Having just spent seven bucks to read this, I am a bit peeved with your viewpoint. I live in Macon GA, just as you do. We probably vote in the same precient. I voted Tuesday, November 3. No early voting for me, because in this day and time, if you can't get up and vote on election day, there should be a damn good reason. Military service, business that doesn't allow it, etc. You should not be allowed to vote early just to avoid a line, and mail in voting is just a recipe for fraud that the Democrat Party cooked up. I entered the voting place on Riverside Dr. and was immediately struck by the fact that NO Republicans were visible. I counted 13 people who were workers, and not a single one was readily identifiable as a Republican. On the other hand, 11 of the 13 were easily identified as Democrats. The fake smarminess of their "Good morning!" The young metrosexual male with the colored hair and Biden/Harris face mask. The slightly overweight Mount De Sales mom with the $250 jeans with the rips built in, for that "common" look. The snarky "stand on the X" from the Bebe Neuwirth lookalike. Macon being what it is, I expected an overwhelming Democrat theme. But there was only one, count 'em, ONE, black person working there in a city that is 55% African American. He was instructing people where to stand. The poll workers were all women, all mid 30's to early '50's, and all white. In Macon? Methinks not. I smelled a fix. By the time I voted, it was 7:28 AM. My supervisor at work later informed me he went to vote at 7 am in Griffin, GA. He didn't get inside the building until 7:15 am, despite showing up at 6:30 am, and was told that all the voting machines in the state were down, and that they would have to use paper ballots. During that same time period, I witnessed over 40 people casting their votes on the machines in Macon with no problems. Now Erick, I don't generally don't believe in conspiracy theories, but something just stinks about this. Besides Georgia, what about all the other observations? 90+% turnout in districts around Milwaukee? Really? Pol Pot would like that kind of turnout. Postal workers being instructed by USPS supervisors to hand stamp Nov. 3 postmarks on any ballots that came in late? There are hundreds of other stories that we know about, and probably thousands that Democrats are snickering about behind their unnecessary masks. People know there is a conspiracy amongst the Silicon Valley types and the mainstream media to put "those damn Trumpanzees" in their place. There has been since Nov. 9, 2016. And the people feel extremely distressed that our Constitution is being used as a doormat for the "election" of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. You never struck me as a Trump maniac, and l am far from one myself. But the man did a good job under unprecedented obstruction from the media and the Democrat Party. RIght is right, and wrong is wrong. The American people deserved a fair election, and they did not get it. Now, how about encourage all the local listeners to your radio show, like me, to vote January 5, so we can insure Republicans can make a Biden presidency as toothless as possible.

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I remember back in 2015-2016 you wrote "You will be made to care". Today I see it everywhere; TV, movies, commentary, etc. Sometimes I just want the world to stop. I'm tired of the constant battles we have to fight. But I will tell you this, Unless we make changes to our school systems, we will be a Socialist Nation soon. We do not teach Civics, any life skill courses to our students or American History. We only feed them Propaganda. It saddens me. I may not see all that is down the road, but I worry about my grandchildren. Eric, keep preaching but also give us some hope. I am afraid of Biden's Dark, Deary, Desperate Winter.

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Thanks for your unwavering commitment to speaking truth. Please don't stop. Keep fighting the good fight.

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If the President's legal team can prove that the voting machines contain software that can be manipulated to change the votes, and that these machines were widely used in 30+ states, then I believe the Supreme Court will declare that this year's election was null and void!!

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I just listened to Sidney Powell on Rush Limbaugh's radio show who spoke about massive electronic manipulation of the vote! Dominion software that was designed to flip the vote through an algorithm imbedded in the machines? Why aren't you addressing this?

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kYou've stated this ad nauseam....if God wanted Donald Trump to win, Trump would have. If we understand that God really is in control, then there is no reason to get all whacked out about this. We live in difficult, exciting and perhaps even in the last days before Christ returns. Wouldn't it be rather novel if believers actually lived like they believe God has this in hand?

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I am ready for citizen Donald J Trump to make a bid to buy CNN from AT&T.

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Erick, this is a little off topic, but what is Sean Hannity's problem with Gov. Kemp. Is it because Gov. Kemp is his own man and does not worship President Trump like Sean. I am getting tired of hearing Sean Hannity trash my Governor. I am to the point where I change radio stations when he comes on. If Senators Purdue and Loeffler loose the run-off, I will blame Sean.

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Not sure who is whispering in Hannity's ear on this, but it isn't helpful and risks a GOP primary in 2022 that allows Abrams to fundraise.

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Erick I can see that you are going to continue writing in this vein until you have exhausted yourself. It is likely true that there aren't sufficient instances of fraud, or rule changes, or what have you, to allow Trump to claim electoral victory. I can understand that you need to stand firm on this point in the face of overwrought, Trump-voting, readers and radio listeners. However, you haven't spent enough time - that I can see - acknowledging the reasons that millions are unwilling to accept a Trump loss on its face. The mainstream, or legacy, media is fundamentally dishonest and committed to a Democrat/left agenda. The Democrat party, or at least its ascendant factions, is fundamentally dishonest and committed to a progressive agenda. We have just lived through the four-year fiction that was the Russian collusion hoax, and the more recent journalistic malpractice as evidenced in the debates, the Hunter/Joe Biden scandal, and the months-long blatant refusal to call protest/riot violence anything other than "peaceful".

