she needs to say at the time to bolster her popularity. People might like what she says at times, but any honest and thoughtful voter has to admit that there is nothing reliable in her positions and ideas.

I will say that Brett Baier demonstrated how a top-level TV news personality should perform. He is an order of magnitude better than any of the hacks on the other networks news programs that shill for the Democrats.

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15 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

As I've written before, I didn't vote for Trump in the 2016 GOP primary. I voted for him in the general election in 2016 & 2020 because I felt his policies were far superior than the policies that were offered by his opponents.

Ditto for 2024.

That said, I think Kamala is a uniquely horrible candidate who lies unabashedly, 'unburdened' by anything even remotely resembling the truth.

She kept saying, 'Can I answer?' and 'You have to let me answer' while in no way providing an answer to the question that was actually asked.

She completely ticked me off when she ignored her role in the border debacle while saying 'but think of what could be happening now if Trump hadn't killed that bill.'

Her supporters think she was great. Her detractors think she tanked. For those not in those two camps, I don't think she moved the needle at all.

If Trump can stay on message, focusing only the economy/inflation, the border and crime, he has a really good chance of winning in November.

Whether he'll be alive to take the oath of office remains to be seen.

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This is what Biden and Harris

Have brought to this country


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Or - as a sports fan told me recently, "if you are complaining about the refs, you are losing."

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The democrat party would (will, hopefully) benefit from a loss. They need to excise from their party those that actually hate America. I've no problem with patriotic democrats that believe in American exceptionalism. There are just just so very few of them - actually maybe none. Perhaps, maybe, Harold Ford, frequent panel member on Fox's afternoon show, "The Five". The conservative hosts on that show have said that they'd consider voting for him. I listen to him - he's a partisan, but respectful, and not crazy. Democrat party needs more like him. Read a lot of comments today - sorry, y'all, Fox really is "Fair and Balanced" with maybe a few exceptions.

Kamala proved again last night that she, like Biden, would be a Trojan horse candidate - "Tell me what to say, just let me ride in that sweet jet!" If Trump wins, he will be out of power in four years. Then the two parties can joust again. Vance has proven to be incredibly smart and quick on his feet. May he be able to stand on his record proudly in 28'.

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I completely agree. The word among the elites here in Washington is that the Republican Party needs to purge the Trump populists. They don’t seemingly understand that the crazy, insane progressive wokes need to be purged from the Democrat party. Trump brought in the disaffected Americans that were dismissed by both parties and derided by the Democrats. The progressive crazies have always been involved in politics because that is their religion. A large loss by Harris and Waltz (the epitome of wokeness) would hopefully have the sane people that are left in the Democrat party to send crazies to Siberia. (Which is what good communists do.)

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True 😂

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Bill Clinton was the last "good" Democrat. Obama began the precipitous decline. Then came Hillary, "Lunchpail Joe," and now bottoming out with Comma-La.

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Trump. 62%

Harris. 38%

Maine Cabin Masters was better

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Erick, seriously. It was embarrassing. The only answer she had for anything was “but Trump”. I agree with you that she likely did not accomplish what she set out to do, but the optics were far worse than that. Arms flailing to end the interview pretty much would tell any sentient being it was a “no mas” moment.

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That leaves Joe Biden out.

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Her default was to run out the clock and talk about how bad Trump is, and even though out of power, he still is in control of government. (Eye roll emoji).

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I think the orange man bad stuff is getting very old and will likely drive people towards Trump now versus away. At some point a person says, “why do they keep going after the guy. He must be on to something”. The Queen doth protest too much.

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I wasn't sure if I would vote at all, and that was back when Biden was still in it. But like you say, as a contrarian all the persecution really had me leaning towards choosing Trump rather than just sit out. My congressional district leans 80+% Democrat so that one is moot. One motivating factor for me is that I will get satisfaction in voting against Fani Willis.

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