Playing along.

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It's not every single month though, as july and August jobs of this year got revised up, for example.

If you're going to make sweeping accusations of corruption, be accurate, or I'm going to take you less seriously.

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lt is a sad situation when we have become so used to these revisions that we don't trust anything we hear from our own government. We wait for revisions while we look askance at the data. Everything in government seems to be manipulated for effect. They brag about the good numbers and hide the negative revisions. They parade "new" information about what a dog Donald Trump is 30 days before an election in order to affect an election and then we brag about the independence and impartiality of the Justice Department. I dream of the days of old when Government looked and respected us instead of fearing us and assuming we are all idiots who believe this drivel.

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not surprised. once again, a figure from another ABC federal agency is raised upwards that most in this republic knew to suspect when mention by the other side.

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Sadly, most Americans are not attuned to this and certainly aren’t paying attention when there are the inevitable revisions. Even my highly educated brother-in-law believes the garbage coming out of the MSM - he is too lazy to do any research on his own! And I am so sick of no one fact-checking Kamala’s commercials - from the one where the poor senior citizen believes Trump is going to cut her SS check to the one where his former staffers say he based disaster relief on whether a state was red or blue to the one where she says he plans to institute a national sales tax. The disaster relief one particularly makes my blood boil - who is politicizing natural disasters in that case? I hope Brett Baier takes her to task tonight but I’m not holding my breath…

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You always hear about the voting tendencies between college-educated people and those without degrees. I feel like the implication is that people with degrees are smarter, but in reality it means they are much more likely to be indoctrinated in socialistic views.

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If Brett asks her a question she doesn't like, she'll just laugh and say "Next question".

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Yesterday Gutfeld said that if he could have Brett ask one question, it would be to define what a woman is. I'd love to hear the word salad served up to that one as well.

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Irony: A Venezuelan gang invades an apartment complex, and it gets national media coverage because they're so dangerous. Yet an exponentially larger and far more lethal gang has infiltrated our schools, our colleges, DC, and the media, sowing discord, distorting truth, committing heinous crimes, and upending the Constitution. Their size and scope now afford gang members an "untouchable" status which emboldens others to join. Institutions like the IRS, FBI, CIA and DOJ which were once considered apolitical are all now major players in various schemes to expand the gang's power and authority, knowing they will never be held responsible for their actions. Welcome to "Bastardos Liberales"

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Oh it was only a few apartment complexes so nothing to see there!

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HA!! Right??

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Just like the revised job numbers that get published that the media never cares about.

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We also know that FBI "field sources" were storming the capitol on January 6th.


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FBI Director Chris Wray was asked about that in testimony before a Congressional hearing and he declined to answer. That just made us who question even more skeptical. And of course he will never answer that question.

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Erik, you mentioned that you would give your opinion of the Georgia Constitutional amendment, and what they really mean could you please email that to me love your show thanks

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Erick, off subject of your on point commentary.

What are your thoughts about the ad with Pence, whom you like, stating his opposition to Trump? In fact, all or most of his former staff voting against him? Would you address this on substack or on air?

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It really is a shame that we can no longer trust the FBI. That is a real shame that the FBI has turned political. But then I guess it always has been and I just did not realize it. I do remember reading that J Edgar Hoover thought Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a threat to America and had FBI agents wiretap his hotel and home phone lines and put a tape recorder under King's hotel beds.

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The only constant in our world is Almighty God. Look at all of the current situations and news through His lens to find His Truth. Thanks for always sharing and keeping us informed, Erick.

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This is a rhetorical post. You don't expect them to comment, retract, or apologize for getting it wrong. You and I both know why. They knew what it was when they said it wasn't what it was, but we knew what it was. In other news the scorpion stings the frog once again.

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Well if the Press is to be believed that they did not know Biden was a demitia addled old man then perhaps they are being (continued to be played) by the Biden Administration...

Oh, wait, they can have a doctor analyze Trump during his Presidency walking up a ramp and tell us clearly something is wrong but they have zero curiosity about numerous and credible questions about Biden.

They are playing the wilfully ignorant game.

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What is deceptive is after the stats come out and are corrected you hear a lot of fanfare for the released incorrect numbers and then later no redaction or corrections. The media is LYING to you.

I’ve said so before.

The polls are wrong. The reporting is wrong. History of Kamala is wrong. Her support is not as good as it seems. People internally within the party don’t like her. Hyped her only when she initially came on the scene but immediately knew this was a problem.

Now we have originally false numbers re released as the true numbers and they are not good politically.

Now here’s the thing that 4% is still probably much lower than reported. But taking it at face value that represents an increase of hundreds of thousands of crimes across the US. And not small crimes. We are talking murders rapes and assaults.

Now coincide this with the illegal immigration’s problems and many of those crimes are not reported. This is a huge disaster. But intentional on the dems part. Misery breeds discontent and they focus that on the people who are not the problem which is republicans they deflect.

I still hear some of my liberal friends who reside in Atlanta blaming republicans for their problems even though Atlanta hasn’t been ruled by a republican since the late 70’s. I guess maybe the dems still need to clean up the mess from 4 decades ago. Unbelievable.

I stress to see how dems defend this.

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No surprise here . This is definitely Biden’s administration and Harris. By any means necessary. This would almost be funny if it wasn’t so sad. Corruption at its finest.

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