The point about Trump being an anchor for the GOP is relative to who the other option is. Does anybody really believe John Kasich, or Justin Amash or Larry Hogan or Bill Weld or Mark Sanford or Joe Walsh or Mitt Romney would have a better chance of being President? Trump is not an anchor to GOP voters as he is regularly getting 90-95% approval ratings ( https://news.gallup.com/poll/203198/presidential-approval-ratings-donald-trump.aspx ) Trump is an anchor to Democrats as he is regularly getting about 10% approval. Independent voters were largely responsible for Obama being elected and for a relatively narrow victory by GA Governor Kemp over Stacy Abrams, with less of a margin than Trump had in 2016. Trying to run as a moderate didn't work for McCain or Romney and there is no reason to believe a moderate candidate would have a better chance than Trump in 2020 and the only people who seem to believe that also seem to believe Biden is a moderate (and given his Sanders-like policies that is lunacy).

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Although it doesn't come under the category of "policy", the issues of character and fitness are going to score high among voters and not in Trump's favor.

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Maybe, but there are those who don't like Trump's character, yet they worry even more about the character of the left in the United States and what that will lead to. Many who voted for Trump in 2016 didn't do so because they like his character, but because they're more afraid of what will happen if the left gains power. As far as voters in the middle, I think your statement holds a lot of truth. We'll see what happens!

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I disagree with the premise that other republican can distance themselves from Trump. The convention set up tells us the GOP has no bench at all behind Trump. Much to my dismay, there is no other voice in the party, but his.

There will be no policy debates, no rising stars, no chance for down ballot Candidates.

We hitched our wagon to a con man and he is driving headlong off a cliff. We can only hope to survive the crash.

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Thought-provoking. Thank you.

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Honest question: what do Trump supporters/voters see for their future that Republican non-Trump supporters/Biden Voters see in their future?

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I do not understand your question??

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Better stated: What future do Trump supporters/voters see that is different than Republican non-Trump supporters/Biden voters see in their future? How are these two views different?

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That's a really good question.

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