Leni Riefenstahl would have been impressed. Standing before the gas lights of Independence Hall to gaslight America, flanked by Marines and backlit by mid-1930s German red mood lighting, Joe Biden declared half the nation a threat to democracy — the half with the candidates Biden’s own party just spent millions on to ensure they get the Republican nomination in their primaries.
This is the Democrats’ closing pitch. One wonders how long it took the White House to translate the speech from its original German. Even the shadow caused by the lighting appeared to give Joe Biden a little black mustache under his nose.
Seriously, get over yourself with my hyperbole. If Donald Trump had given that speech and, like Biden, paid for it with taxpayer dollars, Jim Acosta would be on CNN this very morning emotionally crying, Don Lemon would be dropping F-bombs, and Morning Joe would be making direct Hitler comparisons. You know that is true.
I’m actually pleasantly surprised in the aftermath of the speech to see several prominent left-leaning voices in the press corps have a WTF moment on the speech. If Republicans take the Senate, this speech is going to get a lot of the blame, and Biden will have, last night, ended any hope of a 2024 re-election bid.
There really wasn’t much difference between this and Trump walking across Lafayette Park to hold up a Bible, except the left hated that one, and many of the very same progressive talking heads loved this one.
I appreciated the grown-ups on CNN, one of the few networks to cover the speech, questioning the use of taxpayer dollars to fund what amounted to a very partisan campaign speech while using the trappings of the presidency to deliver it and questioning the presence of Marines at a campaign speech.
Notably, this speech was for the Jim Acosta’s and Joy Reid’s of the world. Penn State and Pitt had both already kicked off their college football season by the time Biden spoke. No one in Pennsylvania was watching the speech. Only the blue checks on Twitter really cared. ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox News did not cover the speech, meaning not a lot of people actually saw it.
But it set the thematic tone already dripping across news networks. Republicans are a threat. Trump is bad. And 2022 should be a referendum on MAGA, not Biden’s presidency and the Democrats’ leadership in Congress. The Democrats really hope you also don’t notice how much money they’ve given to help these “MAGA Republicans” get the GOP nomination in various states.

I actually think the Democrats are overplaying their hand. They’ve taken the late summer and early fall seasonal poll fluctuations, embraced those fluctuations as accurate and reflective of trendlines through November, and built their closing argument around hating Republicans. The man who got his popularity lower than Trump’s and ran away from Afghanistan, leaving Americans behind, is not going to be able to sustain a supposed "vibe shift" till November.
All Republicans need to do for the next two months is focus on inflation, recession, crime, education, student loan bailouts, and the porous American border. Don’t take the bait when the media shifts to Trump or abortion. Focus on the issues Americans really care about right now. You’ve got just over two months to do it, and the power is about to go out in Green New Deal utopias.
President Biden used taxpayer dollars and American Marines to give a prime-time campaign address in Pennsylvania attacking half the country as threats to democracy and much of the editorial left-leaning press of America will defend him a week after he unilaterally and without congressional authority canceled student loan debts. It’s not that Democrats are really opposed to fascism. They just want the progressive left to have that power.
I really do have to wonder who in the White House thought this was a good idea. It seems more and more they’re letting progressive Twitter run the show and progressive Twitter brought down both Harris and Warren 2020 and Clinton 2016. Brooklyn is not America, y’all. “Dark Brandon,” the meme the left has seized upon to turn “Let’s Go Brandon” on its head, originated as Communist Chinese propaganda and was then embraced by progressive Twitter.
Lastly, if Trump did any of this stuff… well, you know damn well what the reaction would have been.
Joe Biden is a pathetic and corrupt man. A failure as a leader, a little girl toucher, and the father of an alleged criminal. History should not judge him kindly.
You can't argue with someone, or a group of someone's, if they are this "out there". It seems that "1984" is an instruction book for the Left.