Yes, love and help our neighbors.

But we cannot gloss over the following reality. The levers of government have enormous power to help or harm our neighbors. Politics is precisely so important, then, because of that power and thus the awesome responsibility to try our best to elect political leaders who consider all their constituencies to be their neighbors and who will use their power to love those constituencies.

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Thank you Erick for helping us get back on track to do His work and not to worry. Thank you for your wise God influenced words, it is because of His influence that I listen to you. God bless you and your family.

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The amount of suicide among single fathers is an epidemic. One of my close friends went $70k in debt winning cuz today of his child. It’s ridiculous.

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That's a word of Wisdom, one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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Thank you Erick. This is the bottom line. Our influence in never greater than in the space all around us. Time to be salt and light , not “ owning “ anyone but rather serving. Changed lives change the course of nations.

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I’m grateful to be a psychiatric nurse practitioner. I get paid to serve my fellow man. I’ve been so busy this election cycle with mental distress in my patients. I’m here for everyone who hurts and needs a helping hand. I have bought plane tickets, food, hotel rooms for my patients to sleep warm and get a hot shower. I’m honored and humbled. I’ll never stop. I don’t care who wins, we are still Americans. This world is not my home. I am longing for sweet Beulah land. May I always bring heaven a little closer to earth.

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Amen, sir.

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Well put!

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Amen! Thank you for placing it all in perspective and with a wonderful reminder of what we can do as a people, caring people - Love conquers all!

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We are to be neighbors. A neighbor is one who does as the Samaritan did to the man left bleeding on the road. Thank you Erick for the reminder. Grace and Peace to you during this time. Charles

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Thank you for this. Helps with perspective which many including myself have lost!

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Somewhere there’s a husband at the end of his rope after living through years of verbal and physical abuse, because he didn’t want to “look like a wimp” for getting hit by a woman.

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And he needs help too. I know someone who went through that.

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I agree with the others here...this what Believers, like you, do.

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Thank you for sharing this. I was telling my son about how you said this on the radio today and I just forwarded to him. This is so true, unfortunately, there are a lot of broken people out there that could use our time, energy, prayers, and resources.

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Erick, this is perhaps the most compassionate and focused piece I have ever read from someone in your position. I realize you are not a pastor, a shepherd, in a church. Yet this is the type of advice we (as pastors) are called on to give to hurting, confused people who have lost their focus and where they are going. Thank you again for this. Prayers.

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