"Charlie Kirk because Kirk is out blasting “Jewish dollars” for funding cultural Marxism. Kirk blanketly blaming Jewish money for some social ill is actually definitionally textbook antisemitism. "

No it is not. And George Soros for example funds the illiberal Marxist march that serves up most of the antisemitic rot we are seeing. Kirk is correct and we should not use the same passive aggressive victim mentality to weave a political defense around reality.

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I’m dreaming Daily Wire will do a remake of Soloman and Sheba, with Ben Shapiro playing King Soloman, and angry Candace Owens as the Queen of Sheba. (The film with Yul Brynner and Gina Lollobrigida is up on YouTube for free. Not a bad watch at all).

Candace inserts her bad self into issues she hasn’t even researched. She doesn’t need to do much research on October 7.

Recall the controversy of the pride flag on the set of “The Chosen.” Candace had not watched The Chosen, but she felt led to chew out anyone with concerns, all because she believed it was a great show. Which she had not yet watched.

Don’t get me started on her meddling in the Steven Avery case. Who even asked her?

Candace is mean to folks. I am feeling bullied right now just thinking about her. 🤣

“God bless us one and all.” -Tiny Tim

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Surprise!! We have a lot of people across the whole political spectrum that either aren't too bright or are pandering to the base level which is so easy to manipulate. There are people willing to give these carnival barkers their ear, their time and their money. This is not be the first time this has occurred. Will not be the last time. I believe William Hearst made a fortune, and blew it, playing to this group of follow the leader.

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Watch the entire Candance Owens podcast (November 6) referenced by Erick, and decide for yourself if she "beclowned" herself. As I've stated multiple times, I'm no fan of Owens. Nevertheless, she is once again being unfairly maligned by Erick. I'm starting to seriously distrust what I read here.


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I watched the entire link you sent and I disagree, she may not be as antisemitic as some trying to thread the needle, but she refused to really listen to him and what is actually happening plus has no real knowledge of Israels history. Her comments that she is not antisemitic because she wants more dialog first ignores the 100's of dialogs in the past, comments on civilian deaths but ignores his comments on who keeps causing them, there was a cease fire on 10/6 Hamas broke it. Her refusal to state that Hamas should surrender, & release hostages. She even kept saying about "the Muslim" quarters in Jerusalem how that made her feel bad they were "forced" to live only there which is not fact plus Christian, Armenian ones to. She would not agree that Israel had the higher moral right to truly protect itself by removing Hamas or the IDF soldiers being killed trying to "protect" Palestinians civilians who Hamas uses as shields again ignoring that Hamas & many Palestinians want and have said they want to kill all Jews and destroy Israel. She even tried to bring up some Hasidic Jews who are anti-Zionist and side with Palestinians like that gives her the right to not fully support Israels right to stop Hamas. He rightly pointed out they were probably the same as the woke whites who bowed down to BLM. I may still agree with her comments on BLM, Antifa etc. but she knows nothing about the reality of what Israelis living under. Even the history of slavery was not about destroying every black life. It is more like what happened to the Native Americans. Chased from place to place, those that did not die forced into Reservations/concentration camps" when they fought back, we killed them eventually we woke up before exterminating them all but many Americans wanted them all gone just as Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and of course Iran want to do. If America lets it happen and it is being to sound like they do America will be next.

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How hard is it to not hate the people of a country that was brutally attacked by heartless terrorists

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Apparently it is very hard for some. And they too are seemingly heartless.

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You can't reason with antisemites because they will sooner or later accuse you of being bought and paid for by the Jews. All their thoughts lead to the same bs conspiracy. It's amazing to me that those on the Right instead of saying what needs to be said and taking a clear stand when parts of the Biden Administration are going wobbly on Israel (and you could argue they got us into this mess) decides to double down on conspiracy theories. It's less about advancing conservatism and more about peddling a grift. Candace should watch the programing of her colleague Ben Shapiro who has been on fire lately making the case for Israel. Sadly, in Ben's own organization they have hardened hearts and stiff necks.

