Love that last paragraph… so much wisdom therein.

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Thanks for your voice of sanity and reason.

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We have been studying Paul and the books he wrote in the New Tetament at church the last few weeks. I love how youa re also talking about him. I find it interesting when different parts of my life connect.

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It seems to me that since the vaccine is readily available and if you want to take it, it is there and free and if you do not, then do not. With that said, do not ask me to wear a mask because you do not want the vaccine. You have two vaccines that seems to be holding to around 95% rate of preventing the virus. They 'wish' they could get that result from flu shots. As far as testing; we have hundreds of millions of people who have taken this vaccination. Not one zombie yet... And no trumpets have blown (to my knowledge).

Children (meaning 11 and under) is a little different. There seems to be two very different camps out there and I'm willing to bet it is around 50-50. If you are not that concerned, do not have your child wear a mask. If you are, have them wear one. If there are enough kids in either camp that warrant class rooms (with mask and without mask), then make that effort. Divide the educators up, based on their preference for a mask or not for. (That or let the one's who can afford for their children to stay home - stay home and be educated on-line). Plenty of options out there.

As for middle school and high school kids. Sorry, but they have the same options at adults. Don't want them to get a vaccine, then you have made that decision.

You guys believe what you want; not trying to persuade anyone. I can tell you that my very healthy athletic son, waited to the last minute to decide to be vaccinated, even had the appointment. He came down with Covid after attending an engagement party and it has been rough for him, his wife. His wife has four sisters, the three at the engagement party all got covid. A brother-in-law got covid and her mother got covid. None vaccinated. The mother is still in the hospital and it has been rough on all of them. Can only suggest that you talk to a doctor or doctors, or better yet, drop by any hospital and just walk into the emergency room or check out the # of beds available. You do NOT want this - that much I can promise you.

A high school football player in Georgia died of Covid just last week. Had his full life in front of him. No vaccination...

This is a very personal decision, but I do implore you to talk to medical professionals about this. This Delta Variant does attack the young with a much higher success rate than earlier variants. My son and daughter-in-law wish they had acted quicker. I wish I had pushed harder.

Sorry - do not mean to preach, but I've now watched family experience this and it ain't pretty...

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I have posted previously about the vaccines. If one truly is a Christian and has given their life to the Lord Jesus and recognize Him as their only savior from sin and therefore the only way to everlasting life with God…….then the best path forward IMO is to pray to the Father and ask Him whether or not you should take the vaccine. We pray to the Father for so many things…..so why not this decision? Ask Him to give you the answer in a way that you clearly know that it is from Him. God loves you and will answer this sincere prayer. The answer may be “no” for some and “yes” for others. The Father knows what is best for you. Proverbs 3:6 “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding”.

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I believe that there were enough suspicious "errors" in a very few states that no one actually knows with a certainty who won. I believe that the many doctors who say that many cases of covid can be treated successfully are telling the truth. I believe covid is real and can be deadly. It isn't even logical to say that every person should be vaccinated. For what other disease do we vaccinate those who have had the disease and have natural antibodies? I believe that anyone who wants the vaccine should get it. I believe than anyone who doesn't shouldn't be forced to do so. I know that I am not a conspiracy theory, nut job for what I believe.

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Don't lump all people who had Covid as those who poo pooed the vax. I had Covid in mid-December. The vax was then being rolled out mainly to seniors and "essential" workers. However, I'm cautious by nature and would have still taken my chances of not taking it as I'm from the camp that a vax should be tested and researched for a few years...not a few months. Fortunately, I have tested positive for the antibodies.

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I’m careful, but got COVID in mid December. Really? How careful were you? And what was your Christmas like?

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Please don't mock people. You can be very careful yet still get a disease. That's why we have vaccines.

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I’m taking issue with one point in your Belief Vs Truth commentary today. I’m

sure you didn’t mean to imply that elections are imperfect because they are run mostly by retirees. That’s a little unfair don’t you think? Many other people of varying ages work at the polls, some competent, some not. The process can be flawed and the technology can be compromised. In other words, don’t connect the imperfection to retirees working there. It’s just another thing folks use to make “seniors” irrelevant in these times I’m in that group and I don’t appreciate it. I’m also smart, coherent, capable, physically stronger than most people half my age and able to manage a staff of workers. Plus I can follow the logic of your essays which occasionally meander wildly to the point. Retirees are not all dottering nincompoops. Don’t pile on.

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No, my point is that people seem to think they are run by a professional class of election engineers and it is most often retirees doing it because they want to help. But the result is that they are not a professional class that do it 24/7/365 and they do make occasional mistakes. But those are signs of fraud, etc.

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Very good point and I didn’t consider that. Thanks for clarifying. I’m not usually touchy but that’s one of my so called “triggers,.”

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Thank you, Erick. You stuck it, and I re-subscribed.

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All the things in a single post. Some of my friends don't understand why I chose to get vaccinated. Others don't understand why I am opposed to mandates. Skeptics are running rampant, and it's REALLY hard to find accurate information. But, as already noted, no vaccine is without risk and no vaccine prevents ALL transmission of disease. Even smallpox, once thought eradicated, has returned.

