Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

Speaking as a Democrat who once proudly served in a Republican gubernatorial administration, in the age of Trump, "poor quality Republican candidate" is usually redundant.

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I hated Walker as a candidate but I had to vote for him. Why o why couldn't they have offered a competent candidate? If Walker forced a runoff then a decent candidate would have won without a runoff.

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We definitely had too many poor quality Republican candidates throughout the country in this election cycle. Republicans must move on from Trump, or we will continue to lose elections that we should win.

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I hate to say it but Boortz was right. Representative republics have a live span and we, as a representative republic, have probably reached ours.

Didn't think it would happen in my lifetime but here we are. Walker, is a nice guy but is literally dumber and has a ton more baggage than the turd I flushed this morning. If that's the best conservatives can offer, our representative republic is screwed.

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I listened today to your guest concerning Helptthepersecuted. I was extremely touched. I noticed on their 501c that only 79 percent of their money from every dollar goes to help people. I love the concept but the Salvation Army is tops in sending along more of the money they take it. Am I wrong! Still debating!

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Yes,candidate quality matters. I have voted for candidates just because they were republicans. Just to name a few Romney, McCain. I had to hold my nose but I did it. People seam to think it doesn't matter if

they sit home and not turnout. Your determination makes all the difference. Ecc. 9:10 What ever your hand find to do, do it with all your might! It matters at home at work in your every day life. When your looking for a job. Live your life like every body is watching. Because they are. Dan

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You can beat this drum till the cows come home and it isn't going to make a dang bit of difference. If republican voters voted for democrats who were demonstrably worse than any Trump endorsed candidate, then voters themselves are the problem. Let me make myself very clear. I. do. not. want. Trump. to. be. the. candidate. But I am not stupid enough to vote against a candidate he endorses just because he endorsed them. That is a stupidity that coming up with different candidates is not going to fix. And chosing republican candidates who are McCarthy clones because they are more palatable to these apparently not too bright people is not going to get the job done either. And who exactly gets to decide that a candidate is bad? Other than saying Walker had too much "baggage", I haven't seen a description of exactly what you perceive is wrong with most of the others being bashed. This is not your old political game and the idea that you can play it like you used to is going to keep costing the country.

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That about says it. Voters matter as much as candidates. If they can’t see policy is the key issue and decided to vote for trash dems. Then we have a more serious issue.

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So how do we get there since there are no more smoke-filled rooms? I say Ranked Choice Voting for primaries and presidential nominating conventions.

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Dec 8, 2022·edited Dec 8, 2022

Data is right and yes we need better candidates doesn’t distract from the issue of voters. To say that trump endorsed republicans who lost were terrible candidates insinuates that the other candidate was a good candidate. False. Warnock was a terrible candidate. As was Fetterman. Yet because the edit got the press produced lies about both of those candidates it convinced those republicans to vote for a poo sandwich as opposed to a PB&J because the news convinced them so. “Don’t eat that PB&J it was made by trump” were not trump so vote for us.

Wel that’s a terrible way of thinking and makes me believe those who did that are stupid because now look what’s going to happen.

Inflation won’t be fixed. Supreme Court. Stacked. Filibuster gone.

All that so those voters could virtue signal and say they didn’t vote for trumps guy or gal “hurray for us”

The key is that is a slippery slope and unless that is addressed and we take on the media whoever gets put up will get the blasting of the media. The problem is the media. Not the candidates that everyone was convinced were terrible yet the other were worse.

Way to go. Your plan to fix it? Send in the RHINOS. Yeah that’s why we still have Obamacare in place. Good luck with that. The answer to socialism I not to go socialism light or appear to be a moderate and then rush to the right after elections are over.

This is why I said this election proved this nation is done as a democratic republic. We are now a constitutional theocracy and the media is the ruler along with a few super elite rich who control all the money. We the people have failed. Blame trump all you want. Blame him when your taxes go up all your freedoms are taken away and your cancelled at your job because you said something “offensive.”

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Seems to me the RINO's who have always been way to willing to compromise our rights away with the Dems (who have been unwilling to do much compromising themselves) have caused much of the cumulative problems we face today including the rise of Trump. Additionally, I just have a difficult time imagining a Republican thinking that someone is a bad candidate just because they were sponsored by Trump. For example: Did the Republicans in Arizona say to themselves, "Gee, Blake Masters is buddy of Trump's and that makes him a bad candidate. I think I'll just cross over and vote for the other guy who supports free for all abortions, mutilation for kids, gun control, Biden's war on energy production---basically everything that would be anathema to Republicans. And the same with Republicans in PA with Oz. I can't imagine them even entertaining the idea of voting for Fetterman and the things he stands for. I will never understand anything about this way of thinking.

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100%. Character matters. Until the GOP at all levels learns that, we will continue to lose elections. It wasn't stolen. Trump turns off voters. If you support him in the primary ahead of 2024 you are hamstringing the GOP in the presidential election. Democrats know this and happily back shills who troll the Red States to prop up Trump and Trump candidates so we will continue to lose. The only way we defang them is to turn from Trump and move forward into a brighter future.

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You are absolutely right

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