The Left in this country gets more and more sick with each passing day. People on the Right are nearing their own breaking point with it. Don't be surprised when prominent Left-wingers start getting whacked... then it will be a tit-for-tat, back-and-forth which will be very difficult to put a stop to.

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Here’s the thing. The left incites violence but not just with fists bombs and Molotov cocktails.

They also violently shove their agenda into every nook and cranny of television and media.

We all remember the drivel of Acolyte, well sorry to say but the most recent Skeleton crew is also basically the Ack-olyte with children.

I hope Erick addresses that show in the same tone he did against that travesty of a show.

I was suckered into the first two episodes only for the two mommy’s storyline so common in Disney lefty’s vision to ruin it all. I was going to see Moana 2 but now no way.

Back to the point of the article. The left is violent as is the extreme right. But there is a difference.

When the left turns violent their casualties list is often very long or very high in impact.

While in the past you had assassinations against minorities perpetrated by white supremicists now it’s the left against everyone else.

Move or talk the way they don’t like and you might find yourself at the wrong end of a gun barrel.

They infect not just the streets and give a platform to the mentally deranged they try to inject corruption into the media as well.

Trying to kill the mind as much as the body.

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I read a book about revolutions. All revolutions require violence. The woke progressives understand this and are willing to use violence and the power of the state (if they can obtain it) to change society. Hence FBI raids, riots, and targeted murders. Does the progressive Left leadership know this and are actively pursuing a process of violence? Or are the AOC's of the world just ignorent of Western social evolution. The French revolution. The American Civil war. The American revolution. The English civil war. Plus alot more. All were periods of violence specifically to change the social order. It does not matter which side you support, violence is just a part of the revolution.

Obama was elected. His primary accomplishment was ObamaCare. The left wants universal healthcare. He had 60 Senate seats and a house majority. He had to push ObamaCare based on the instituional structure of or Federalist Consititutional Republic.

Will the American Republic decide to change course? They elected Trump and gave him a slight Majority of the vote (or did that change as CA and PA kept counting votes?). They gave him control of the Senate and the HOuse (barely). But is it enough to fix healthcare and ObamaCare? Enough to give the American voters confidence in Trumps leadership? We shall see if Trump is rewarded in 23 months when we vote for the House again.

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Theirs is not a revolution. It’s a protest and yes there’s a difference.

When America revolted and yearned to be free. They didn’t burn down their own cities. They picked up arms and defended them. They didn’t seek out British sympathizers and murder then and their family. They went to the battlefield and killed British soldiers not innocent civilians.

This is not a revolt. This is a cult group trying to destroy democracy.

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You can see it coming; sooner or later, nutjobs on the right are going to start fighting back, knocking off members of the left. And the result of all this will finally start the Second Civil War.

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Once that type of thing gets going, it becomes very difficult to stop.

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But oh my heavens, they sure raise holy hell when a white guy protects a subway car full of people of different races and nationalities from a mentally-ill Black man.

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See: AOC. Daniel Penny is the person to fear. SMH

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I saw an x-ray of Butthead Mangione's rebuilt back. Mine is identical, fusion with instrumentation of L3-L4-L5. Done in 1989. Since that date, my lower back has never been pain-free, but before said surgery I could only walk about 100 yards before having to sit (or lie) down and rest until the pain subsided.

Post-surgery I have enjoyed years of productive work in jobs that required long hours standing, lifting, and carrying. I've never felt the need to off the surgeon, or the insurer, because my treatment fell short of "perfection". But then, I didn't go to an Ivy League university, eiither.

It's called the PRACTICE of medicine for a reason. Medicine is not perfect, not a science, more of an art. Pain is a component of this earthly physical life. Freedom of pain comes with entry into heaven as a believer in the substitutionary sacrifice made for us by Jesus.

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Exactly my husband’s situation and no doubt many others. Never completely pain free.

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Hello Erick: On another topic, I heard you talking about modern architecture in Catholic cathedrals not being up to par with that of Notre Dame. One huge exception is The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. It was started 100 years ago and is due to be completed in 2026. I have visited many cathedrals in Europe and until visiting this one I felt the same as you about the modern versus the Gothic or Rennaissance. This one changed my mind. Absolutely stunning!

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Sagrada Familia has many elements of a gothic cathedral. The rib arches in a gothic cathedral combined with the flying buttress allowed thinner walls to support the Roof. Thus a gothic cathedral has much more natural light from the much larger windows. The Sagrada Familia takes the rib arches to a different level removing more weight in the structure and making the overall expereince quite different.

So prior to 1200 churches were Romanesque. These had massive walls to hold up massive roofs as you increased the height and widthe of the ceiling. The roof would push the walls down and out, hence you needed much thicker walls the higher and wider the interior of the building.

After 1200, the masons figured out they could use arches and support collumns to trasnfer the weight of the roof out and away from the walls. As the math of archetiture improved, more weight could be removed from the struture and hence more light entere the inner spaces of the building. The structure appears to float because you could precisely trasfer weight from the roof to the ground without buckling the structure.

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The Romans learned the arch from the Etruscans and began using it in the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE. Although they did not invent it (as many people believe), the Romans were the first to utilize it to its full potential.

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