May 9·edited May 9

And what if the jury in NY finds him guilty, so what? Everyone already knows he both cheated on his wife and paid off the prostitute. It's already baked into the polls.

Bragg is trying to convince a jury the elements of an underlying federal crime occurred, and the only thing that gets him is an extension of the statue of limitations on the state document misdemeanor. Ok, he pays a fine and goes home.

The FEC investigated the payments and, unlike with Hillary and Biden, the statement was not "yes a crime was committed but we're not going to prosecute (yes different process but it's the statement I am comparing), the FEC said no crime was committed.

Bragg does not have the authority to make it prosecute a federal crime, so his entire trial amounts to nothing but a bill for the residents of NY.

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Based on what I've seen so far coming out of the trial, there should be no possible way for Trump to convicted since there still has not been a crime determined. But we all know it is a sham trial so we all expect the verdict to go against Trump (for now since it will never stand on appeal). I saw clips of the cows on the View orgasmically fantasizing about which prisons Trump should go to (Alcatraz and Guantanamo were on their wish list). And in an unsurprising coincidence, Biden comes out today and actually condemns the campus protesters. I smell desperation.

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Could we be so lucky as to have Trump in court for the entirety of his second term?? Banished from Twitter and locked up in legal battles, we might find him focused out of necessity on passing the legislation we loved him for in his first term with none of the white noise and chaotic nonsense he generated when left to his own devices.

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Democrats say we are behind every time and then their people get out and vote including the dead.

Republicans hear we are ahead and stay home or say I did not vote because Eric does not like the way trump tweets.

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I enjoyed your analogy yesterday regarding Trump & his 'condensation' of talking points. It is true &, for our time, needed. This man is showing strength & I only hope he's getting a little relief.

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The Dems think every race is 'winnable' because of their ground game. Unless the GOP really gets serious about early voting, etc., the Dems will still enter election day with a significant lead the GOP will find difficult to overcome.

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Love the briar patch analogy.

However, the story long predates Song of the South.

"Br'er Rabbit (an abbreviation of Brother Rabbit, also spelled Brer Rabbit) is a central figure in an oral tradition passed down by African-Americans of the Southern United States and African descendants in the Caribbean, notably Afro-Bahamians and Turks and Caicos Islanders. He is a trickster who succeeds by his wits rather than by brawn, provoking authority figures and bending social mores as he sees fit."


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Of course, Disney took an existing fable and animated it, just as he did with every other Hans Christian Andersen and Brothers Grimm tale that led to many of the the Disney Princesses and other films.

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And many of his early films were, in fact, racist.

But the original stories were African folklore.

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Re: "Democrats say the race is winnable. Republicans think they're winning."

And this is exactly why the GOP is going to lose in November. If I'm wrong, I'd rather admit to the mistake than endure another four years of Barack Obama pulling Biden's puppet strings.

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Unfortunately, a large swath of folks won't understand the Br'er Rabbit fable since Disney long ago black-holed Song of the South here in the US. Dems have not only thrown Br'er Rabbit in the briar patch, they're downright working to make him a sympathetic character.

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Too bad people don't read classic folk tales much anymore (except homeschoolers), since it's in "The Tales of Uncle Remus." I did as a child and passed it on to my son. As a child of the '80s, I saw Song of the South (of which I have fond memories), but couldn't find a copy by the time my son was born.

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As B'rer Rabbit said, you can do anything but Please don't throw me into the briar patch. Well, that is exactly what they are doing and it looks like it is going to backfire on the left.

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If we could just keep Congress Republicans from being stupid maybe we have a chance. But I don’t think that’s going to happen.

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Never underestimate the GOP's ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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If they find Trump guilty, we will have gone through the looking glass. Seems to me that most of the prosecutions witnesses have been very favorable to Trump’s position. Of course a conviction would get overturned on appeal, but the Dems don’t care. This is the 2024 version of the laptop. Election interference that is going to backfire big time.

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If he's actually found not guilty, pigs will fly, and the Apocalypse will be nigh.

Not in NYC will he walk.

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I would not walk in NYC ever.

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Pressing question is what happens if they do find him guilty. That jury and judge are biased beyond belief. Even if they convicted him it would be appealed and thrown out. But would that all happen before the election?

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