The two sides of the horseshoe as you say are opposite the middle. I have to explain to my wife sometimes why people decide based on the color of her skin (she is white) that she is a bad person. They don't know her, haven't interacted with her at all, but treat her badly because she is blanched, alabaster, European white. It is very sad that people don't just get to know people before deciding who to like or dislike.

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Humans create much mischief when they reject God.

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And then declare themselves to be higher moral authorities than God. We’re truly in a Tower of Babel age

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You left out dyslexic and autistic in your description of the perfect oppressed person

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God is the only source of absolute truth and is the greatest power there is. His word (Bible) is the only thing I trust in this entire chaotic world. But, MAAAANNNN! The ability of humanity to avoid the truth of God and go DEEP into the weeds of nonsense makes my brain hurt. I wish there was an early entry rapture program for those eager to leave this madness behind. I would camp out for a month in line to claim a spot! COME LORD JESUS!!

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I must be older than I thought. After having no idea what Erick was talking about with his Orc (Ork?) monologue yesterday (Isn't that where Mork was from) I have no idea what he's trying to say here. None of the words like postmodernism, intersectionality, cisgender, etc.existed till recently.

I've know for a while they're just making this stuff up as they go along.

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Orc = Lord of the Rings which I’m going to blindly assume you’ve heard of. Or at least the films from 20 years ago?

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Heard of. Never read the books. Never watched the movies.

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This is what happens when you make an idol out of power and authority.

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Unfortunately, I think a man like Buckley on the right no longer exists or rather has the same influence and power as he did while remaining a moral, upstanding gentleman of the highest caliber. Maybe, I am wrong (I can’t think of one who could do what he did with the JBS) or one will emerge.

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^Shapiro perhaps?

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I've never been a fan of the left or right on a linear ideological basis, I've always considered it a circle... and always noted that sort of visually explain why the far right and the far left look so much a like. In the circle they are back to back and don't notice each other. If the far left and far right weren't so hateful, they probably would really like each other.

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Carlson went from very influential to non important. now I think he is just trying outrageous things to be noticed

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Amen brother we have to see evil as what it is and stop it without regard to it being from the left or right. Wide is the path that leads to destruction!

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I’m usually behind Carlson’s interviews and this morning I went through most of Cooper’s interview.

I read Mein Kampf fifty years ago. Russia was Germany’s enemy, not France. To be “German” you needed the correct genes. A noted black college professor whose family lived in Germany for generations wasn't “German”.

As with the Great War, the Germans figured that a few quick victories in the east and Stalin would want a peace treaty. The war in the west was over quicker than they realized. A two front war wasn’t a good idea so England had to seek a peace. After Dunkirk they pushed this idea. (Alternate history scenario, the Germans had the ability to stop the evacuation and capture all the people trapped in Dunkirk). Hess flew to England to personally plead for neutrality.

Don’t forget that Mein Kampf was widely available so everyone knew his agenda. After the 1933 election everyone could see the path Germany was taking. Do you think that if Russia had totally collapsed by the end of 1941, Germany would have thought of finally getting rid of English influence?

There was a famine in India. Local ineptitude in supply food or a higher up policy to starve people? Who gets blamed for that?

The arm chair historians have claimed that Hitler would have been stopped in 1936 by a show of force when the Germans re occupied the Rheinland.

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The progressive is a disease you get right before syphilis.

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Good article - maybe a little too intellectual for me though (I'd have to read it twice to really understand what you're trying to say and am too lazy to do that).

As the shutdown approaches can you give us a write up on the Repub strategy of going for no spending cuts but trying to appease Trump's ego with the SAVE Act? Are we really going to jeopardize 10 incumbents with this dumb_ss SAVE act strategy? Do people realize how stupid this is and how this is further proof that we have a moron cult leader pulling the puppet strings of our other elected republicans. There is not evidence of illegals voting in elections and yet we are going to chase this dumbassery all the way down the rabbit hole to our own detriment of losing congressional seats.

I can see it now, we will eventually cave on this moronic sh_tshow of a strategy and if/when Trump loses he will say it was all because illegals rigged the election against him and pin it all onJohnson not being able to pass the SAVE act.

Mike Johnson better prepare to be the next scapegoat in the land of idiocracy.

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Well, Erick, tell that to Tucker Carlson! He just had a Hitler apologist on his podcast and lauded him as a great thinker. Lost all respect for Tucker in that moment.

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Exactly why I am writing this.

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Well said, Erick. Thank you always for your great insight and intelligence. God bless you.

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An example of how the truth is inconvenient: I sell packaging equipment and must frequently navigate the relative dangers of having our engineers speak to customers. Engineers are not ideal customer-facing candidates because they are fact-based and often squash the customer's dreams of what is possible without regard to feelings. If we're presenting to the customer's engineering team, this goes over well because they, too, deal in facts. But if we're presenting to marketing and/or visionaries, this approach can be enough to drive our prospective customer to a competitor who is willing to say what the prospect wants to hear and then deal with the realities of physics after the purchase order is issued. It's maddening.

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