“If Sam Alito’s wife’s flag is an appearance of impropriety imputed to Sam Alito, Judge Merchan’s partisan donation is a clear impropriety.“

Yes to both. The problem you won’t call out, Erick, is that many on our GOP side say the latter, without saying the former.

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The repercussions for all the Russia collusion should have been harsh. But in reality they simply shrug and move on. These so=called experts should have been rendered to EX-Spurts for said perjury.

"This week, an important revelation happened in Hunter Biden’s criminal trial. After fifty-one supposed intelligence experts declared his laptop and the information thereon to be a Russian disinformation campaign, it turns out the laptop and its contents are real.

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What concerns me is how can we get people who live in an echo chamber to understand things like Erick mentions. If they continue to listen to the same sources they'll never hear an opposing position. Try telling someone to listen to an alternative source like talk radio, substack writers, and dare I say even FOX on occasion, just to hear something different. They'll look at you like you're crazy. So they'll keep getting fed the lies and told to look at the squirrel when the drive by media gets caught lying, and they'll remain uninformed and consumed by TDS.

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Enemy of the people

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"History is written by the victors." The MSM isn't just framing a story, they're trying to frame history.

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When they were passing their Green Legislation one Congressman stated that there was provisions for the news media. I hope taxpayers aren’t paying for these blatant lies.

Especially those that prop up the Post Turtle.

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We live in an age of government-sanctioned media disinformation.

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Regarding the laptop and the letter signed by 51 former high-ranking Intel operators, a reminder:

Since a former acting Director of the CIA and another CIA employee wrote the letter they had to get the approval of the CIA. CIA Director Gina Haspel approved a letter that she knew at the time was a lie. She placed the CIA directly into the election RIGGING the election for Biden. But she's an old hand at the political game. She was the CIA chief in London when the Brits led the investigation into 26 Trump people during the 2016 election.

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All good points Erick. However, when 78% of Democrats agree* with that moonbat robert deniro, we will not regain the Executive Branch, Senate and will loose the House.

*Scott Rasmussen poll

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Some people need to go to jail to reinforce that perjury has nothing to do with "Your Truth." I can't wait to see that defense.

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Journalism doesn’t like facts to get in the way of a good lie

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Thank goodness we have Substack, X, Rumble and other platforms and personalities like Erick, Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Russell Brand, Jennifer Sey, JK Rowling, Riley Gaines who aren’t afraid to throw the BS flag when MSM starts to lecture us, pontificate or virtue signal from their elitist ivory towers. Time to tear those towers down!

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You want to remove printed materials and have everything digital. That way you can change things. Think of the changes that will make the Bible popular in our culture.

I believe in “1984”, the chocolate ration was projected to be the same the next quarter. It wasn’t so all the archived newspapers were reprinted to say that it would decrease.

In a bureaucracy, you go along with the lie to keep your job. When your master tells you to jump, the only reply he/she/whatever wants is “how high?”.

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Trump broke the press. Much of it as it relates to politics is fake news. The press took sides. They need to be destroyed in order to be rebuilt.

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"Professing to be wise, they became fools," (Romans 1:22) The "half-full glass" is the fact that we did hear the truth long before some on the left admitted it. Unless the lies are challenged courageously , we can expect more of the same. Thanks for "speaking up," Erick

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The problem is one can show the evidence of malfeasance directly to those on the left(including my wife) and they don’t care because of their hatred of Trump.

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Don't let those pesky facts get in the way of how I feel....

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