And yet a whole lot of people who would cite this verse are people who'll vote for a twice-divorced man who cheated on his third wife, while she was pregnant, with a porn star and who has repeatedly claimed he's never done anything about which he needs to repent.
And yet a whole lot of people who would cite this verse are people who'll vote for a twice-divorced man who cheated on his third wife, while she was pregnant, with a porn star and who has repeatedly claimed he's never done anything about which he needs to repent.
Erick.....your reply strikes me as very self righteous. Something a Pharisee might have said.
God establishes all governmental authorities:
“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”
And since Trump’s sins that you enumerated- “ a twice-divorced man who cheated on his third wife, while she was pregnant, with a porn star and who has repeatedly claimed he's never done anything about which he needs to repent.” all occurred prior to the 2016 election ........God established Trump As President knowing full well of all of his sins. (Something you would not have done.....maybe there was a “better” choice for the Pharisees)
I do not know why God established Trump......but he did. We will have to wait and see who God establishes in 2020.
And BTW....
“How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?”
Erick, as you well know, God has used fallen people in the past to accomplish his purposes. Jacob and David immediately come to mind. God looked past their sins, and was pleased with what they accomplished.
And yet a whole lot of people who would cite this verse are people who'll vote for a twice-divorced man who cheated on his third wife, while she was pregnant, with a porn star and who has repeatedly claimed he's never done anything about which he needs to repent.
Erick.....your reply strikes me as very self righteous. Something a Pharisee might have said.
God establishes all governmental authorities:
“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”
Romans 13:1 NIV
And since Trump’s sins that you enumerated- “ a twice-divorced man who cheated on his third wife, while she was pregnant, with a porn star and who has repeatedly claimed he's never done anything about which he needs to repent.” all occurred prior to the 2016 election ........God established Trump As President knowing full well of all of his sins. (Something you would not have done.....maybe there was a “better” choice for the Pharisees)
I do not know why God established Trump......but he did. We will have to wait and see who God establishes in 2020.
And BTW....
“How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?”
Matthew 7:4 NIV
Erick, as you well know, God has used fallen people in the past to accomplish his purposes. Jacob and David immediately come to mind. God looked past their sins, and was pleased with what they accomplished.