Give Johnson a chance. Being Speaker is like trying to herd cats.

Months ago people talked of having trump as speaker. He would have the same problems.

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Is there some way to create a rule that removes the incentive for these clown shows? Something like if you fundraise off internal caucus matters, then strip them of committee assignments, or whatever it takes to shut this garbage down.

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Why does the GOP worry about shutting down the government when we keep passing these huge omnibus bills let’s get back to actually creating a budget and voting on each expenditure when they come out of committee. We can’t add10% every time this happens and expect the deficit and debt to just disappear.We are going to have a come to Jesus meeting as a country and get a hold of this constant problem and try to create a future for our children and grandchildren

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I get it and I agree, but if we don't increase the majority that will never ever happen. ...and I'm not deferring to the business as usual practice of saying give us X and we'll do Y. We all know that is a bald faced lie.

But the smaller the majority, the stronger the fringe clowns. I would love to have a large enough margin to render these people as null and void.

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MTG and Matt Gaetz have harmed the majority along with early retirement because of not getting their way and I agree we have to build a majority of sane people .You sighed up for two years stay for two

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A few more dumbshit moves like this and I may have to become a Democrat - maybe if enough switch we could sway them back to sanity. Her initials need to be changed to WBM - Way Beyond Moron

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I feel your pain. I used to be a liberal. I picked a lousy time to become a conservative.

I may vote Democrat for the House.

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So my initial reaction was to be thoroughly irritated that Green is doing this. Then I took the time to read all Erics message and I realize that it isn't just Green who is inclined to blow up the GOP. By going on a name calling rant, Eric has ensured that people who might have been persuaded that Green was taking the wrong path, will now dig in their heels and never change their minds no matter what. It is not just the fault of so called "MAGA" and populists who snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. It is our very own establishment who can't figure out what the best approach is on any given subject.

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The GOP has serious problems and no consistent message. The two-party system is not working when so many feel politically homeless.

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As Mama Gump said, "Stupid is as stupid does."

Redumblicans strike again

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Come on Erick. Your denigration of Green is not good behavior. The pressure on the establishment Republicans whom have a long history of abandoning the Republican principles of limited government is GREAT for the Party and the country.

You seem to be wanting your cake and eat it to here... pulling for the GOP establishment that spends like drunken sailors only a bit less than does the "committed to running out of other people's money" Democrats... while also complaining of all the government bureaucratic overreach and power abuse... that is a product of government growing too large and thus too powerful.

How can you expect any energy in the room to scale back spending if not for politicians like Green? Do you just want those that pay lip service to the concept of limited government and then fill the bills with pork?

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As I said -- two seat majority and the folks like Greene have destroyed any good will the moderates had to cut spending. The moderates had agreed to a multi-trillion dollar plan to cut spending until Gaetz sabotaged it with the McCarthy ouster and now this. You can't get limited government with a clown show.

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Maybe, but the evidence is massive that you cannot get limited government doing the same things we have been doing. We have a two seat majority in the House in part because of Dodd rage and the problem with GOP life at conception Handmaiden's Tale positions. I know you want to blame it all on Trump and MAGA, but I think that is not honestly looking in the mirror for how unpopular is the establishment GOP.

Hiding behind scripture to take a moral stand that a woman raped must be forced to carry a fetus full-term... and not getting the moral rage that would cause all women and any clear-thinking person that would care about the women trapped in that hell... well the GOP deserves its losses in that case.

Folks like Green are supported by the working class. Without the working class, the current GOP Party is toast. Politicians like Johnson only have their position because of the popularity of politicians like Green.

I think instead of attacking Green character like you do Trump, you should be engaged in intellectual curiosity as to what is driving that GOP populist movement that supports them. Because otherwise your denigration of Green and Trump is just denigration of all those that support Green and Trump... and THAT is just what a good Democrat political operative does.

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It used to be that conservatives were the realists in the room, while liberals had their pie in the sky, Kumbaya movements.

There is a time for navel gazing (i.e. intellectual curiosity about what is driving the GOP populist movement), but that is not what Erick's column is about. It is about a dysfunctional House of Representatives that is getting nothing done, not even the most urgent business of government. Regardless if who voted them in office, the job of a Congressman or Congresswoman is the job of governing. Flame-throwing is a fun past-time, but there are real world problems that need to be addressed and it's not happening.

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But if "getting something done" is just doing the same things that got us into this mess, then we are better off "getting nothing done".

The problem with compromise is that it has historically always been agreeing on more spending.

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We can't fix historical wrongs when the House of Representatives is a clown car. Win elections and get a big enough majority to get your way.

In the meantime, you can't worry about your hernia while you are having a heart attack and for goodness sake, don't fire your cardiologist.

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I have no respect for GA District 14.

MTG is like every city that looks at Las Vegas and thinks, wow gambling is great for revenue with no down side.

Las Vegas is unique, Donald Trump is unique. MTG is no different than Chris Matthews, she gets a tingle up her leg when she hears Trump.

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Maybe she can run as VP. ;(

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Well, she certainly would be "loyal" to the cult leader. And the insanity continues...

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I don't know she manages to scream so clearly with her lips permanently sewn to Trump's butt.

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If you don’t hold all the cards you can’t win the whole pot and these clowns that push this crap need to go. Georgia you can do better

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Thank you Erick for bringing these things to our attention today. We ALL needed to read them and hopefully think about them and then DO something about it with our vote. But we also need some REALLY GOOD REPUBLICANS TO VOTE FOR, like the House Chairman we do have yet at this time, and get rid of all the ones that make us puke.

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I agree the bill is an abomination, but she should not be doing this right now. Just vote against it and tell the people how bad it is.

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Just when you thought DC couldn't get any stupider, it gets stupider.

And the Clown Show just goes on and on.

[Not sure if stupider is a word but it fits]

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If it isn't a word they should make it one, IN HER HONOR

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She craves attention and once again has it. What an embarrassment to Georgia!

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The entire GOP’s a mess. Both sides are about to break the back of America. We’re on a fast track to $50 Trillion in debt. There may be no coming back from that. Johnson has more leverage than you let on Erick. He needs to go.

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And then what?

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Exactly. “And then what?”

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Then pray Trump wins or you truly won’t recognize this country.

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So, this means the Dems get to decide whether Speaker Johnson remains or not. So, this idiot from NW Georgia empowers the other side in the name of populism.

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Unserious - Look at Me Joke!

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