This is what scares me: According to the latest RCP polling average, Trump leads Biden nationally by a mere 1.9% - essentially a tie. As bad as Biden is, Trump, even with his fractal faults, should be ahead by at least 5% - 6%. Despite his proven ability to F-things up, Joe could easily pull this off.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

You better believe that "Dr" Jill wants Joe to run again. She's a narcissist who is hooked on the trappings of power and all the perks that come with being First Lady.

She sees herself as another Eleanor Roosevelt.... the one REALLY making the presidential decisions.

Just look at why she wanted to get a EdD.... so she could use the title "Doctor", since Groper Joe was either "Senator" or "Vice President". That points to a real ego-maniac.

The other thing is, Joe doesn't have to do anything. The media will campaign for him. And he'll probably win again, it pains me to say that.

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On a MUCH more important note: When did Biden's face transmogrify into Jeff Dunham's dummy Walter??

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Nice grammar in the titles, too. Starting to feel like sabotage. I wonder how hard the staff REALLY worked to keep him from self-immolation about the Hur Report the other night.

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"Biden and his team are not good at this."

Thank their DEI hiring practices.

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It is an odd take on the Ukraine/Israel conflicts. Why talk about Trump? Biden has been president for 3 years and everyone holds him accountable. So show us you can lead and not complain about the opposition. Noone likes a whiner.

I will repeat this again. In 2016, Trump won by 70,000 votes in five swing states. In 2020, he lost by 40,000 votes in five swing states. The House and Senate has bounced back and forth between the Democrats and the Republicans. America has not made a conscious choice to move in a fundamentally different direction. So, the politicians in the Federal Government have done the easy thing. Spend a ton of money to please constituencies. Someday that bill will come due, and the public will choose a different direction.

Biden does not present a compelling case for strong dynamic leadership to lead this country. Maybe the political honchos in DC can use this spending to overcome the challenges this country faces better than all other countries. That leaves Russia losing lots of manpower in Ukraine and wasting the nations production capacity on building weapons that will soon be destroyed. China is in the beginning of a multi decade fall in population. So, the US spends money on the new green deal. We build weapons that cost a fraction of our GDP to give to Ukraine to force Russia to spend 1/3 of their GDP on fighting Ukraine.

I like our chances with or without a dynamic president.

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Erick, I always appreciate your takes on everything and think about what you write/say and very often agree heartily. My comment here is tangential to today's topic,(sort of), but I wonder if it's possible for you to wade through some things that Tucker Carlson says and try to winnow out some things that may be true. You railed on him for his comments on the clean Russian markets, etc., and that's fine and probably fair, but is he completely out to lunch in your mind? I've held off subscribing to his new service, and have not listened to his latest interview which I've read, indicates major American power players are at work rigging the internet and speech. This is corroborated by Matt Taibi. Trump may be sort of a jerk and often foolish, but the Russian dossier on him was contrived and the NSA really did read Tucker's emails. To my recollection, you never talk about this, so do you believe it's a bunch of bunk?

And Erick, here's the thing which I know you already know as you have written a book on it (look forward to getting this summer!). If most of our country is post-christian, or even post-judeo/christian, then there is not much that these people will not do as they have no fear of God in their eyes. They are their own gods, and make up their rules each day as they get up. When you believe there is no God, and morality is fluid and should be made to suit your needs, what will you not do? I'm thinking that our country's greatest enemies are a 5th column of current Americans, and I use the term 'American' towards them in the loosest sense.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

Obviously, spelling isn't one of the Biden Admn's "strenghts"

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I might have been born at night but not last night I thought Joey from Scranton was president if so Joey take some responsibility for what’s happening on your watch if NATO would actually enforce sanctions on Russia along with the US maybe things might be a little bit more favorable to the west the old it’s Trumps fault not gonna play

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The State Of The Union is going to be tuff to watch.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

Three comments:

I believe all the cuts are to ensure short segments that Biden is more likely to be able to handle after previews, preps and rehearsals.("Ok, Mr. President, that was good. Now lets work on this one. All you have to say this time is...")

I loathe it when the camera is at an angle - rather than head-on, while the person continues to talk. It's as if they can't look us in the eye while they're telling us something.

Biden hasn't just 'f-d things up'. He's f-d EVERYthing up. And those eggheads rank him America's 14th best president?

That's f-d up!

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I read the commentary, watched the video, and it only reaffirmed my opinion; that the current presidential administration is in over their heads. These people are, thankfully for us, incompetent. They are incapable of completing any task effectively. If you noticed that the statement from the president is the most coherent, I have seen him, be in almost 3 years. And it could only be accomplished by splicing it together. A two-minute statement requiring over six clips is a damming indictment of the president and those surrounding him. If you cannot do the little things, how are you going to accomplish the big ones? I leave to ponder, the pull out of Afghanistan, the securing of the boarder, etcetera, etcetera…. Our only saving grace is that they are incompetent. Think of where we would be if they could effectively do what was on their agenda.

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Pathetic. From the border to Ukraine to the Middle East, he’s a total disaster. On the bright side, um…nothing.

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On the bright side... the Apocalypse is still coming.

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A nervous 😊

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New scenario. Joe does a Lyndon Johnson and doesn’t run for the good of the country. He gets appointed ambassador in a cushy country which will appease Jill. Harris will go quietly after being promised a Supreme Court seat or a cushy ambassadorship.

The Democrats put up Gretchen Witmer and Michelle Obama as their candidates. That gives Barack his fourth term.

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"One of America's grestest sources of strenghts" .... That phrase (it surely is not a sentence) tells me all I need to know about the Bidenistas.

How do you pronounce "strenghts"? "Streng-hits"?

The Dems should use AI to write their captions and scripts; the results might at least make sense.

And the rapid hard cuts from angle to angle? Standard YouTube technique these days. Ten years ago it was the shaky, handheld look ... now it's jump jump jump from side to side.

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Every time they changed the angle I thought to myself, "one flub, two flubs, three flubs, eighteen flubs, nineteen flubs". Not a good look.

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