This impeachment trial is just another clown show (no offense to clowns). Congress' approval rating among us peasants...I mean US citizens...is 15% (not sure how it's even that high). Interestingly, this sham of an impeachment show will most likely increase Trump's base. The peasants are sick and tired of being sick and tired of the waste of time and taxpayer dollars...which by the way, no Congress person has stopped getting a paycheck during this pandemic. Plus, if Biden is just going to sit around signing EOs, what's the purpose of Congress? Send them all home without pay and benefits. Maybe they can learn to code.

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Thank you, Erick, for bringing up the Nixon precedent. When somebody resigns or is out of office, what's the point of impeachment except to punish political competitors? That's not conservative and it's not what our constitutional system is about.

It's crazy to hear people like Schumer taking positions today that they fought vehemently against not that long ago. And it's not just the Democrats. I can't understand why someone like Liz Cheney is so upset by lying and a handful of people dead when the left wanted to impeach her father and George W. Bush for the lie of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq which they went to war on and did not give up on until they had searched for years for evidence for support for the what turned out to be a lie which was not forthcoming. Thousands of American soldiers died, tens of thousands were wounded or maimed. It makes me sad to see the derangement in both parties.

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Sorry, should add the first red flag. An impeachment trial in the Senate is for removing the accused from office. Mr. Trump is no longer in office. Shall we retroactively try former Presidents who now are out of favor with the majority? Perhaps the dead ones, too! Again, the Left no longer cares about the construct of this nation and that should worry everyone.

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Sure it's a sham. But the point at which everyone can understand it's a sham is found in the identity of the person who acts as the Judge in the legitimate impeachment of a Chief Executive. That person is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He will not be presiding, a Democrat senator will. This is little more than a kangaroo court, politically ordained and clearly outside the Constitution of the United States, and the Left knows, but has ceased to care. This nation as constructed no longer holds them in check.

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Frankly, since the trial is so much performance art, we’re better off considering if, at the rate King Joseph of Robinette is going with the Imperial Decrees, there will even be an American republic and a Constitution left to “preserve, protect, and defend” by the 2022 midterm elections.

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There are people who are being charged with having planned the January 6th riot since NOVEMBER. I personally find it very difficult to sit here and believe that anything Trump said at that rally somehow inspired the riot, given that those who are accused of having planned it certainly would have been agitating the crowd, and that Trump specifically emphasized that the people who went to the Capitol do so peacefully - which is more than I can say for the long list of leftists who made veiled or unveiled threats and/or calls for violence without so much as a whimper of disapproval from Democrats in Congress or the Biden campaign. Whether or not you are a Trump fanboy or girl, it seems hard to escape the conclusion that the Democrats are doing this for one reason only: They fear Trump and the movement he inspired, not for what he and it says as much as for the appeal he and it has to minorities and others who have not been inclined to vote for any Republican. Therefore, Trump must be suppressed by any means necessary, in order to restore the pre-2016 status quo.

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I get that there is hypocrisy but the worst thing that could happen to the country is for Trump to attempt a run in 24. We must also consider the precedent set for a future, more skilled individual to attempt to subvert the constitution if Trump is not convicted. Moreover, it is a political process, not a legal one. His lies and conduct from election day onward brought on the events of Jan 6. He clearly violated his oath of office and should be held accountable in order for us to truly move on. We Christians especially should desire that his conduct be judged righteously, without favoritism.

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Erick based on your readers comments, I think the average education level of your commenters is about ninth grade. That’s likely true of your listeners as well. And none of them are embarrassed about Marjorie Greene and you have yet to acknowledge and repent of the fact that you knowingly lied about it.

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Love you Erick. Agree the trial is a sham, but you’re on the wrong side of this.

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I too was not a fan of President Trump when he got elected. In fact I did not vote for him the first time.(no I didn't vote for Hillary).. But what I think that he did for this country was remarkable. And he did so in spite of all the crap that he took from the left, the media, and from big tech. One of the greatest things that he did was open our eyes to all of the corruption on both side in our government. I'm not just talking about Congress. I mean the whole Washington machine. No wonder they all decided that he couldn't stay. Washington is a power grabbing, money grubbing sham. What the heck happened to by the people, for the people? It's gone.

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My family does our best to vote with our checkbook when we make purchases: ie, we try to buy American as much as possible.

We also do not watch network television (no ad revenue based on our viewership), and my sources of news are The Week, National Review, an occasional financial article, and Erick’s blog. Is there any other way to ignore and make impotent the clowns on both sides of the aisle in DC?

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E, I thought we were past this......you wrote “ The former President of the United States arguably incited a mob to storm the United States Capitol. A woman was shot and killed. A police officer died. Others died. There should be an accounting. There will not be.”

It was you who wrote on January 6, 2021 in your post entitled “I Told You So”, that the capitol protestors should be shot. “Shoot the Protestors” you wrote.

So you wanted the Protestors to be shot but now want “an accounting” for those who were???? Help me to understand your point of view.

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Well, you said it yourself, that it’s not just Trump they hate...it’s the people who voted for him. I’d wager they’ve something planned to come from this that will consolidate their power and control...if they can’t get a guilty verdict against Trump, maybe they’re setting the stage to attack his supporters...or just keep everyone distracted while they pass through more rules and regulations to stifle free speech.

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As long as people continue to say that Trump incited the riot we are not going to get anywhere with anyone. The riot at the capitol was a pre-planned event by a few obviously nut jobs. The FBI has said it was pre-planned. The words Trump spoke in his speech did nothing to encourage people to become violent. I was not a fan of Trump originally. I was surprised that he actually had policies with which I agreed. Not all but many. I never liked listening to him speak and I know full well that his ego is as big as the world, much like obama. In spite of those things, he did have good ideas and when the democrats continued their vicious attacks with the help of the media, I began to see that behaving like republicans usually do was not the answer. When not a single person was held accountable for any of the misdeeds of the obama administration nor anyone who participated in the manufactured "Russian collusion" debacle, I fully understood the building outrage. So just stop with the idea that Trump incited the riot. We listened to democrats do it not just since a drug addict died in the hands of the police, but since Michael Brown was killed as the result of his own acts. The media, democrats, celebrities have screamed, pushed, and promoted violence since that time and we are fully fed up with anyone who turns around and tells our side we can't support someone who says "fight for your country". Which is exactly what Trump said and if anyone was ignorant enough to take it literally, well, it isn't his fault.

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This entire affair is a shame. They kill me when they say, the “American People”. Neither side cares about the American People. There will be a reckoning by the American People in the next election. The American People are tired. Our country is so corrupt and the people in power have made it that way. I am so glad that this world is not my home, I just live here. While I sojourn here, I just make my little corner a better place. Longing for a new Jerusalem and Heaven come down to Earth. Good morning!

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