"Evangelicals that voted for Biden had no idea Trump's delusional narcissism and meanness of spirit would lead to Warnock and Ossoff tipping the Senate" I have been hearing this excuse for a while...and it really ticks me off. If the Biden Evangelicals had voted for Trump in the first place...he would have won and there would not have been disillusioned voters that sat out voting in the Georgia runoff. A lot of "conservatives" and Evangelicals chose to not vote for Trump because he sent mean tweets, was not "diplomatic", had an "ungodly" past, was a bully...you know...because "character matters". I have a question for these Biden voters: If you or your child was unfairly and wrongly charged with 1st degree murder and was facing life in prison or the death penalty....who would you rather have as a lawyer. A nice sweet man that had "character" and never made waves and liked chocolate chip ice cream or a mean, no holds barred, take no prisoners SOB that would fight for you every step of the way with a scorched earth style of defense? I will choose the later. But hey, you guys voted for Biden and you got him....enjoy!!!!

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Agree with Erick. A Christian voting for Biden was FAR worse than a Christian voting for Trump!

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I am sorry I have had to unsubscribe, Mr. Erickson. I have read all of your messages and agree with you on most everything. It is for financial reasons that I cannot continue to subscribe; however I thank you for the Christian, conservative, easy to understand messages. I appreciate your honesty with regard to you and your family’s health concerns and have prayed for you. I was equally elated to hear from you that you were increasing your radio programs, (although I could not find them to listen to on my radios)—but, then, equally saddened to learn that you were so busy that your health was greatly affected once again.

I will continue to read and, if possible, listen to you whenever possible. I do so much appreciate fine Christian, conservative, men and women with character and integrity who continue ‘to fight the good fight’ as our country spirals out of control. Thank you so very much for giving this very elderly lady, octogenarian-plus, ‘hope’ through your messages and May our Lord and Savior richly bless you and your family in our future years on earth!

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"The government you elect is the government you deserve." - Thomas Jefferson. We had 17 Republican candidates to choose from in the 2016 primaries - SEVENTEEN - yet we chose the cult of personality. Yep, he surprised a lot of us, myself included, but I still believe there was a better choice in Ted Cruz or Scott Walker (who did great things in Wisconsin but totally flopped on the national stage), perhaps Marco Rubio, or maybe even Rick Perry (an admitted stretch). Will we do better in 2024? Probably not.

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A question: Is there any way to edit these posts once made?

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Again, your first 6 paragraphs, Erick, are me in 2016 and 2020. And, about those "Evangelicals For Biden": They had RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM a 115 page list of reasons why voting for Biden was a surpassingly bad, in fact irresponsible, idea in the form of the Sanders/Biden "Unity Agreement". And, if they care to refer back to that document, they'll discover that it wasn't just a list of vacuous promises to be made at the time and abandoned later, but rather a frighteningly detailed political to do list, which the Marxist radicals who control the Democrat Party fully intend to implement - IF we let them.

Yes, character matters. And yes, Donald Trump was more often than not his own worst enemy. But anyone who was willing to do so could see the steel glove in a velvet glove that the left intended to use on the American people with a Biden presidency. If Evangelicals are wringing their hands and clutching their pearls over what they voted for, then I say, "Ladies and gentlemen of the Evangelical community: You bought it, so you pay for it. The rest of us will set about trying to draw America back from the abyss - and frankly in regards to advocacy, it's best you sit this one out."

Joe Biden's said to be a nice guy, and Donald Trump a real SOB. The pragmatist in me just wants to grab these people by the lapels, shake them, and firmly point out that the SOB did more for them and their pet causes/policies in 4 years than anyone named Bush did in 12 years. RESULTS matter too.

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I did the exact same thing that you did both election cycles.Anybody that voted for Biden cannot claim ignorance, we all knew what he was going to be like.

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I think this was very unfair and tendentious. Evangelicals that voted for Biden had no idea Trump's delusional narcissism and meanness of spirit would lead to Warnock and Ossoff tipping the Senate - that rests plainly with those that sold their birthright for a mess of Trump's pottage. Put it in another context, suppose because of some union rules and unexpected deaths a completely unfit man becomes principal of your child's high school. This man is on record saying the reason he was a judge in the Miss Teen USA pageant was because no one could stop him going backstage and watching the girls get dressed. He's been through several bankruptcies and blatant embezzlement schemes, but beaten the rap every time due to his daddy's money. He wanders the halls of the high school mumbling to himself "I'm a very stable genius"... But on the good side he was able to find a competent football coach so the team is starting to win. He fired some hacks that were holding the school back in order to make room for his own people, and they haven's screwed up yet.

Do we appoint this man to another term as principal or do we say the obvious problems are going to blow up in our faces if we don't put up with some problems with his replacement.

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Very well stated

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Thanks For your message , we are in a mess with Biden and we have him for 4 years but we will survive some how.

Craig from Duram.

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Sadly, a lot of 'Evangelicals' are very happy with Biden. For many of us, church is a social club and theology doesn't mean a whole lot.

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