Public trust in our institutions, in our media, is dead and awaiting formal burial. Can you really blame average folks for the response you are seeing in the wake of the election?

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I spend so much time on radio on this topic that I haven't felt the need to go on about them here more than I already have.

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Erick, Actually the Trump campaign is claiming that Trump's lawyers are not dropping their claims in PA ( https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2020/11/15/trump-campaign-pushes-back-on-media-reports-of-changed-pennsylvania-case/ ). This is not an argument that the claims are valid, but rather that Erick: Trump's attorneys are denying that they have withdrawn their PA claims ( https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2020/11/15/trump-campaign-pushes-back-on-media-reports-of-changed-pennsylvania-case/ ). There are other issues as well, as Georgia may have had GOP observers present for signature verification and/or a curing process. It is not clear that this was true in other states like PA. Nor is it clear that Philadelphia's livestream ( https://www.phillyvoice.com/philly-ballot-counting-livestream-video-youtube-poll-workers-2020-election/ ) provides the same level of observation as physical observers within 6 feet of counters. Is it part of PA's law that the two forms of observation are equivalent?

It is not very honest to compare Trump's attorneys contesting elections within 2 weeks of the election date and prior to states certifying results with the Democrats contention of Russian interference in the 2016 election that went on for years. The only basis for the Democrat's claim was the Steele dossier which the Clinton campaign had directly paid Russian sources to obtain and which was known early on to be based on false information.

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They didn't dismiss the suit, but they deleted all the claims, as I mentioned. You can see it yourself. https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.pamd.127057/gov.uscourts.pamd.127057.125.1.pdf. Every claim related to those ballots being unable to be observed and therefore needing to be rejected have been stricken from the complaint.

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Erick, That is a Guilliania tweet that was reported in the Breitbrart article:

"Do not use the law firm of Swaine & Viebeck. They are the WAPO activists who falsely wrote that we changed our case in PA. They didn’t read para 132-150 which repeat all the allegations of the 680,777 mail in votes which were deliberately concealed from Republican inspectors."

Here is paragraph 132 from the link you sent, which seems to be a claim that is still intact:

"D. Uneven Treatment of Watchers and Representatives at the County Election Boards’

Canvassing of Ballots. "In every instance where an absentee or mail-in ballot is opened and canvassed by a county election board, poll watchers and canvass representatives

are legally permitted to be present. See Election Code Section 1308(b), 25 P.S.

§ 3146.8(b) (“Watchers shall be permitted to be present when the envelopes

containing official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots are opened and when such

ballots are counted and recorded.”); see also 25 P.S. § 3146.8(g)(1.1) and (g)(2)"

If I am not mistaken, there was a law firm that represented Trump that withdrew from the case, perhaps leading to the edits to the claim that were made. I am not an attorney and my view is that people should just wait until the courts rule on these matters instead of making premature judgments, For example, this comment from legal expert Jonathan Turley, who even though he leans Democrat, always seeks to present an honest view of legal cases (https://ussanews.com/News1/2020/11/14/jonathan-turley-i-think-its-clear-at-this-point-that-voting-fraud-occurred/ ): "We haven’t had any of the information to judge anything about voter fraud. We still don’t,” Turley said. “We’re still in the tabulation stage. We wouldn’t have evidence of systemic problems until we’re into the canvassing stage in most elections." ... Turley said that trying to determine the extent of voter fraud at this stage of the election process is like trying to guess the number of jelly beans in a jar when you can’t see the jar.

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The aggravation of not knowing who to believe has become exasperating. There are SO many sources reporting this almost as a slam-dunk for the President, that he will be vindicated and proven the true winner of this election. But I have long leaned on you Erick, as well as Fox's Howard Kurtz to give me the unvarnished facts as you both know them, and your reporting has stood in stark contrast to these stories. I would have shut down any hope I had of an overturned election had it not been for the outlier on this one: Rush. Historically, he has been very accurate when he admonishes his listeners "Do not doubt me on this." But alas, I feel that even the Mayor of Realsville has fallen victim to wishful thinking, perhaps even hoping that turning the election results may prove to be his last great hurrah.

Thanks for dealing in facts and reminding people of their importance.

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This report of yours, Erick, is evidence to me that my decision to subscribe here is well-founded. For several day I have been trying to ascertain exactly what the poll-site issues were. Your explanation is the best I have seen. Now I understand, at least a little bit what the tip of this electoral iceberg may indicate.

Your approach is practical, feet on the ground, eyes on the important details, and yes, evidence-based.

Keep up the good work. We're depending on you to help us get this mess straightened out.

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It is not helpful or good. It is being perpetuated by a man who has little, if any, regard for the constitution or the good of the country. It is what the Republican Party has become. I left the party four years ago. It’s hard to see what would bring me back.

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