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Ben Shapiro has been nearly perfect on Israel. I haven't missed a podcast since his first after October 7. I literally sat at my desk and cried that day, especially when he sang in Hebrew. Shapiro has managed the ideal combination of emotion, hard facts, and reason with regard to Israel, all while not calling for censorship of dissenting views, as some on the right have.

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Don’t look now, but if last night is a harbinger for 2024 it’s about to be a difficult time in the woods for all conservatives. As bad as things have been under Biden, I can’t imagine thinking ah it’s been wonderful under Biden and give me more of the same- of course I’ll vote for the Democrat.

Yes, Kirk and Candace are imbeciles, and apparently have disdain for the Jews - because? I still don’t understand the Jew hate now and through history - it’s frankly weird, pathetic and sad. The only thing my Christian self can gather is being God’s chosen people in a fallen world and here we are.

Regardless, until Trump is expunged from the Rs - all the nonsense will continue: Owens, Tate, Kirk et al. But , by damn, at least we can abort babies up until 9 months - talk about Hamas like evil…

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Mark my words, in our lifetime the progressives will begin the discussion about “abortion” days and weeks after the birth of the baby. I mean heck, try out for a while if it doesn’t work out abort it. They’ve already proven they have no regard for living babies.

Jesus is coming soon and he ain’t happy.

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That is what they will claim is "progress"

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Thank you again Erick for covering the different areas that we are experiencing in todays society. But it also just boils down to what the Bible tells us in Matt:24: 9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

And today we see this as His people are attack in Israel. So please all you readers of all the excellent coverage that Erick is giving us, keep in mind that "He is coming, and coming soon" so we need to all get ready for that day.

Blessings to you Erick and your family

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It’s too bad that someone doesn’t choke when bullish…t comes out of their mouth.

I propose a new law that unless you are a resident of that state you cannot donate to the campaign for that state’s issues. I know this is off topic but I’m so disappointed in Ohio voters for listening to the lies and passing issue 1. Whatever happened to the truth? The US as we knew it is gone.

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No matter what polls say anywhere, we keep seeing that the American people are so hell bent on being able to kill unborn children that they will vote for people who sexualize their kids, are both anti American and anti-Semite, will destroy their local economies by not prosecuting crime and allowing homeless camps everywhere, rampant open drug use and sales and indoctrinating kids at all levels of "education". And here we are reading a tirade against Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk. Clearly there are not enough thinking humans in this country to save it. We have tipped over the edge.

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Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk are grifters. I do not understand why The Daily Wire continues to keep Candace as part of their team. She and Kirk are smug and obnoxious, not conservative. Thank you for continuing to call them, and TPUSA, out.

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I'm no fan of Owens, Kirk, or TPUSA. Also, this piece mischaracterizes Candace Owens' conclusion after debating Ami Kozak.


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This? Candace owens again?

Erick. The nation just gave the dems a thumbs up in Kentucky and Virginia once again proving the polls wrong. This after the dems clearly showed they hate Israel and love Iran. After Talib and even Biden making antisemitic remarks And 80% of the Jews voted dem on Tuesday. And THIS is what you choose to talk about?

Our nation after last night is in the scrap hole right now.

If last night was not evidence enough that trump will lose if he’s the nominee then I don’t know.

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This is just astounding to me. First, we’ve always known that some Republicans are actually on left, so we can lump them in with the Democrats. But among those on the left, the Democrat Party has all but eliminated their entire platform and replaced it with identity politics, and then have used false accusations of racism and other prejudices as cudgels to squelch debate from those on the right. But now, what we on the right have always known is manifest for the world: the most vile, evil bigotry, hatred and racism are almost entirely a product of the left.

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I used to like Candace. But between this & recent comments she made about the moon landing cause me to wonder. Is she simply lacking intelligence or willfully ignorant?!?

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Candace is an idiot on some issues, but her debate with Ami Kozak is worth watching in its entirety.


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Wrong is wrong; it matters not the source.

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