This is no surprise. That "lockdown madness" has to be preserved, and even expanded reflects a revelation of the real purpose of regulation, as explained by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon:

"To be governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be governed is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be [placed] under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality."

And what better opportunity for government to remind its subjects (NOT citizens; citizenship implies an active ownership of government, something notably present in the Founders' vision, but notably absent today.) what they are, and what their being governed really means?

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It's not stupid it's not ridiculous. He's setting an example. He's trying to contribute to an acceptable cultural practice for those people in our population who are not yet vaccinated. Stop inciting outrage.

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Not only is Biden wearing a mask, he was pictured meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister wearing a double mask - despite everyone in the room being vaccinated and tested before the meeting. It is deliberate disinformation and appalling.

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The short answer to the subject question, specific to this administration, is "No!" They cannot stop being stupid because it's their natural state! I am both embarrassed and in fear! We are being led by complete idiots who wake up every morning with "planned obsolescence" on their agenda! And the planned obsolescence is for the United States of America as we know it!! This country is being changed before our very eyes and NOBODY is doing anything about it!!

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Finally! (Me, beating my bare chest as I stand victorious in the Coliseum) "With you, I stand in defiance against all things stupid!" Just.....nice!

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I work in a government building and I have stopped wearing a mask. The government has not come for me --yet.

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Substitute "We" with Biden, Harris, Psaki, Schumer, Pelosi, AOC, Fauci or any other high-profile Dem, and its "Question asked. Question answered."

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It is all about control. Biden's approval rating is above 50% because of his 'handling' of covid. So the gov't goons will continue this farce in order to slip more and more debt and totalitarianism pass the American lemmings....I mean people. If we would get our faces out of our phones long enough to seek out the truth no vaccinated person would be 'masked up'. God help us.

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Simon Says- wear a mask!

Simon Says- turn in your guns

Simon Says- report your neighbor for having a birthday party

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Erick- I could not agree more!! As a physician who specializes in respiratory diseases (ENT) and as an avid vaccine fanboy, I am so tired of the stupidity coming from the Feds. First, Fauci and the US Surgeon General told us we did not need masks 1 year ago. They lied by concealing the fact that they really wanted to conserve our limited mask supply to health care workers. This lie was so transparent to the average American that they lost all respect as truth-tellers. Operation Warp Speed would have been somewhat more effective if, in addition to its incredibly effective sponsorship of vaccine development, they also mandated the manufacture of billions of N95 masks(MUCH more effective than other types) for mass distribution rather than 10's of thousands of ventilators that were rarely deployed. Now they are lying again with their claim that we should continue to wear masks even when immunized. The CDC and NIH were, in my mind, the rare Federal institutions that were largely uncontaminated by political quackery. Sadly, no more.

The Left is addicted to mass population madates because the entire movement is determined to move us all to totalitarianism. Biden is like the kid who starts a round of "Simon Says"!

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Seriously! Vaccinated people stop wearing your mask!

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And we people of faith may want to consider exercising the Benedict Option.

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Erick, don’t you understand yet? This madness is never going to end, unless we make it end. We’re being tested to see if we will meekly accept the authoritarian control that the left’s vision of how things should be in a post-Constitutional America. They assume that if we will willingly submit to their will on this, we’ll do so for all the controls they need to impose in the name of “climate change”, or “equity”, or “gun safety”, or whatever other abridgment of our essential liberties they deem necessary to impose in the name of that vision.

You said it a while back, and you’re seeing what “You will be made to care” looks like. It will take a combination of massive civil disobedience and the complete, irrevocable destruction of the woke Marxist left to save the Republic.

Should we fail, our children, grandchildren, and generations yet unborn will fall into a new American dark age.

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A little louder, for those in the back.

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The Democrats and elites think we are too stupid to figure out that people NOT wearing masks have been vaccinated and that we need to keep wearing a mask indoors in public until we are vaccinated. Obviously they think they need to control our lives because we are too stupid to do so. How many times has Fauci gotten it wrong already?

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I've been trying to figure out the end-game on this but I now suspect this is coming from the "why can't we be more like Europe" crowd. I work for an international company and, after questioning why our office will continue with COVID protocols post-vaccine, I received what I perceived to be a dressing-down for being one of those cowboy Americans (my perception, not their words). I was reminded that many Asian and European countries protected themselves by wearing masks pre-COVID but in America they are "very different about that." So we will continue following COVID protocols regardless of vaccinations because it is perceived to be the smart thing to do. I felt like referencing George Carlin's awesome stand-up routine on germs and swimming in the Hudson, but of course I didn't.

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