Totally agree. Are there enough of us true conservatives left to pick up the pieces when the Republican party collapses?

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God placed BHO into position to lift all the sanctions and give all the billions of cash to Iran. Iran went shopping to Russia, China, NK, etc,. and now approaching nuclearization and delivery. Jesus said, you shall know by the Season that the time draws nigh. Church raptured, 7 years tribulation begins , at end of that 7 years, Battle of Armageddon in valley of Megiddo ( or Jazreal). There will be no WW III until then. It is in the BOOK>

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

The future of A capitalistic America is over. With $35 + Trillion of Sovereign Debt, not inclusive of off=balance sheet debt. The party is over. The can is in the cul-de-sac against the curb. Just as GWB never intimated vetoing a spending bill but no need at this stage to talk about reducing spending. The Dems will assiduously continue to vote to raise the debt ceiling, and with corrupt media a close down would wipe Repubs out. There is no need at this stage DT and JD have nothing to gain by pressing for reductions. With recent PBS interview Hillary disclosed that chaos is coming Soon. Hillary Knows a lot of corruption disclosures are going to happen. Hillary knows that DT if not assassinated, will win. Dems will not accept a DT win, Just as they will not accept a SC ruling in opinions opposite to their opinion. Prepare for economic melt-down and Civil War II. Did FEMA say they running out of money ( spent it all on illegal aliens) and not supporting the SE Hurricane victims?

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I believe Erick's concern is appropriate.

One day I hope to vote for someone and not against someone. This year is not that year. I will be pulling the lever or filling in the circle next to Trump's name.

The next president, whoever it is, will be forced to fix the spending and move towards a balanced budget or be the president remembered for the collapse of the country. What we did to the Soviet Union we are now doing to ourselves. We have become our own worst enemies, and neither candidate seems to understand the danger we are faced with.

My prayer is the Lord give us better than what we deserve. I hope to be given the opportunity to actually vote for someone in the future. I hope we can all sing "God bless America" which is active present and not "God blessed America" which is passed tense. I suspect we truly are at a pivot point.


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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Sorry my Son your too late in asking, Mr. Peabody's coal train has hauled it away. Islam and Communism HAS expedited the passing of America. The compilation of said obituary already underway. Progressivism to communism, and the isums brought the coffin.

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As I sit here with no electricity, I am waiting for Trump to say that the hurricane never would have happened if he were still president.

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Posting said idiom seems indicative you don't have much else to do.

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Actually, I don’t.

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On the plus side Biden can tell you if the ice cream being sold on the beach where he vacations is good. Anything outside of this is beyond his capabilities.

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So the dock worker's union boss gets $901K annually and lives in a mansion on 10 acres but claims to be "one of them". Demanding a 77% pay increase and opposing automation (the definition of a luddite btw) will not win over the average American to their cause. It is also ironic that the recent much ballyhooed Infrastructure Bill includes billions for port automation. Regardless, as this strike begins to adversely affect the average consumer, the dockworker union (and their supporter Kamala) may validate to the adage "pigs get fat, but hogs get slaughtered".

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That expressed my sentiments well. Our leadership is so frustrating. It should not be this difficult to do the right thing for our country.

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Erick, I was with you until the last. While factually true, I think there’s a much better reference from the past (than Mondale‘s vision for America and how America responded to it) as an indicator of future response. In Mondale’s time the mainstream media wasn’t actively and openly attempting to deceive the American public at every turn. And it isn’t Mondale on the ticket. It’s a confidence man (woman) absolute zero substance or qualification whose only path to victory is hiding who she is until she is across the finish line. She has a certain amount of charisma, And a pass on all her negatives from those whose position it is to vet them. Americans ate that up like candy in a landslide once, and it was much more recently than Mondale‘s time.

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While I am in agreement we need to shrink the size of government, It is wrong to equate the ideas of Trump-Vance with Harris/Walz. The Democrats support the globalist corporotocacy and a vision of a two class system of elites and everyone else. They spend to make everyone else dependent of them and their corporate masters. The Trump-Vance ideas are to get government to aid the return to independent American self-sufficiency. Just cutting all government and spending will not get this done. Cutting has to be done surgically while other areas need growth and enhancement. The long-term goal is to eliminate social spending replaced by a growing self-sufficient working American middle class.

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I agree Erick cut government size and spending I’ve said that since I was old enough to vote when your depending on the state to provide everything you will wind up with nothing

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You can never trust a politician. They will always disappoint you. Donald Trump will be no different, probably worse.

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We had a term with Trump. Financially I was better off, Russia was not in a massive invasion of Ukraine , Iran was almost broke because of the enforcement of the sanctions and the border was under control.

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My net worth has increased about 30% in the last 4 years but that’s irrelevant to me when it comes to political calculus. It might be down 30% in the next 4 years regardless of who wins the election.

As the saying goes, past performance is not indicative of future results. The elephant in the room regarding the possible next Donald Trump administration is who in the hell is he going to get to fill cabinet and other executive office positions?

Answer? Sycophants.

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Myorcus, Buttigig, Blinken, Garland? I’ll take sycophants if competent No one in this administration seems to have a clue

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“IF” is a very important qualifier. Some “due diligence” should be done on whomever he nominates.

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Re: "The future of the GOP looks too much like Walter Mondale’s vision for America and Americans rejected that in a landslide once."

Point taken..... but 1984 was a long time ago, in a completely different America.