Similarly, there are risks to NOT being vaccinated. Most people who contract the virus will be miserable for a few days and then recover. Other people will suffer long term. Still others will die from the virus or the virus will hasten their deaths from something else. My dad passed away two weeks ago. He had congestive heart failure and really didn't have much time left, but he was exposed to Covid (long story not worth telling) and died within a week of testing positive. If he didn't have heart failure already, he probably would have survived the virus. But his death certificate will list Covid as the final cause.

All that to say, with everything there is risk and reward. Vaccines have risks. Viruses have risks. And eventually, we all die. It is the TRUTH that ultimately matters. Without Jesus, there is no reward. With Jesus, there is no risk; He took the risk and the consequences on our behalf. I will live in the Truth and I will die knowing that my eternity is secured. That's something to rejoice about.

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First, Stephanie, my sympathy to you on your loss. I would rather say that your dad passed from his heart issues, with COVID having contributed to the death. I think that's another case of a death of a COVID positive patient from one thing was misrepresented as a COVID death, but that is merely my opinion.

As to your last paragraph, well said. LIFE has inherent risks, and no one leaves it alive. But, you are absolutely right when you note that faith in the Lord has little risk. I say "little", because in the present state of society, our faith makes us targets, whether or not we wish to believe it. But, that's such a small risk compared to the far greater reward we will earn when our lives here end.

"Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD himself, is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation." Isaiah 12:2

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Thank you for your kind words. When I wrote Dad's obituary I noted that he died from complications of congestive heart failure. I guess I was defining risk slightly differently. There is risk while we still walk this earth with Jesus. I have lived some of that working I'm higher ed. Persecution abroad is a risk of following Jesus. But the eternal risk was erased on the cross.

He is truly the Rock of my salvation (and my dad's).

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My 84 year old mother-in-law lives with us. I begged her to get the vaccine, but she was afraid of shots. Luckily, she was more afraid of my badgering. She also has congestive heart failure. I’m so very sorry for your loss, but as Erick said, since when is every life not precious.

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I think the value of each individual life is going to increasingly be what separates believers from the lost.

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You can 'believe' what you want, Erick, as will I but the vaccines are not as effective as you believe. If the free vaccines were as effective as you claim then why is the public being bribed into getting the jab? It currently is nothing more than gene therapy, has not been fully tested, hasn't even been approved by the FDA as yet and has way too many side effects and I'm just going off scientific evidence and even what has been shared in the news. The virus is very real. The virus has certainly caused complications with underlying health conditions which has led to deaths. So has the flu and look how many get their annual flu shots. Unfortunately these 'jabs' won't end the virus.

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To quote some lyrics "I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden." I believe we should all get vaccinated. Yes, there are some who actually can't get vaccines for one reason or another. My issue has to do with seeing various "news" outlets and government and health professionals constantly moving the goalposts. As science has proven, one cannot be 100% "safe." Everyone is expecting zero mortality or incidence/spread of COVID-19. That is just a scientific impossibility. Vaccines reduce the probability of getting the virus. Some vaccines work better than others. The COVID-19 vaccines appear to do a very good job. I expect, and I believe Erick may have already said this, but as time goes on, we will get annual vaccination for various strains of COVID-19 just like we do for the seasonal flu. Please note I am NOT comparing the two, just stating the obvious. People, including those in power, need to understand the difference between 100% "safety" which is impossible and reduction in the probability of infection and mortality. They are not the same.

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Great food for thought.

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Hmmm…I like your posts a lot, though I disagree with some of what you believe. I believe that the 2020 election was stolen, your implication I'm a loony toon screamer and that I’ve invalidated my witness to the truth of the Gospel is silly. I think you have an unreasonable bias about Trump, he did a lot of good things for us, especially uncovering the hypocrisy in the Republican establishment. Call him out on the stuff that he did wrong of course; but I acknowledge and support what he got right. Mostly, I think he was a giant middle finger to the Republican establishment, who always said the right conservative stuff but didn’t give a damn for this country or the voters who supported them for years. Not many inside the so called conservative bubble of think tanks, newsletters, magazines and pundits seem to get this. Though I’m hopeful for the next generation of pundits like Steven Crowder and Tim Poole, that’s who my kids are listening to. I’m still subscribed and will continue reading your stuff, God bless you and your family.

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That middle finger you speak of cost us the Senate here in Georgia, and allowed Chuckie to set the agenda. How is this winning? You should get a free coffee cup from Erick’s future store based on this comment. If you know, you know.

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Last I checked Joe Manchin is driving the Senate, better him than Susan Collins or Lisa Murkowski, which would be the case if you guys had kept one or both Senate seats. Anyway, if Georgia doesn’t like the status quo, get out and vote. Object lesson for you, when Republican politicians believe that conservatives will vote them out if they don’t support a conservative agenda, they will act. It’s working in Texas, Abbot is moving right as fast as he can. Maybe the Georgia Republican establishment has learned something.

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