I'm with you, I don't drink bud. Anheuser Busch owns a lot of brands. I will drink Stella if Blue Moon or Samuel Adams is not available.

I must say from a marketing perspective the campaign seems to be wildly successful...

"rebranding the “fratty and out of touch” Bud Light to be more inclusive and have a broader appeal"

Well if fratty means redneck and out of touch means heartland.

I suspect actually fraternities and sororities will buy into this.

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Wish I could like it twice.

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Since the Light beers taste like beer flavored soda water anyway, is it possible to just do that? Or is there some reason (besides inconvenience and looking crazy) not to DIY a beer spritzer? I’m going to try it and find out:-)

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Unfortunately this was very well said ...

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A-B and Miller are owned by InBev and AmBev, neither of which is an American corporation.

If one wants to drink beer, may I suggest you get to know your local craft brewers. They employ your neighbors, are independent entrepreneurs, and keep their profits not just in the US but in your home town.

And their beers are, as a category, so superior to the mass-produced pischwasser from A-B and Miller et al, that there's really no excuse for a "beer lover" NOT to buy local craft beer.

Vote out woke with your wallet. Vote local with your wallet.

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Yes, yes, yes. I can get to four or five craft brewers within three miles. I never drink industrial beer.

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To me, this all began 5 years ago with Cancel Culture. Hell, they even had to come up with a name for it.

Cancelling by yelling louder, counting on the media’s echo chamber, and fueled by “keyboard courage”, set us on the path where a gay guy who insults women leads to violent threats against a Clydesdale.

I am enjoying Corporations collapsing on themselves because they allowed their “inner woke” to take over.

Note to self….. watch for woke announcements then short the stock.


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I like your financial advice! Given Biden's impact on my 401k, I might use this strategy to compensate. : )

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Donald and Don Jr.'s statements are no surprise. Politicians have always been for sale.

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"...and you see Fox News using female pronouns..." Finally, someone of national prominence has pointed out that Fox News (who everyone thinks is solely/wholly conservative) has fallen in line with the progressive nonsense of using one gender's pronouns to discuss someone of the other gender. Thank you, Mr. Erickson.

It isn't that I totally dislike Fox News. They do give us information that you won't find in most of MSM. But, they can be a bit schizophrenic. And, in the case of some of their opinion hosts, a bit hypocritical. (Here's looking at you, Sean Hannity.)

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So true! So very true!

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Oh and one more thing… Don who?

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I don't drink beer. I've never bought anything from Nike. Never. I don't watch football...but I do love the Budweiser Clydesdales, and I found it very sad that they've cancelled the Clydesdale appearances due to threats of violence against the horses.

When a stallion is castrated it becomes a gelding, not a mare, horses have nothing to do with transgenderism.

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See what I said below.

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OMG, you guys just knocked it outta' the park with that analogy!!

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We were typing at the same time, LOL!

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This all makes my stomach turn. I am not C a beer drinker so you’d never find me with a Bud of any kind in my hand. This is corporate insanity and weakness. They’ll lose lots of their customers over this. They are tone deaf and greedy. Now, I am a horse lover and a Clydesdale owner. When they start messing with their national symbol, the Clydesdales, then I’ll go to war with them. There are two sexes among horses - mares and stallions and then you have neutered stallions - geldings. Apparently their leadership is composed of geldings - including the women who wanna be geldings. Or aren’t sure anymore.

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Erick why are you still drinking Coke after the MLB all star game weren’t they also involved with getting it moved out of Atlanta? As far ass AB goes I won’t drink any of there products same with Coke and Nike can take a hike. I guess the Republican congressional leadership can also join the group I will contribute to my preferred candidates and screw Don Jr.

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Great job of connecting the dots and I agree with you, wholeheartedly. Maybe you use "Coke" in the generic Southern way, but Coca Cola is pretty 'woke', as well. Since I can't stand colas, I've never liked Nike shoes, and the only Anheuser-Busch beer I liked was Michelob and their move to "Ultra" ruined that....boycotting all these has been easy!

When you say you "like beer" and then mention a couple of light beers, you do become suspect. We don't do 'light' around here. Glad to have many better choices. On Missouri's western side is Boulevard Brewing, home of great beers. We do have Yuengling in the fridge, and the host of small breweries provide many excellent choices. To games, we'll take our own bottles of water, because I'm not going to pay ludicrous prices for bad beer and we no longer do any soft drinks.

As for the NRCC, I don't take their calls and I never contribute because standing on principles has not been a strong suit with them.

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Another good write up Erick! I’m not a big beer drinker I’ll buy a six pack of Miller lite, and four may stay in my fridge for months after (I’ll stick to my whiskeys and mixers). Nike shoes were awesome when I was kid ( had to have the Jordan’s and loved my Bo Jackson edition). But old fat man wide feet require comfort and wide sizes, so hokas and brooks it is. But Don jr shows how desperate politicians and their hanger ons are to be in power. Money and Power corrupts, I guess that why the Lord hasn’t blessed with that lottery win !! Stay in your Bible y’all !!

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