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Let us all be Nathans and keep the people in power aware of their sins.

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Erick, I fear those of us who want much smaller government are becoming dinosaurs. Everything I look at seems to be already disastrous, or bordering upon it. However, we still have to try to make the best choice we can, and there is no option. It has to be Trump, because Harris is completely unacceptable. We must keep praying--but you already know that.

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For everyone listing all the "reasons to vote for Kammala" because she isn't Trump, please use the space beneath this post to list every way that Kamala is the superior choice as the Chief Guardian of the Constitution of the United States of America. And don't attack me or my request, don't put words in my mouth. None of you know me. I genuinely want to see your reasons, your impeccable logic, for deeming her as the best choice.

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Let me add just one more thing for those who would acknowledge all the negative points that I made below about Trump, but nevertheless like his policy positions and job performance while he was in office. Understand that I am not comparing Donald Trump to Hitler. Rather, I am simply using the latter to illustrate my point.

A great many Germans who lived through the rampant inflation and political turmoil of the 1920s would have been pretty pleased with Hitler's job performance as of say, 1938. The trains ran on time. Everybody was working. The nation was prosperous and at peace. Hitler's character, however, was revealed in his virulent antisemitism. Those who looked past that, due to support for his policy results, did so at their ultimate peril.

Character matters.

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We need our leaders to put our interests first. During the pandemic, while thousands of Americans were dying from Covid every day, Trump was bringing his supporters together in political rallies, in blatant disregard of public health considerations.

Herman Cain attended one of Trump's rallies, contracted Covid shortly thereafter and then died, but Covid was not fatal for everyone who contracted it. People who survived passed it on to others, and when someone in the chain of transmission was particularly vulnerable, that was the person who didn't survive. So in addition to Herman Cain (and no doubt others who attended a Trump rally, unnamed but just as dead), some number of people who caught Covid from someone who caught Covid at a Trump rally, died because Trump put his own interests in getting reelected before the health interests not just of the American people generally, but indeed, the health interests of HIS OWN SUPPORTERS.

As concerns our prosperity during Trump's administration, there can be no dispute that his tax cuts substantially increased the national debt. If you will just hand me your credit card, I guarantee you that I can show you a really good time. Eventually, however, the bill will come due and you will have to pay it. The same goes for the good financial time that we had under Trump, and charged to the national credit card.

And although Blair touched upon this extensively in his response, there may be no more pernicious attack on American democracy than to call into question the integrity of its elections without just cause. The implicit social contract, to the effect that whomever wins the election gets to govern, could be more foundational to American democracy than the Constitution itself. As Erick has pointed out, some amount of chicanery has occurred in every national election that this country has ever held. The question is always whether there was enough of it to have affected the outcome.

The answer to that question was probably yes in 1960, but Richard Nixon cared enough about the country to realize the severe and lasting damage that he would have been doing to American democracy if he were to undermine people's confidence in the electoral process. Trump doesn't care! Even at this point when the answer to that question (of whether there were enough irregularities to have affected the outcome) is quite clearly no, he keeps doing it. Indeed, undermining confidence in our elections is precisely what he is trying to do.

Finally, character matters. The President of the United States should be someone our children can look up to. With every blatant lie that Trump tells, they learn that lying is OK The example of Donald Trump tells them they can be found liable for sexually assaulting someone, liable for fraudulent business practices, and even guilty of committing 34 felonies . . . and still become President. The character of this man is so utterly lacking that I would not want him to date my daughter, much less be President of the United States.

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I'll take the bait here Raymond and engage with you on this as it is a really simple answer. There is significant evidence of Trump's many attempts to shred the constitution to stay in power after losing an election / his rampant criminality and there isn't evidence of Kammal doing anything similar. That is all. Please see a small sampling of the evidence below (mostly directly from source vs. from biased media).

Some of the ways in which Trump & Co. illegally tried to end democracy in 2020 include: Trying to coerce secretaries of states and governors to throw him the election in their states, listen to the recorded call with Brad Raffensberger below (after Brad refused to go along with the scheme Trump recruited a primary challenger and tried to oust Brad as retribution for not going along).

Recruiting slates of fake electors in several states to fraudulently submit false documents on his behalf attempting to defraud the government, see source docs below.

Pressuring Pence to thrown out the electoral college and unilaterally make him President, hear Pence discuss this directly below. Also, Trump sat on his hands for 4 hours while a mob roamed the capital with zipties trying to hang Pence

Trumps full audio call with Raffensberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhBxg17QqZ4

Fake electors submissions: https://www.archives.gov/foia/2020-presidential-election-unofficial-certificates

Giuliani admitting in court filing that he made false statements about Ruby Freeman (which formed the basis for much of Trumps coercing of Raffensberger in audio above): https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.238720/gov.uscourts.dcd.238720.84.2.pdf

Pence directly on what Trump tried to get him to do (you make your own judgement on who has a better reputation for honesty between Pence and Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tglap7tGwHg

In addition to the anti democratic and illegal actions above you can get a sense of his disregard for the law and rampant criminality by looking at the cooperation of his Mar A Lago IT person Yuscil Taveras (Trump Employee 4) and messages between his staff of idiots cited in the court document below. This was after Taveras dropped the Trump paid lawyer and got his own to free him to tell about Trump's wanton lawlessness in obstructing justice in the FL docs case.


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Is there a way to “Like” Blair’s comment 100 times? Dead on. And backed with facts.

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