What was it the Left was saying while BLM/ANTIFA were burning, looting and rioting in the streets? ..... "Silence is consent, silence is complicity", etc?

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I don’t even blame him for this sort of thing any more. He’s just gone, and has no idea where he is or what he is talking about, but still retains a kernel of his old political instinct about just lashing out in the moment in a way that might satisfy whoever is directly in front of him in that moment, regardless of whether it makes any sense or is consistent with previous emanations from him. What’s almost sad to see is that, in the moment, he thinks he is nailing these situations (that damn smirk that sometimes lingers into a snarky grin).

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Reminds me of living through my Dad’s dementia . It doesn’t get better and Biden’s friends and family should encourage him to retire but I’m afraid greed is their desire.

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When will the Jewish parents, and/or students demand a refund of their tuitions since they have been told to say home because school can't protect them from these "peaceful" terrorists or their hateful behavior.

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Aaannnnddd what else is new?

Violence as a campaign tactic. If is not some POC thug getting capped by police because he couldn't just do what he was told for 5 minutes, well taking up the mantle for terrorist will do just fine as the excuse du jour. This is nothing other than a repeat of 2020 by the left.

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How is it that violence is a staple of the liberal-progressive movement and is tolerated if not condoned by the Democratic Party? Likewise many institutions of higher learning. What happens after the election? Will the Democratic Party fully shed any existing resemblance of civilized behavior and go full tilt embrace of anti-Semitism and radicalism and stoke the flames of violence at will?

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Just read this and Biden lived through it.

Scott Galloway: "Two thousand two hundred American soldiers were killed at Pearl Harbor, we went and killed 3.5 million Japanese, including 100,000 in one night. 2,800 Americans on September 11. We went and killed 400,000 people in Afghanistan and Iraq. We were not accused of genocide."

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Nice job with the commentary. Joe Biden is used up. If he was ever right on anything, he isn't now.

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I am fully aware of the shrieks of outrage when someone claims that what is happening is really no different than the beginning of the holocaust, but at what point do we admit that it is?

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The Lightbringer, The One We've Been Waiting For (t.m.reg.) also had several opportunities to unite Americans across racial lines. But, being a Democrat first and a lover of his nation second, Barack chose to try to grow the leftard coalition by subtly stoking racial animus ... for eight long years.

You surely did not expect better from Joe Biden, did you?

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"Biden Fails His Moment"

He's pretty much failed every moment for the last 50 years, hasn't he?

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MSNBC and Joy Reed kinda sound like the excuse the nazis used for Chrystal Night

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Love you Erick, but you’re writing about a playing field that no longer exists. The playing field we’re on right now has only one goal - take America down. The longer we try to editorialize what Biden should do or doesn’t do misses the point. 40 years of opining got us here. It’s time to speak the truth. Stand tall and say enough’s enough. We need to drive the radicals out of our government and out of our media. Top to bottom.

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JB is not making these decisions. This is barry and hillary running this country. And I’ll say it again here, we will never have another republican president.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly. I do not believe for one second that the democrats will ALLOW Trump or any other republican to win. No matter what they have to do.

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No surprise, he’s failed all his moments

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