I'm seeing a new ad from Warnock that says, "Voting, in a sense, is like a prayer," implying that if you vote for Walker you're an evil heathen.

How disgusting. And this guy calls himself, "Reverend." Don't know where he got his degree... but its about meaningless as AOC's Business degree from Boston College.

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He posted on Twitter: It's really important to vote. A vote is a kind of prayer for the world we desire for ourselves and for our children. And out prayers are stronger when we pray together.

I responded No. A vote is nothing like a prayer. A vote is a desire for one's own will and when taken collectively can enact change. Prayer is worship of the Creator who is wholly unlike humans. Voting is important but it is not prayer.

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Of course, to be honest, I'll definitely be saying a prayer Walker wins when I cast my vote for him.

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Well said!!

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Gave a donation. Meanwhile, let's find common ground with our fellow Americans. No one should chose death (child) as a solution to any problem. If we gave a fraction of the money spent to rile people up about abortion, on both sides, towards supporting more ADOPTION, I think it could begin to be an area of common ground. Just keep bringing it up...as far as "banning" abortion, that needs to be incremental. Take each compromise as it comes...that's how the Constitution was created.

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Erick, great article today. I consider myself a Christian first, a conservative second, and way down the list a Republican. I am a republican because they are closer to my beliefs than democrats are but I do find myself not liking politicians of either stripe.

At this time of year, it is important for all of us to be thankful for the blessings that God has given us as a nation and as an individual. I pray for you to have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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Thanks, for giving us this. I appreciate the honest truth. God bless you, your family and staff this Thanksgiving week.

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Dear Mr. Erickson, here’s wishing you and your family the very best Thanksgiving.

If politicians weren’t always trying to get re-elected and still believed in what thy they first ran for office Washington wouldn’t be such a rat hole.

My happy place is my church. It’s my sanctuary (no pun intended). Our Pastor knocked it out of the park this morning. Ashlandtrinity.org all of his sermons are on line , Pastor Kevin McClain. His sermons are inspiring. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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We are Easter people. The reading today in Colossians: He is the image of the invisible God,

the firstborn of all creation.

For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth,

the visible and the invisible,

whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers;

all things were created through him and for him.

He is before all things,

and in him all things hold together.

He is the head of the body, the church.

He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead,

that in all things he himself might be preeminent.

For in him all the fullness was pleased to dwell,

and through him to reconcile all things for him,

making peace by the blood of his cross

through him, whether those on earth or those in heaven. I am going to live like this.

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We had the same reading in our church! Now, did you have 2 readings from Luke and one from Jeremiah as well?

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I’m Catholic and we had 2nd Samuel, Psalm 122, Matt 11 and Luke 23.

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I’m already sicken by the isles upon isles of Christmas decorations. They do nothing to glorify the Shepherd. The same with the gifts. He only got three.

We need term limits to get rid of the self centered parasites in government. They can live in their districts so that they can be accessible to their constituency and vote electronically. We have zero problems with the voting machines so they can’t argue that their vote was changed (Sarcasm).

The past two years have been tough and the future doesn’t look brighter considering who is in charge and who controls them. Be the bright light in someone’s dismal day. Do an uncalled for kindness for people, friend or stranger. You might be the only one who does.

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Thank you for this.

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Outstanding Erick. I really enjoy your articles but this one is one of the best. Happy Thanksgiving

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I applaud your speaking the truth, Erick. I can only hope that thousands of pastors across America would also be bold enough to use their pulpit to speak truth to their members on issues like abortion, transgenderism and gay marriage, so we could support more candidates with Christian values. Too many pastors try to drive down the middle of the road so they don’t offend anyone and possibly lose members……along with their checkbooks.

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I wish my hard Christian friends would stop with the "life begins at conception and thus I am committed to force a raped woman to carry her unwanted fetus to full term" crusade. At this time of the year I am committed to reaching deeper and further in understanding and empathy for my fellow humans, but I really struggle with this one, no less than I struggle with the same for those that believe there should be unlimited restrictions on abortion up to and including what is clearly infanticide.

It seems that moral sense around this particular topic might be a key to our needed societal healing... and one that should be lead by Christians as they claim the highest moral calling. Unfortunately it will not be a topic around my family table this holiday season because emotions would run too hot; but I will pray that Christians can begin to develop some self-awareness of the couched barbarism inherent in their position... that a woman is a simply vessel for man's seed and could be forced to carry the burden of a pregnancy resulting from being the victim of a violent crime against her.

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I appreciate the position you describe. While I am one of those that does believe "life begins at conception, I am not a "Chriostian Nationalist" who believes Scripture should be legislated and people should be forced to obey a certain belief or set of beliefs.

While I believe God is indeed sovereign--he has a plan and his plan is manifested in what we would call "reality"--not everything in reality pleases him. There is a sovereign will of God which demonstrates what he has allowed (our reality). Yet there is clearly a commanded will, which is what Scripture describes.

Then there is this (which few Christians either possess the wherewithal to discuss or simply choose not to): My choices cannot ever be the Holy Spirit in the life of someone else. I, as a believer, cannot usurp the authority of the Holy Spirit. In my calling, I deliver the mail--what the Bible says. I leave the application, guilt, and outworking up to the Spirit of God to work in other people's lives.

While I may not particularly be comfortable with someone's decision, only God can judge them. I'm here to offer hope and encouragement through teaching God's Word and pointing them to the only person who can ever change any of us.

Frank, may you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas. And BTW, the topics which I cannot discuss with my family....are Legion...!

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Happy Thanksgiving Erick. Great column. If we all just treated each other with love, honesty and respect, our political challenges would take care of themselves.

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