Erick thanks for this. I'm older and have seen a heard a lot during my life....and frankly I seldom get emotional over the tragedy of this sinful world. I have feelings of course....but seldom "get worked up". But watching this entire video just ruined my day and most likely my month. Your thoughtful assessment of what happened and how we should see and respond to it as Christians is most appreciated. Lord Jesus come quickly.


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Erick I wept with Jesus on this one. I can’t watch the video anymore. He was crying out for his mother. I have an adult son. I will never unhear Tyree’s calling his mother.

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"He was stopped for reckless driving, and they beat him to death." Incomplete. He was stopped after a high speed chase, where he reportedly swerved in and out of oncoming traffic. [Why is the dashboard cam not released?] According to carefully edited camera work he then exited his car screaming and wrestling with the police. Then he was unjustly beaten to death by men overworked and frazzled by a surreal system to the point that leads to war crimes. This was My Lai in Memphis.

Of course the cops are guilty of overreaction up to the point of second degree murder, but why is the blame always on "the system" only? Why is there no outrage in the racial grievance industrial complex at the abandonment of personal responsibility by these thugs? Why doesn't Al Sharpton ask people not to spit on, raise their hands to, or get belligerent with police? Why doesn't Erick Erickson?

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Here’s the thing that I disagree with Erick on. Yes we will never know if he would have done nothing he would be alive. We don’t know that.

But I do know from experience. If the blue lights go on and someone calmly pulls over and complies with orders. 100% of the time nothing happens.

This happens 1000 times a day.

And ten thousand black individuals get pulled over in a day they don’t run and they stay alive.

The cops deserve their punishment. No amount of fleeing or evading police justifies that. None.

But the facts are facts. In my opinion I disagree.

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Let me add I may not have seen as much of the video as Erick - I've only seen what was aired on CNN. If a more complete version is out there and will change my perception I am willing to be corrected.

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Besides being a ludicrous assertion, naming white supremacy as a reason for this tragedy is lazy, and most likely disingenuous. Apparently these officers were hired after a reduction in hiring requirements. Manpower issues for police has obviously been made very difficult in the current environment. Work the problem and drop the stupid narrative. If an officer displays a lack of self-control, as was true in the George Floyd travesty, fire him. Train these men and women to de-escalate quickly. Prune the bad apples quickly. Burning the nation down over policing errors is done by those with a long-game agenda, whose hearts are not for actual reform.

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I concur that evil exists in everyone’s heart and the police should be charged, tried, and if convicted punished to the full extent of the law. But what continues to be missed is this is a Democrat-fueled problem which they try to obscure with the nonsense of white supremacy and systemic racism and which seemingly everyone let’s them get away with. The party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws and directed abortion at blacks is primarily responsible for this. The mayor of Memphis like the mayor of Minneapolis where George Floyd was killed are Democrats. They have allowed this kind of lawlessness both by the police and the populace to happen. They’ve pursued policies which have helped strip black families of the restraining influence of fathers and promoted incompetent people to positions of power - see the black female police chief of Memphis whom I understand was fired from her position in Atlanta. While we go back and forth searching for systemic racism and white supremacy we ignore the oldest and largest racist organization in the US - the Democrat Party.

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"The Great American Lie, which says sexism causes economic inequality, and Fair Play, about women who want to do less housework."

Great. California taxpayers paying for the woke indoctrination of their children.

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There must be more to this story. What was on the minds of the policemen who beat this young man to death. Years ago the police department here had an incident. Not just like the Nashville police depart. but of being at the wrong place at the wrong time for the wrong reason. I am not sure about the details

but I think it was dealt with by more training. Our town is a small town with small town police on the force. We haven't had an incident sense involving our police. Dan

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I read somewhere on twitter that an "inside" source was saying that Tyre had some type of interaction with one of the police officer's wife. The officer and his buddies on the squad pulled him over to send a "message" and it got out of hand. Pure rumor...but sounds plausible.

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Suggest we lift our eyes upward and observe how much economic et al power is shifting from the U.S. to China and front and center, Russia.


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Thanks for this perspective.

At this moment there are lessons to be learned, such as in the strength and grace of his mom, who resisted the race baiting and called for peace.

God bless his family, and his soul.

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We have heard numerous news outlets say exactly that, when describing the actions taken by the officers. As to the latter, since you describe yourself as a former Christian, your quest for truth will be difficult. Much like trying to learn a foreign language while thinking in your native tongue.

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Good post. I understand that two of the officers were hired by the Memphis PD after hiring standards were lowered because of mass retirement and trouble recruiting after the Democrat BLM and defund cops movement. The fact that all parties here are black and yet the left MSM and political chattering class either ignore it or twist it for their left woke agenda should be THE story now. THAT is the manifestation of a kind of evil the perpetrates the tragedies of black on black violence. These sinners desire these stories to exploit for their own political power and wealth. And so they work in subtle ways to make sure the stories continue.

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Hmmm... I think liberals should have the same concerns that Erick and many of us have about conservatives. You do not point to a football player who almost dies on the field and blame Covid (unless you have proof). And you do not point at 5 black police officers who beat a black man to death and call that racism. You can talk about police reform and in this case, you should. But that doesn't mean you talk about defunding the police. You lose (here it comes) credibility with people who can see with their own eyes what happened here.

And while I agree that you NEVER run from the police; that does not give the police the excuse to literally beat you to death.

So it comes down to this. Do you want some good to come out of this? If you truly do, you talk about reforms and how you continue to work to prevent this from happening. Through training, through hiring, through quality and diversity (obviously was no help here) and you spend the money to work hard to get this right.

What you don't do; is try to use this to push your ideology. With the exception of the more extreme, you lose a lot more than you gain.

Just my opinion, but those who jumped on the racism theme, are more interested in themselves (Erick's point of narcism is 100% so valid), then this poor man being beat to death and any real fixes in doing so.

This is just sad all the way around.

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The "everything is the result of "white supremacy" narrative is pushed because it makes race hustlers money. It is a cottage industry no different than the Lincoln Project, paid political operatives, etc. It is used to get sound bites, clicks, interviews, articles, TV guest spots. It makes the hustlers wealthy and ultimately drive fund raising for democrats. It is a "complex" like the military industrial complex. As long as it makes money it will never end.

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Very well said. Excellent explanation.

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As a former Christian, now a Deist with Buddhist sympathies I don’t have an explanation for such behavior. But I reject the one you’re attempting on foist on all non-believers.

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You have not explained what it is that you are rejecting. Are opposed to the idea that the cloak of white supremacy is being cast over the officers or Erick’s suggestion God is the ultimate judge of those officers?

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The former for sure. I’m have my doubts about the latter.

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There’s no correct or right answer in this. Police are super careful and lenient these days and criminals are hyper emboldened.

If the cop takes things too casual he could be shot or killed or worse.

Too strict and he could laid up with murder charges or fired.

That is based on the reactions of the liberals who see this and label all police the same. So society thinks that way.

Goes back to a media problem. Instead of focusing on the problem, the cops excessive use of force, they turn it into a political football. And antifa doesn’t help.

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