
How is the Jean Carroll lawsuit, funded by Democrats, supposed to hurt Donald Trump? I mean, really. The man was caught on video talking about how women would let him grab them by their…you know… and he still won a presidential election.

A lawsuit funded by Democrats in New York City about events that happened decades ago and rejected the central accusation of rape will not be what does in Donald Trump. But don’t tell the Democrats. They believe, epistemically, that this is the beginning of the end of Donald Trump. See the video above. We’ve been promised the beginning of the end since he got elected when they said there was no way he could be elected.

Grabbing women didn’t stop his election. Adultery did not stop him. Porn stars did not stop him. This will not stop Donald Trump. Neither will Alvin Bragg’s silly prosecution that even Democrats roll their eyes at.

If anything, this helps him advance in the GOP. A party with a persecution complex will stand behind the persecuted-in-chief. Liz Cheney running ads in New Hampshire might as well be an in-kind contribution to Trump to secure the Republican nomination.

And, Democrats, before you all reassure yourselves that Biden can beat him, are you sure? Don’t look now, but the Washington Post/ABC News poll shows more Americans think Trump is the one more mentally fit for office. Trump beats Biden among all Americans.

You can say this is a one-off poll, a bad poll, a skewed poll, etc., but it is the Washington Post-ABC News poll by a respected pollster, and Democrats cited the same polling in 2022 as proof they were on the rebound. And they were.

We are headed into tough economic times and a recession. Biden is screwing up the border like he screwed up Afghanistan. He’s heading us off a fiscal cliff, refusing to negotiate on the debt ceiling after the GOP already voted to raise it.

Jean Carroll’s lawsuit is not going to stop Trump and just might help him get the nomination. And the economy could put him over the line in the general.

We’ve got a bunch of clown princes of crap clowning up the political space letting their personal vanities, vendettas, and egos get in the way of an effective strategy. All of them seem intent on throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks. They want the attention of the pundits, not the public.

There is a way to take out Trump. But it has to come from the right. I’m not sure anyone is up for it. But there is a guy in Florida who can legitimately say Donald Trump failed to build a wall in four years, but he built a bridge in a day.

There are governors who stood up to Dr. Fauci as Donald Trump platformed Fauci. There are those who refused long shutdowns when Trump demanded them. There are those who fought against the mandates for a vaccine Trump funded. There are those who successfully fought back against the DEI nonsense that the Trump Administration let fester in Washington.

Or consider the fishermen in New England headed to the Supreme Court. The Commerce Department is making these fishermen pay $700.00 a day for monitors on their boats who will spy on and report on the fishermen. These federal monitors are making more per day than the fishermen. The Trump Administration approved the rule that financially breaks these working-class fishermen — a rule Obama started, Trump finished and Biden is now defending.

There are plenty of ways to attack Trump, but the clown princes of crap don’t seem to know or care how to engage. They’re suing him in dumb cases. They’re attacking him in ways that help him. And they’re performatively humping his leg and genuflecting in his direction even as they claim they want to beat him.

Donald Trump could very well beat Joe Biden in a rematch. The economy performed better under Trump. Biden went too woke and is even older and bumbling. The insanity of Trump is already factored into people’s minds. You pour into people’s minds a broken economy they did not have under Trump, and he has a path to victory. This is from the New York Times:

“Joe Biden is asking the country to elect a candidate who will be 82 years old, who has clearly lost a step, running with a vice president whom almost no one in either party thinks is ready for prime time.”

If you want to stop him, it must be from the right in a Republican primary to ensure he is stopped. There is a way, but the attacks must be on the substance of his record in Washington, not the character we already know he lacks.

The only way the lawsuits hurt is a steady drip, drip, drip that distracts him, consumes him, and costs him so much money that he cannot effectively compete. Even then, just consider from the ABC polling that 18% of people who want Trump in jail also prefer him to Biden for President.

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