Actually, I'm worried about the economy. The jobs gain was heavy on service sector, gig stuff, and health care. Health workers will be desperately needed, but retail and restaurants are going to suffer. Maybe I should consider a job with UPS; they should be in good shape. Some store somewhere still has toilet paper and I'm sure they'll ship. (Actually our local grocery has plenty. Hand sanitizer too!)

Traditionally, don't presidents have trouble getting re-elected in a recession? What do you think would fix the slide before November?

My county just got its first confirmed coronavirus case. We care for a family member with a compromised immune system, so this too is scary, and the confusion emanating from Washington (not to mention the pre-existing distrust of government) is not helping. As you say, this is affecting everyone, no matter our party. If the Democrats are smart, they'll use coronavirus to push the public option, at the very least. (Still think Medicare for All is a nonstarter, but what do I know.)

Anyway, thank you for another thoughtful post.

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The economy is going to be a real problem. And yes, if we slip into a recession that will hurt the President's re-election.

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